Chapter Nineteen: Abrakadanger

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Edited: 09/09/2022

Liam POV

All of us walk into school, and saw Preston.

"Hey, Pres." Hayley greeted.

"Hey." Preston said. "Guys, check it out. It's from Princess Viera. From the Lion Galaxy" He said, showing us the package.

"How did it get here?" Hayley asked.

"Attention, please." Victor said, standing on the stage. "It's been one year since the school's tennis contest, and incase you forgot I was amazing." He said, as Monty turned on the screen. The screen just showed a small montage as people clapped. "My opponent on the other hand, wasn't." He said, as the screen showed Hayley.

"I had a bad day." Hayley said, as Calvin wrapped his arm around Hayley.

"Whoa, they made Hayley look bad." Beau whispered.

"Ah, what a match. They say it was the worst in school history." Victor said. "So, who dares to face me, this year?" He asked, and no one answered. "Fine, then. I humbly accept this year's trophy right now." He said.

Principal Hastings grabs the trophy, and was about to hand it to Victor.

"I'll play you again." Hayley said, standing between Victor and Principal Hastings.

Some of the students gasped.

"You want that to happen again?" Victor questioned, looking at the screen.

"This time I'm prepared. Trust me, that won't happen again." Hayley said.

"Whoa." Some student said.

"This years tennis match will be today at lunchtime. See you on the court." Principal Hastings said, as she leaves.

"See you on the court." Victor said to Hayley, and left.

"Kick his butt!" Beau said.


All of us are now in the base.

"Hey, guys! Viera sent us the Lion Fire Ninja Stars! What are these?" Preston asked, as he picks up a book and a wand.

"Wow, cool! Now we can use these when we need some extra firepower." Calvin said.

"She sent you a wand." Brody said to Preston.

"Yeah, and, an old spellbook." Preston said, as he flip the page.

"They came with an intergalactic message disk." Mick said, he puts it on the table, and pressed the button, as Viera appeared.

"Greetings, Rangers." Princess Viera said.

"Woah, it's Princess Viera." Hayley said.

"I return to you the Ninja Stars which controls the Lion Fire Zord and Armor, and I have a gift for Preston from the treasure room of the Lion Galaxy. It's an ancient book of advanced magic spells and the Dragon Wand that goes with it. Preston, this magic is quite advanced. To master it, you must start at the beginning of the book and learn each spell in order. No matter what, do not skip ahead. I hope these are useful. Farewell, Rangers." Princess Viera said, as the message ended.

"I can't wait to try these out." Preston said, as he walks away.


All of us got to the field, as Preston and Hayley were practicing. Preston with his magic, while Hayley with her tennis.

"Hey, great backhand, Hayley." Sarah said.

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