Chapter Three: Live and Learn

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Edited: 24/08/2022

Narrator POV

At High School, Redbot and Mick are seen forging new Ninja Power Stars, with Brody looking on. After Mick throws the newly forged star made from the Ninja Steel into the Ninja Nexus Prism, a newly-created star emerges from the Prism with Mick giving the unknown star to Brody.

Mick presents the newly-created star and similar ones like it as the Element Stars to the Rangers, telling them as well that Galvanax is sending more powerful monsters and that they're going to need them. Brody proceeds to hand out the Element Stars to the other Rangers, telling them that the basic elements of nature are their weapons. Calvin attempts to test the Element Star in its Water Mode, but not realizing that he did it wrong, the Ninja Star Blade sprays water everywhere, blasting Calvin, who is still holding the Ninja Star Blade, into a pile of junk at the junkyard. After Calvin fails to test Water Mode properly, Brody asks the remaining Rangers about who wants to test Fire Mode, scaring the Rangers off, leaving Brody and Mick alone in the junkyard.

In the base, Preston, Calvin, Hayley, Sarah and Liam prepares to head to class, helping Brody prepare for his first day of high school. While the Rangers head off to class, Brody stays behind, telling the other Rangers he'll catch up, only to be notified by his Datacom that Spinferno is going to attack Summer Cove Plaza, the time Galaxy Warriors airs on TV, with Mick noticing that his Datacom is still connected to the Warrior Dome's computer. Not wanting to disturb the other Rangers, who are studying for a quiz, Brody goes off on his own to confront Spinferno.

In the plaza, a Buzzcam arrives in preparation for Spinferno's arrival, which he does a moment later. After telling the Galaxy Warriors' audience through a Buzzcam about his plan for the Rangers, Brody arrives to fight Spinferno, who did not anticipate Brody showing up so soon. Brody proceeds to fight Spinferno, who relies on his Datacom during the battle. Brody soon realizes that he is going to be late for class, not realizing that a bystander was recording the battle on his phone.

Liam POV

Preston, Calvin, Hayley, Sarah and I appeared where Brody, Mick and Redbot are. Redbot opened up a case with newly-made Ninja Stars in them. Mick told us they're called Element Stars and that Galvanax is sending more powerful monsters, so that we're gonna need them.

"My dad always says the ninja is one with their surrounding." Brody said as he picks one up. "Fire, Water, Earth, Forest, Metal. The basic elements of nature are our weapons." He continued as he hands us one by one.

"Let's give this a go." Calvin said excitedly. He walked to a space to try it out. "Lock In! Element Star! Ninja Water Attack!" Calvin shouted, but nothing happened. Suddenly his Blade shoots out water and he crashed into the Junkpile.

"So much for water mode." Brody said. "So who else wants to try fire mode?" He said, turning around and found no one there.


We are now back at the Ranger Base.

"Hey, we need to get to class early so we can practice for the quiz." Sarah said, as her, Preston, Calvin, Hayley and I packed our bags. "You're gonna do well on your first day of High school." She said to Brody while I stood next to her.

"You guys go ahead I'll catch up." Brody said.

"Kay." Sarah said.

"See you." I added.

And we left the base.


All of us are at class, and watching the video of Brody fighting the monster Spinferno alone.

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