Chapter Eighteen: Monkey Business

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Edited: 04/09/2022

Beau POV

Hayley and I were walking toward school.

"Wait up!" I heard Calvin called. He honks his jeep's horn, as he arrives. "Morning." He greeted.

"You're late." Hayley said.

"Yeah, very late." I said.

"Sorry, I overslept." Calvin said, as he stop next to us. "Come on, get in. We'll give you a ride to school." He said.

"We're already at school." Hayley said.

"Yeah, it's literally right in front of us." I said.

"Right." Calvin said.

"Can't you be more reliable?" Hayley said.

"You always say you love me just the way I am." Calvin said.

"Fine, we'll get in." Hayley said, as we enter his car.

"Gosh, you two are ridiculous." I said.

"Really?" Hayley said. "Just wait until you get a boyfriend, I already know who it is."

"No, you don't." I denied.

"Yes, I do." Hayley said.

"Who is it?" Calvin asked, as we laughed. "Guys?"

Liam POV

We were at the entrance, as we wait for Beau, Calvin and Hayley.

"Morning guys." Brody greeted.

"I'd say someone overslept." Preston said.

Hayley was upset.

Beau made an uncomfortable face.

"Stop, stop she's so mad at me." Calvin told Preston.

"Student body elections, interesting." Hayley said, and Principal Hastings appeared.

"That's right! You would make a good president, Hayley. You should run." Principal Hastings said, handing Hayley the clipboard and pen.

"Yeah, I should." Hayley said, as she wrote her name. 

"Interested in running for President, Calvin?" Principal Hastings asked, as Hayley coughed.

"Well-" Calvin started to say.

"The President needs to get things done, Calvin is too laid back. He can't even pick Beau and me up on time." Hayley said.

"Ooh!" All of us said.

"Too laid back?" Calvin questioned.

"Yeah." Hayley replied.

"Can't get things done?" Calvin questioned again.

"Yep." Hayley replied.

"Hmm, well... How's that for getting something done?" Calvin asked, as he wrote his name down. "I'm gonna run for President, too." He said.

"You? Really?" Hayley asked. 

"Yep." Calvin replied, popping the 'p'.

"Well, you're on, boyfriend." Hayley said, as she they shook hands.

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