Chapter Fifteen: The Royal Rival

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Edited: 29/08/2022

Liam POV

"Now for Sarah and Liam's presentation." Mrs. Finch announced.

Sarah and I pushed a covered cart in front of the class, and Sarah grabs everyone's attention.

"Are you sick of cookies being a 'sometimes' food?" Sarah said.

"Do you want to eat them for every meal without your mom getting mad? Well..." I said, and we pull off the cover, revealing a pink and green cookie maker.

"Ta-da! Our business project is Sarah & Liam's Cookie Creator. You can put any food you want in here and a delicious, healthy cookie will come out of here." Sarah said.

"Who wants to give it a try?" I asked, and Victor stood up.

"Victor, of course." Sarah said.

"Really? Delicious cookies from any food? I highly doubt that." Victor said, as he stood next to the machine. "Give me your lunch, Monty." He said, as he snaps his fingers.

Monty stood up, he held his bag, and shook his head. Victor gestures Monty to come over, and stood next to him.

"My mom made it." Monty said, when he reached Victor.

"Let's see, what's on the menu today." Victor said, as he pulled out a sardine. "Sardines." He said, as he puts it into the mix, and everyone in the class groaned in disgust.

"Broccoli." Victor said, as he puts it in. "And yummy... a liver sandwich." He said, as more students groaned, while Sarah and I gagged. "Let's see if you guys contraption make that delicious." He said.

"Okay." Sarah and I said, as we started the machine.

A cookie with broccoli on top came out of it.

"Here you go." Sarah said, handing Victor the cookie.

"Here you go." Victor said, giving Monty the cookie, as he took a bite of it.

"Hey, that's kinda good." Monty said, and Victor took it and take a bite of it.

"It's really good." Victor said.

"Sarah, Liam, I think that the public will really love you guys business idea." Mrs. Finch told us.

"Thank you." Sarah and I said, as we pushed the Cookie Maker away.


"Welcome to Sarah and Liam's Cookie Creator." Sarah and I said.

"Cool. Wow those looks amazing." A customer said, as cookies comes out of our machine.

"Okay, carrot and chicken cookies to-go." Sarah said, handing the customer the bag of cookies.

"That will be three dollars. Thanks." Calvin said, as the woman handed him the money, and went away.

"Hey, what are Victor and Monty up to now?" Hayley asked, as we look over to Victor and Monty. And Victor ended up crashing into the table with a bunch of milk bottles.

All of us laughed.

"Now, that's what I call, moo-tastic!" Beau said.

All of us are working together and selling cookies.

Brody, Beau, Mick, Preston, Calvin, Hayley and I were making the cookies.

As I was making the cookies, suddenly my eyes felt droopy, I lean towards my right, and my head landed on something soft.

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