A blast from the past

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It can't be? How Is Penelope park alive? I thought I killed her. If she's back then she will go running to you, telling you everything. You will think I'm crazy and our love will be no longer.

"Hello hopey, missed me" penelope said to me

"You two know each other?" Josie asked with a jealous look? Are you jealous jo?

"I am hopeys ex girlfriend" penelope says

"Hope I thought your ex was dead" you said as you looked me in my eyes

"Well I didn't even know she was still alive after all this time, park" I said keeping my eyes on penelope the whole time

"I think I'm going to go, you two must have things to catch up on" josie said before leaving giving me no chance to explain myself

"What the fuck! Penelope!" I say

"So honestly did you miss me?" she says

"How the fuck are you still alive" I say

I honestly thought she died in that fire that night. I was hoping she did.

"Oh no, see bad bitches never die" she says

"What do you want?" I asked

"To see you rot" she says

"What can I do for you to leave?" I asked

"You could maybe, take back the moments I've spent with you or you could go back in time and save me from that fire. I could have died" she says

"I was hoping on it" I say

"I always knew you had secrets and I've been plotting on you and your every move. I seen when you and jo? Is it? Yeah I seen when you two kissed. I could have sworn she was dating finchy boo." she says

"What do you want park?" I asked

"I want you to die" she says

"Ok tell me what you want that's actually going to happen" i say

"I want you to rotten in hell and this time don't have your family hire a PI to cover it up" she says

"My family doesn't have PI's" I say

"Like I said hope, I've been watching over you and I've gathered information, I will let you in on a secret that is already in place so you can't stop it" she says

"What are you planning, penelope" I say

"You are too in over your head about jo, I don't want you to kill her like you were trying to kill me" she says

"I would never kill jo and I've never tried to kill you" I say

"We both know what happened that night." she says before walking off but I grab her hand.

"If you are planning to do anything to jo, I will kill you and that's a promise" I said before walking off

Shit! This is all going down hill 

I have to find you, make sure your protected from her. So maybe we could work. Just not anytime soon unless Penelope is gone, or dead for good.

I love us together. Even if you are still with finch. I will make you mine when it's time. but right now I have to kill this bitch.

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