Homecoming: last part

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Josie pov

"Hope we need to bury the body and get out of here" I say

"Yeah but first we need to take the teeth out" she says

"What?" I asked her

"Do you trust me?" She asked me
"Yes more than life it's self" I said

"Well than just let me handle taking out the teeth and you get our shoes and burn them. We can't have anyone knowing our shoes and seeing our foot prints" hopes says

"Ok, I will do. But please hurry up! I can't afford going to jail and my mom isn't going to cover up this incident like last time" I say

"Last time?" She questioned

"Just hurry up please" I say


We finally got done with this.

"Hope, you can't tell anyone about this!" She says
"Not even my mom?" I asked
"Not even your mom" she confirmed

This is super bad. I'm in love with a killer. A negative and a negative makes a positive? I don't even know what I'm saying. This is bad and I know that this all is going to go down and everything is going to be unexpected I could just feel it.

I could also feel that we are missing something, something we might have forgotten.

"So hope, you still want to know about my past or did I scare you away like I scare everyone else" she says

"You could never scare me away, I don't let go of the people I love" I say

Oh shit! Did I just say that out loud? Hopefully she didn't notice

"So want to tell me about your past Josie?" I asked her trying to change the subject

"I would actually not, especially here how about tomorrow night?" She asked

"Ok perfect, I need to get back to maya before she starts calling me snaking where am I" I say before heading inside the school.

"Hey hope where have you been?" Maya asked me
"They needed my help more than I realized. I'm sorry Maya" I say
"It's ok, I have you now" maya says

And all night we danced and partied until the principal said it was time to leave and that the party had ended.

Finch was suppose to bring Josie home, Lizzie left with mg already and we both know finch is dead, so there's that.

"Maya is it ok if Josie ride with us? Lizzie left her" I say

"Yeah of course" maya says

"Hey jo, get in" I say
"What? Nooo don't worry about me. I will just call a uber" she says

"None sense get in" maya says
"Are you sure?" Josie asked Maya
"Yeah girl, get in" maya says

After dropping maya off I finally had some time with Josie.

"So do you want to go to my house or yours?" I asked her

"How about we go to my family cabin it's only 20 minutes away

  We arrived at the cabin and Josie immediately ran in.

"Josie I know your happy and all but we need to talk about what just happened about an hour ago and worse, how do you know all that stuff?" I asked

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