down hill

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Josie POV

 Hope and I  have been spending a lot of time together and honestly This might have been the best I've ever felt in a long time.

"ok so josie I want to do something together" hope said

"we do everything together" I say

"that's not what I mean, come on" she said as she grabbed my hand

leading us to a mysterious place in the woods.


"I'm not getting in there" I said

"please" she said

"no" I said

"please? for me?" she said in her baby voice

"ughh fine! turn around" I said

Hope had this tendency to get what she wants with me. She's so delicate and cute. It scares me how much control over me.

she turned around.

even though 

"ok you get it in now" I said

"nope" she said

"are you serious hope" I said

"I'm serious" she said

I went under the water and stayed for a bit until I heard hope call my name

"josie this isn't funny" she says

I heard the water splash , I believe it was hope so I popped up behind her

"josie what the fuck, you scared me" She said

"you came in the water for me?" I asked

"yes, I thought you drowned" she said

"you care?" I said with my puppy eyes

"of course I care, your my- umm" she said then paused

"what's the matter?" I asked her

"josie, are we best friends or just friends?" she asked

"How about mega best friends" I said

"such a child" she said causing us to both laugh

we then started having water fights. hope went under water and popped up and scared me just like I did to her.

"hey hope?" I say

"yea, josie?" she says

"I think this might be the best summer of my life" I said

" hmm, i wonder why?" she says

"you might be the most funnest person i've met" I said

"aww jo bear" she said with a smile

"jo bear? really?" I said

"well I wanted a nickname only I could call you" she said

"why did you pick that?" I asked

"because this summer started off with just a bear so now I will call you my jo bear" she says causing me to blush at the name

"and I'm going to call you hopey" I said

"eww I hate that name" she said

"well I guess your just going to have to deal with it" I said getting closer to hope as I said each word

"to be fair, I did start the name thing first except my name for you is so much cuter" she said

"no it isn't" I said

"is too" she said

"you know josie you are really pretty" she said causing me to blush once more

"really?" I said swimming closer this time are faces were about 2 inches away from each others

"most definitely" she said

I leaned in and I don't know if we was caught in the moment but we kissed well I kissed her but she kissed back. and then I pulled away

"hope I'm so sor-" I was saying until she interrupted me by kissing me and not just a kiss but a full make out session

are lips were in sync her tongue in and out my mouth. The kiss felt normal like it was meant to happen. shit! I'm with finch! I pulled away from the session

"I should go" hope said before practically running off

"HOPE WAIT!" I yelled

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