The past

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Hope POV

6 years ago:

"Mom?" I say

"Yes honey?" she says

"I've killed him" I say

"No you didn't you were protecting mommy" my mom says

"No, mom I killed him I'm a freak" I say

"It was self defense hope, I need you to go pack your stuff and get ready we are going to go pay your dad a visit" my mom says

"Am I going to jail mom?" I say

"What? No your not just go get stuff really" she says


I was taught at a very young age that killing was self defense, my mind wasn't mentally stable for that, I killed my first victim at just 11 years old.

I hated my mom every since because she was the one that did this to me. I would have never killed that man if my mom would have stayed with a man that knew how to keep his hands off a women, a man like my father.

I know my mom isn't with my father for him, I know she's only staying for me. She is trying to make up for the bad shit she's mentally done to me as a Kid

I don't feel sorry for killing that man, He had what was coming for him.

My mother knows that I don't do well with people who have a tendency of hurting my family.

It's in the true mikaelson blood.

My mom could have just let me go live with my father and I wouldn't have witnessed what i witnessed as a kid. I blame my mom and I hate her so much for that but I'm so fucked up in the head that I love and hate her at the same time.

"Hey hope" maya says

"Hey maya? Whats up?" I say

"So your technically single and I am too so why not go to the dance with me friday" maya asked

"Sure why not" I say

I know that this whole thing with josie isn't over and I haven't given up on her but seeing her with finch is pissing me off I need to do something for myself, and what I want is you, so if going out with maya will make you jealous or finally confuse up to being in love with me then I'll take all the changes I can.

Because josette saltzman, I'm so in love with you, and as I said before I will do anything in my power to be with you my love.

"Hey hope right?" finch says

I don't think she wants to be here, my temper is rising up every second she stands here

"Yeah, what do you want?" I asked

"Your Josie's friend right?" she asked

"No" i say

"What happened between you two?" she asked

"I think you should leave me the fuck alone" I say

"Not going to happen, see I know you have a crush on my girlfriend and it's starting to get out of hand. I could ruin you, especially with the shit Penelope has on you" she says

"What are you talking about?" I say while balling up my fist

"You are a fucking murder, you killed many people and Penelope was able to dig up one case that was buried , one specific case being your stepdads? Was it?" finch said with a little chuckle after she finished what she was saying

I tried for you, I tried to be my best self but I can't. I'm going to fucking kill finch.

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