Josie's past

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Josie POV

"Well see, when I was 15, I had this thing for a girl in my school, jade." I say


"Hey Josie" jade says
"Hey cutie" I say
"Don't call me that" she says
"I thought we were getting to that level" I say
"I don't do public relationships, I hope you understand" she says

What does she mean? I wanted her to be mine and last night she did say that she loves me. Was she lying?

"But you said you loved me!" I yelled
"What? I never said that!" She yelled back

She did say that, she's just showing off in front of her friends.

I loved her, she was the most nicest person until we actually started 'dating' or what we was

"Hey babe" Alyssa says to jade
"Babe?" I said
"Babe is this loser bothering you?" Alyssa asked jade
"Not at all! She was just leaving" jade says
"You all will pay!" I yelled

The next day

Nobody was in the parking lot, but Alyssa.

"What do you want nerd?" She asked me
"I want you to leave my girlfriend alone" I said
"Your girlfriend? She doesn't even like you. She's my girlfriend and I need you to back the fuck away from her and stay away from her" Alyssa says

"Does she really love you if she told me the same shit she told you?" I asked her

"You don't know what your talking about" she says

"Plus, jade would never date or even kiss someone like you" she added

"See she already did kiss someone like me, you. Because we both are the fucking same except you act like your better than everyone" I say

"Shut the fuck up or I will break your leg yoy stupid fucking bitch" Alyssa says

"Do it" I said

She then tried to break my leg like she said she would be couldn't quite do it because I had a hold on her.

She punched me in my nose and that hurt like hell.

I then got on her and punched the shit out of her until in was blood everywhere. I couldn't tell if she was dead or not until I heard a car pull up.

I ran hoping nobody saw me.

I ran home and thank god my mom was there.

I explained everything that happened.

"Josie, it's not your fault and we will get through this" my mom says

"Please don't tell Lizzie" I said
"I won't , but we have to hire a pi to make everything better ok?" My mom said


"Wow, it was just a accident" Hope says
"It was a accident at first, until I started losing my temper and eventually I did the same thing to jade except in was when everyone was at a pep rally and it was in the middle of the hall ways." I say

"This time the cameras saw it so my mom and I had to sneak and delete it before anyone seen it and we had to dig up the holes for jades body" I added

"Umm jo, I just realized something" she says
"What?" I say with concern
"If the school has cameras, we killed finch in the school" she says

Oh shit
"Oh shit" I say

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