we are the same

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Hope POV

"I've done some pretty bad things in my life to hope" she says

"Have you ever hurt somebody?" I asked

"Have you ever wanted to kill someone" I whispered

"All the time hopey, we are the same" she says

"I think you two should get out of here" lizzie says

"What why?" I asked

"Well, because my mom and your dad are walking this way and they seem furious" lizzie says

"what ?" I say

"Just go and take josie" lizzie said

Before you could put up a fight I carried you out of there as fast as I can.

"Are we really running from our parents?" she asked me

"I don't know if you know but my dad and your mom swore to never see eachother or even be next to each other, if they are that only means it's family fun day, or penelope told them something that only she knows that will piss of my father" I say

"And what is that?" she asked

"She must have told him, I'm using again, which I'm not but Penelope and my father have always had a connection." I say

"So why is my mom with him?" she asked asked

"My guess is penelope told my dad that we are dealing drugs or maybe she could have even told him you are my dealer, and then my dad was so angry he had no choice but to tell your mom that leaving us in big trouble" I say

"Hope. When i'm with you I feel alive and joyful but also everytime I'm with you I get in some type of trouble" she says

"What do you mean?" I asked

"First it was finch angry with me because we had our little book meeting. Next it was lizzie angry with me because I was sad that you wouldn't talk to me and now my mother who is my least favorite person right now, is mad at me because of you and your ex" she says

You are right, jo I'm no good for you and it's time I told myself that we were meant to be, but in a different life time. All I cause you is pain and we haven't even known each other for long.

"Your right jo, it's all my fault, everyone I tend to care about dies, first my grandma, then my grandpa, then my bow (my dog) and I know I'm cursed and my parents would have died multiple times because of me. I know I'm a worthless piece of shit! But god, I thought with you I would change for the better" I say with tears in my eyes

"You know what, im sorry just forget I ever said anything" I added

"No, hope that wasn't fair of me to say those things, I just tend to get angry and take it out on whoever's around me. It's a habit." she says


We were now at my house. I know my dad was going to go back to work after not being able to find me at school because I've done this one too many times. My mom is also on a business trip. Leaving me alone at home again.

"Hope?" josie says

"yeah? " I say

"I want to get to know you, the real you and I promise I won't run or anything, I will stand by your side"

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