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September 1st, 1975

"And don't forget to write us at least once a week!" My dear mother yelled as I was boarding the train with Peter and Sirius.

"She's turning you into Norman Bates, mate." I chuckled at Peter's comment from behind me, remembering our summer of R-rated movies.

"Norman Bates? Is that the prick that invented small trains?" Sirius exclaimed from in front of us, bending down every so often to not hit his head on the ceiling of the train. "Didn't they know how tall I was going to get?"

"I guess they forgot to take in account you're ginormous head." Sirius stopped in his tracks, looked back and gave me a death glare. "What? The bigger the head, the bigger the crown!"

"Piss off" He continued walking down the aisle until he settled on an empty one not far down. Peter and I lingered behind as laughter left our mouths. Sirius head peaked out from the compartment with his eyebrow raised. "Get in or I'll reserve these seats for my other friends"

"You don't have other friends." Peter said as we sat down in front of Sirius. "Besides, we're the only ones who will tolerate your big head"

"That's not the only thing that's bi-"

"ANYWAY, have any of you seen Moony?" I said before the conversation took a turn for the worst.

During the summer, The boys and I spent the first month of summer together at my house. We worked on the map, watched movies, helped Remus with his little furry problem and played quidditch. Unfortunately, Peter got homesick, Sirius got a howler from his mother and Remus left in August because his Aunt was getting married in Italy. I was a little worried for Remus because of his furry little problem but his father reassured me he knew what he was doing. I was still worried.

The compartment door opened to reveal Remus in his red and black striped sweater and  black slacks. His scars were still prominent on his face, as well as his smile.

"Talking about me?" He said cheekily. Remus took a seat next to Sirius beside the window.

"Don't flatter yourself, Moony, You're still on my shit list"

"I knocked and you said 'Come in', I didn't expect little peter to be out and about!"


"Hey, Is that Xavier Wilde's sister?" Sirius interrupted, pointing out the window.

We all turned our heads to look outside, forgetting about Peters tiny weiner.

I could only see half her face yet I was still stunned. I noticed her pointed nose and how her rosy lips pout just slightly. She had a cigarette in her right hand, occasionally bringing it to her lips to breathe in like it was second nature. She was tall yet shorter than Marlene. Her posture was straight yet relaxed. I noticed she had black gloves on covering her hands.

Then it happened.

She turned her head looked straight at me. She raised an eyebrow and had an amused smile on her face. Shit shit shit.

I started to look everywhere except for where she was staring but it was hard. Almost like my eyes kept purposely gravitating towards her.

"You think she saw us?" Peter said in a small voice. We had all pretended to look at something behind her but we knew she knew.

"Fingers crossed she's blind"

"That's insensitive, Sirius"

Sirius rolled his eyes at Remus and shrugged. "Why is she here? Doesn't she belong in America or something?"

"Haven't you heard?" Peter said looking at all of us. "Professor Jiménez left everything under her name. The manor, his money, the house elves..."

Christian Jiménez was the strangest yet best DADA professor Hogwarts ever had. He had a thick spanish accent despite living in England for 22 years. He always came in with odd colored fruits (bananas that are blue and apples that are yellow). He taught everyone equally and fairly, even when his own grandchild would sit in his classroom. Professor Jiménez made it seem like we were all his grandkids, asking us about our days, remembering little details of our lives and making sure we were all okay.

He unfortunately died of Dragon Pox two months after Xavier went missing in May.

It was all over the papers, my mum went mental constantly shoving 'The Daily Prophet' in our faces every morning to learn more about the once pureblood family that she was once close with - she never gave much details about how she was close with them, only that she went to school with Professor Jiménez daughter.

She was in the newspaper as well, standing next to who I assumed was her father. Her eyes were stained, visibly showing in the black and white moving photograph.

I finally broke my silence after dwelling on the brunette beauty with rosy lips. "How do you know all this?"

"Because I read the newspaper, I don't just look at the pretty pictures" Peter sassed.

"Piss off" I scoffed.

"Her name's Scarlett, her dad is staying at the leaky cauldron - don't know why if she just inherited a massive mansion" Peter continued. He constantly knew the latest cheating scandals or family problems of other wizards simply because his father owned the Leaky Cauldron.

"Sounds like shes got a lot of baggage considering she's only got one little luggage" Sirius laughed to himself, none of us laughing at his joke. "Aw, no? Whatever, Marlene is gonna love that"

"And her name is Scarlett?" I asked, leaning forward, ignoring Sirius.


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