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"I'm a mouse, duh!" Marlene said, pointing to her mouse ears as she looked at Alice, who was sharing the vanity with me as we did our makeup.

"First time i've ever considered having sex with a mouse" I chuckled, applying my mascara.

"Surprisingly it's not my first time" Alice muttered under her breath.

"What?!" I laughed, looking at her with a raised brow.

"Frank was Mickey Mouse last year" She groaned, closing her eyes.

"She lost her virginity to him in that outfit" Mary revealed, taking the rollers out her hair.

"Mary!" Alice gasped, looking back at her as Mary giggled. "It wasn't just his costume!"

"It was his whiskers" Marlene and Mary said in a dazed tone, falling into a fit of laughter.

"How long have you been together?" I asked Alice, who was beet red.

"A year and 2 months" She smiled, applying her lipstick.

"Cute" I smiled, putting my brush down. "Just like that lip color"

"Thanks" She said, looking away and then at Lily, who was combing her hair.

Recently, there was a strange harmony in the room. Mary and Alice weren't hateful and if they were, it wasn't obvious. We were all cordial with each other, except for Lily who would just ignore me. It was better than her actively trying to start a fight.

"Al, can you help with this?" Lily said with a bit of annoyance in her voice as she gestured to her zipper. She was Poison Ivy tonight, how fitting. It didn't help that she also looked good.

Alice looked at me with an unreadable expression before she went to help Lily. I quickly glanced at Marlene who was holding up my small pair of wings.

"We look so hot" She said, clipping the black wings to my back. I was a fallen angel tonight.

"I have feeling I won't be coming back here with you" I muttered with a smile.

"You actually might be right" Marlene said, moving in front of me, quickly touching up my hair. "Jillian from Ravenclaw has been real flirty with me"

"You ignore her every time she speaks to you" I pointed, remembering the time in the library where the poor girl wanted to study with us, but Marlene came up with a weird excuse ("I had curried rice last night and now I have the runs, bye Jilly!") and ran out.

"I have to play hard to get" She shrugged.

"She's also Dorcas roommate" I whispered, making sure the other girls didn't hear.

"And?" She replied, looking away as she took nervously fixed her hair.

Dorcas was a touchy subject. Marlene was so stubborn that she refused to ever talk about her chaotic feelings for her. She practically squirmed like Remus whenever I asked about Sirius. I didn't know if Dorcas ever thought that way about Marlene, her infatuation was with Michael at the moment, who was a complete knob.

"And we're going to have fun tonight" I smiled grabbing her hands with my gloved ones, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"We'll see you girls there" Marlene said, grabbing our black cloaks and the small purse that I gifted her after the Prewitts birthday party.

"Is it fucked up we didn't bring gifts?" I whispered, as we silently walked the corridors, peaking at every corner.

"That wankers birthday isn't even today!" Marlene scoffed, putting her hood down once we made it to the seventh floor.

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