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"I can't believe i'm doing this shit" I muttered to Marlene and Dorcas as we walked to quidditch tryouts.

"You promised Wood" Dorcas stated, making me groan at the memory.

Fabian and I were having a conversation about quidditch. I had mentioned I used to be a seeker and he went insane, immediately going off to tell Gryffindors quidditch captain, Samuel Wood. He begged me to tryout saying he hasn't been able to find a consistent seeker.

"Besides, what's the worse that can happen?" Marlene reasoned.

"My back hurts" I ached as we stopped at the entrance of the field.

"Well, woman up, damn it!" Dorcas yelled, shocking me a bit.

"Why don't you yell at me like that once in a while?" Marlene scoffed, looking offended.

"Fine, you're right" I sighed, quickly whining again. "But then i'd be surrounded by boys!"

"Well, Eloise Shafiq is trying out for beater and Melanie Wilson is co-captain, but there might some problems because they had a fling in the summer and she ended up ignoring him when they got here. FYI, let's just say his wood is as big as a beaters bat." Dorcas informed, Marlene and I giving her a look of 'huh?'. "Oh please, people love to to gossip and especially to me, I can't help it!"

"I'm five minutes late, doesn't that mean i'm disqualified?"

"GO!" They exclaimed, pushing me.

I walked through the doors to see everyone in the middle of the field. Wood's back was faced towards me, thank Merlin, I couldn't look him in the eyes after what Dorcas told me. He was shouting, it didn't help calm my nerves. I noticed James straighten his posture and nudge Peter, nodding his head towards me. He gave me a bright smile that I quickly returned.

I silently walked over to Eloise and stood next to her, not interrupting Wood's speech.


"Okay, Wood, that's enough" Melanie interrupted, grabbing his shoulder and taking over. "I want anyone who wants to be seekers on my left, Chasers in front of me, beaters in the back"

I walked to her left, noticing it was just me and Nicholas McLaggen, I believe he was a 7th year. He looked at me and gave me a wink, licking his lips.

"Ew" I whispered, looking at him in disgust.

Wood gave out instructions, separating us into two teams.

Before we flew up into positions, James quickly walked over to me.

"You surprise me everyday" He smirked, squinting from the sun.

"I like to keep it interesting" I teased, smirking back.

"Good luck" He whispered in my ear, winking and then flying into position.

"You too" I muttered, knowing he didn't hear me.

I flew up, my heart pounding and my hands sweating. I put my goggles on and said a small prayer, the hispanic in me taking over.

Wood shouted 'Go', the Quaffle being thrown in the air and bludgers flying everywhere. I stayed in the air, stuck in position, my eyes searching every bit of the field for the snitch. I glanced over at McLaggen, who was flying around.

However, It was right behind him, following him the entire time.

I quietly flew close to him, to not catch his attention. My hands slowly reaching out to catch it, but McLaggen turned around, the snitch flying off somewhere else.

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