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"Do you think she will be ready when the time comes?"

I couldn't see who was speaking, his back towards me. He looked and sounded like the same person who Xavier spoke when I touched the ring.

"There's no doubt in my mind" I heard a familiar laugh, a women going up behind him and touching his shoulder. Her figure was small and her hair was long and black. I knew that person anywhere. She turned around and looked right at me, a small smirk appearing on her face and her eyes turning sinister. It was my mom. "Wake up"

"Wake up, wake up" I heard Marlene say, shaking my arm.

"What?" I shot up, our foreheads hitting. "Shit"

"Fuck" Marlene groaned, rubbing her forehead, pain on her face. "You have a quidditch game today"

"Don't care" I muttered, falling back into my bed and closing my eyes, wanting to sleep to dream again.

"I do" I heard her scoff, throwing a pillow at me. "Get out of bed willingly or unwillingly"

"How would I get out of bed unwil-" I suddenly felt myself flip off the bed and onto the floor. "Marlene!" I exclaimed, standing up and throwing all my pillows at her, she fell back on her bed, laughing like a mad man. "I hate you"

"That's a mean way of saying you love me" She chuckled, putting my pillows back on my bed.

I stretched my arms and legs, looking out the window, where I could see the field from a distance. I sighed and walked to the bathroom, doing all my things.

"You think Potter is going to act weird today?" Marlene asked, once I walked back into the room. I only sighed, shrugging at her question.

Since our kiss, James had been acting weird. He wouldn't talk to me like how we used to, he stopped showing up at the Black Lake in the mornings and he would avoid me in the halls.

I had asked Remus about it, seeing as we had gotten a bit closer after I had explained to him how I did what I did. I couldn't give him a clear explanation, only telling him that I was cursed and gifted. Remus only gave me a shrug, confused as well as to why his best mate was acting that way, he told me he didn't even know it happened.

The kiss made me feel so high that I had lost sight of how to view things realistically. I thought James liked me and that us kissing was a clear sign for him to ask me out, but he never did. Instead, he'd keep our conversations short. I couldn't even remember the last time he actually looked at me.

"He's a twat" Marlene scoffed, shaking her head. "No wonder Lily never gave that tosser a chance"

"It's okay" I muttered, putting my quidditch uniform on. "I have a better chance with you than James at this point"

"You're not my type"

"Who is?"


"What?" I exclaimed, stopping what I was doing and looking at her with wide eyes.


"Interesting" I said, sitting on her bed. "How long?"

"Third year" She sighed, laying back and whining. "I'm in love with my straight best friend"

I laid next to her and sighed, putting my head on her shoulder. "And i'm in love with a man"

"We'll be okay though" She sighed, her head leaning on mine. "We have each other" I smiled and closed my eyes, my stomach grumbling loudly. "I'm your quidditch mom - breakfast now"

I got up and we put our shoes on, making our way to the Great Hall that was filled with students talking and smiling. The atmosphere was gleeful being the first quidditch game of the year.

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