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10TH November 2014


Seoul National University

"Who can solve this problem?" Lisa asked.

There was no response among the students

"No one? Then I will call randomly" Lisa said

The classroom was deafeningly silent, and the students trembled in fear of their Professor's gaze.

Suddenly, someone entered the room.

"Stop with that gaze Manoban" the girl laughed

"Good morning, Professor Chaeyoung," the students said as they rose up and bowed to the young woman.

"Good morning, class," Chaeyoung replied, smiling at her students.

"What brings you here Roseanne?" Lisa asked.

"I came here because someone at the office is looking for you." "I'll handle your class and go meet up with that person," Roseanne smirked.

When they heard that Professor Chaeyoung would be handling Lisa's class today, the atmosphere in the classroom completely shifted.

"I am very relieved that Professor Chaeyoung will be in charge of us," said the girl student.

"Same bro, my hands were trembling really badly while Professor Lisa was gazing at us and deciding who would solve the problem," the boy student said.

"As you may have heard, Professor Chaeyoung will be in charge of this class. I'll leave now; have a great day." Lisa said as she went out of the classroom and went to the office.


A girl was sitting at the couch, cutely drinking her coffee.

"What brings you here Ms. Kim?" Lisa asked.

"Can't I pay a visit to my friend?" Jennie said with a chuckle.

"Is there any update on the murder case that occurred in my neighborhood?" Lisa asked as she went to get a cup of coffee.

"No, it's extremely annoying; the murderer left no trace, no fingerprints, nothing." Jennie expressed her disappointment.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. You look like a dumpling," Lisa chuckled.

"Don't tease me, Manoban," Jennie replied with a groan.

"What is it that has brought you here?" Lisa asked, sipping her coffee.

"I'm not familiar with your neighborhood, so I was going to ask you to help me look around," Jennie said, hoping Lisa would agree.

"What kind of detective isn't familiar with the neighborhood where the crime occurred?" Lisa teased Jennie.

"Yah! I don't know much about your neighborhood. If you're not willing to help, I'll just ask Chaeyoung," Jennie grumbled.

"Of course I'm going to help you kitten, so chill." Lisa giggled as she said this.

Jennie thought "cute" when she saw Lisa giggled.

"Hello? Are you still there? Come back to earth" Lisa said as she slapped Jennie's hand.

"Y-yah! That hurts dumbass" Jennie groaned.

"You were busy with your thoughts. Perhaps you're thinking of me?" Lisa smirked, then laughed.

"I'd rather be dead than thinking about you, dumbass," Jennie laughed.

"Just admit it kitten" Lisa chuckled.

"In your dreams Manoban." Jennie said.

"Let's meet after my afternoon class." Lisa said.

"OK, I'll message you the location where we'll meet." Jennie replied as she stood up and gathered her things.

"Leaving already?" Lisa asked.

"I still have paperwork to finish at the office," Jennie said sluggishly.

"Poor kitten, well, I'll see you later. Take care on your trip." Lisa said this while smiling handsomely at Jennie.

Jennie blushed as she saw Lisa smiled.

"T-take care of yourself, too. I'll go right now," Jennie replied as she hurried out of the office.

"I assume they still didn't notice my coat that I inadvertently dropped there," Lisa thought.

"I have to get it back before Jennie sees it and investigate it right immediately," Lisa thought.

Lisa stood up from the couch when she noticed Jennie's scarf.

Lisa smiled as she saw it, "Clumsy kitty," she murmured as she stuffed the scarf into her bag.

Catch Me, Detective // JENLISA FFWhere stories live. Discover now