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12th November 2014

"God damn, what happened here? Did he drown himself? "Jennie asked.

"He drowned, but he didn't drown himself, there is a sign of struggle." Taehyung stated.

"This is related to the other 2 cases you have. Some of the cameras captured the same person, but it is really dark, so we can not confirm who it is." the officer said.

"This is a serial killer we are handling right now" Taehyung said.

"Announce on the news that we are going to have a curfew. There is a serial killer on the loose," Jennie replied.

"They will panic, Jennie" Taehyung replied.

"Do you prefer them going out late at night? While there is a serial killer on the loose? What bullshit, Taehyung "Jennie groaned.

"The person you are looking for is quite tall, and we don't even know if it is a woman or a man. This person always wears black clothes, and also boots and a black coat," the officer stated.

"Just announce it on the news, and put some patrols on at night. We don't know when the person is going to strike again," Jennie strictly said then left.

Jennie left the crime scene and went to her office and did some work. She tried to connect the 3 cases together, but still couldn't get a single clue about the killer's motive.

"The first victim, Seob Sangwook, an alcoholic and abusive father, a gambler, has a wife and a daughter. The daughter passed away when Sangwook kept beating up her daughter. Then, suddenly, Sangwook died in an old wooden house after he killed her daughter. " Jennie murmured, talking to herself.

"The second victim, the father of Seonu Yoon, had a huge debt. The loaner had an alibi, proof that he didn't kill him. After Seonu Yoon got threatened, he got killed." Jennie is still talking to herself.

"The third victim, Baek Chul, had an affair with a married woman, then after a while, he got killed." Jennie said.

"Fuck, all the victims are sinners; does that mean the killer is killing them as 'punishment' for their wrongdoings?" Jennie wondered.

Jennie rested for a while, and then suddenly thought of Lisa. Jennie decided to call Lisa.

"Yes, Jennie?" Lisa asked.

"Can we have dinner tonight? I really need to take some things off my mind," Jennie asked.

"Of course, just text me the location and I'll meet you there, my treat." Lisa chuckled.

"Thank you, my treat next time" Jennie sighed.

"What is troubling you, dumpling?" Lisa asked.

"This motherfucker, who we are chasing, is a fucking serial killer, and his or her targets are sinners. Like he or she is a punisher or what? "Jennie groaned.

"I actually saw the news earlier, that is one hell of a serial killer" Lisa said.

"I'm really stressed because of this freaking serial killer, and this is my first encounter with one." Jennie groaned.

"I can help you if you want" Lisa stated.

"Really? You can be my bodyguard then" Jennie laughed.

"You might fall for me, Jennie Kim," Lisa replied with confidence.

"In your dreams asshole" Jennie laughed.

While they are talking, someone interrupted their conversation.

"Jennie, the director wants to see you" Taehyung said.

"What for?" Jennie asked.

"I don't know, I think it has to do something from the serial killer" Taehyung replied.

"Ok ok, I'll be there" Jennie said.

"Who are you talking with?" Taehyung asked.

"Lisa, leaveeee now Taehyung" Jennie said, asking Taehyung to leave quickly.

"Rude kitten" Taehyung mumbled, then left.

"Lisayah, let's talk later. The director is asking for me" Jennie said,

"I know, I heard your talk with Taehyung. Good luck with your director" Lisa chuckled

"I'll text you the location, bye Lisayah," Jennie said, then hung up the call.


"Yes, Director?" Jennie asked.

"Take a sit first, Jennie" the director said.

Jennie then took a sit.

"I will be removing you from the case of the serial killer. Taehyung and Jimin will take it." the director said.

"What?! What do you mean Taehyung and Jimin will take this case? I am always the one who solves those murder cases. This is my chance to be promoted and get my father's honor!" Jennie angrily shouted.

"Jennie, this is a serial killer we are talking about. If your father is here, he would stop you too from taking this case. Please understand that I am doing this for your safety and my promise to your father is to keep you safe," the director said calmly.

"I can take this case, Director. I can take care of myself. I solved those cold-blooded murder cases. Just please, I can have Taehyung and Jimin on this case." Jennie pleaded.

"It is finalized, Jennie. You are removed from this case. Taehyung and Jimin will take the lead. I'm sorry, but it is for your safety. You may leave now." The director said strictly.

Jennie left the office with a mad face, and with a dangerous aura around her. Other officers kept wondering what happened to the office that made Jennie Kim furious.

Catch Me, Detective // JENLISA FFWhere stories live. Discover now