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13th November




Neulbom Garden

"Where the fuck is that asshole" Jungkook said, angrily.

"Go to that room, I will go here at the back kitchen" Lisa said.

Jungkook then went to the dining room and Lisa went to the back kitchen. Lisa heard a sudden move near the stove.

"Let us just end things here, Mister" Lisa said.

"I want this to end quickly, don't make it hard for us" Lisa groaned.

Lisa then approached the stove, intending to assault the guy. Lisa was knocked out unexpectedly.

Lisa was fooled by the guy. Jungkook then dashed into the kitchen, where he saw the guy about to kill Lisa. Jungkook then struck the man and snatched the knife from his hands. Jungkook then stabbed the victim in the stomach with the knife, multiple times.

Lisa then woke up after a few minutes.

"Are you done with your fantasy land?" Jungkook scoffs.

"How long was I out?" Lisa asked.

"About ten minutes. You got a bruise on your face, and that guy pretty much knocked out your head with a fucking pan, "Jungkook chuckled.

"Fuck, where is he? Did he escaped or you killed him" Lisa asked.

"Yep, I killed him. I have already disposed of his body. Take care of your head and your face. Get a check up with a doctor." Jungkook replied.

"We are really partners in crimes huh" Lisa chuckled.

"We wouldn't be like this if it weren't for our family's tradition." Jungkook chuckled.

A/N : Lisa and Jungkook are cousins. Lisa's dad and Jungkook's dad are brothers. Lisa doesn't want to reveal it to Jennie that they are cousins. Jungkook's dad has a pretty bad background.

"What will you do if we get caught?" Lisa asked.

"I will drag your ass and escape of course" Jungkook laughed.

"Asshole, let's clean up and go back. Let's drink at my house, " Lisa laughed.

Lisa and Jungkook went home and prepared their drinks. They were wasted and it was already midnight. Jungkook decided to message Jennie.


Jungkook: Jennie are you awake?

Jennie: Yes, why?

Jungkook: Can you take care of Lisa here? She is wasted as fuck. I can't wash her of course.

Jennie: Are you both serious? Drinking at this time

Jungkook: Alright alright sorry for drinking with your girlfriend but she is the one who invited me

Jennie: She is not yet my girlfriend, Bunny.

Jungkook: Soon to be your girlfriend?

Jennie: You can say that. I'm on my way there.


After a few minutes. Jennie arrived at Lisa's place.

"Thank you for coming here at this time" Jungkook chuckled.

"I'm just glad you are not the type of guy to try something on a drunk girl," Jennie replied.

"I'm not like that, I promise" Jungkook chuckled.

Catch Me, Detective // JENLISA FFWhere stories live. Discover now