Chapter 1

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Cw/Tw: homophobia?
None of the art is mine!!

Karl's POV: (3rd person)
The day started like any other wake up, get dressed,eat and go to school. Karl woke up to the sound of his alarm BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.

He got up grabbed some clothes out of his wardrobe (I'm British ok), his classic colour block hoodie, loose jeans, white socks and purple shoes. Karl decided he would re-paint his nails due to them chipping off the past week. He went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel along the way, he turned on the shower waited for it to get warm and got in. He let the warm water run down his body it felt so refreshing. When he got out he wrapped a towel around his waist and brushed his teeth. The silence was so loud it was uncomfortable. He grabbed a pair of grey boxers and slipped then on, that's when his door opened to reveal his mum who looked to be about 5'6 with straight brown hair,thin, greyish blue eyes and with pink striped pajamas on.

"Morning mum" Karl said gently
"Good morning sweetie" she said with the same energy
"I'm going to go and make breakfast" she said with a warm smile
"Your dad is still asleep so be quiet please"
"Ok see you later" he smiled

After his mum left he got on his clothes grabbed his homework he did the night before and went downstairs to be greeted by the smell of waffles and his mum standing in the kitchen, he went over to her and smiled giving her a loving hug.

"I have made some waffles and there's fruit if you want some I have banana,orange,watermelon,honeydew melon,raspberries and pears." She said
"Thank you so much mum, I love you" he said smiling at how caring his mum was
"I love you too" she beamed
"Your dad will be down in a little to give you a ride to school he's just getting ready then he will join us" she said putting a plate of waffles down and syrup to go with them
"Okay thank you again this is delicious" he exclaimed taking another big bite of his food.
'How am I so lucky to have such a lovely family,my parents love each other,they love me and they accept me for who I am' he thought happily.

After 8 minutes of eating and talking his dad walked into the kitchen he was 6'1 with dark brown hair, green eyes and a muscular body. He was the best dad he could ask for. His mum and dad were a perfect fit for each other. He walked over to Karl's mum and gave her a hug while Karl watched in awe.

"Morning honey" he whispered
"Morning love" she said while giving him a loving kiss.
"Good morning son how did you sleep?" He asked
"Good thanks dad,you?" He asked smiling
"Very well thank you" he said while walking over and putting a hand on Karl's shoulder and grabbing a piece of banana.

His dad ate quite fast and so did Karl. When he was finished he got up from the brown wood table and grabbed his plate to put in the sink to be washed by his mum. He grabbed his bag and put his homework in while hugging his mum goodbye and saying a quick 'I love you' also picking up an apple and lunch his mum prepared for him.

He got in the car with Karl's dad and he started to drive the white BMW to his sons school. When they got to school his dad parked out side and Karl slid out the car not ready to learn in this hell hole, when he got out he groggily said 'bye love you' and started dragging his feet along the hard concrete to the school entrance looking for his friends, tommy,Wilbur,ranboo and tubbo. When he spotted them he walked over happily.

"Hi guys" he exclaimed
"Hi Karl" they all said in unison

He laughed and they walked into school only to be met with the one and only sapnap and his gang, well it wasn't really his gang it was dreams but sapnap looked like he owned it, this gang was the worst they would always pick on Karl's friends but never do anything physical. This gang of idiots consisted of sapnap obviously, dream, George and quackity.

Karl and his friends just walked away from the boys and went to form (homeroom or whatever for u Americans), when they walked in they went to their seats in the back of the classroom, sapnap and the boys were in the same form as Karl,Wil, Ranboo,Tommy and tubbo, they sat in the row infront of them so they had better access to them to pick on them more.

"Hey Karl looking extra gay today" Sapnap said with a cheeky grin smeared across his face.
"Sapnap go away" Karl said clearly annoyed
"No" is all Sapnap said before answering his name on the register.

Ever since Karl came out as bi sapnap and the other boys always picked on him more just because he was part of the LGBTQIA+ community even though Dream and George were part of it and Sapnap knew about it but still decided to pick on Karl. It was kinda biphobic if you think about it, other than that tubbo,ranboo,Tommy,Wilbur and his parents were very supportive and all accepted him for who he was.

It was nearing the end of form so he started to grab his stuff and stand behind his chair, the rest of class stood up as well looking at the clock so they could go to first period, the first out of 6 long, dreadful hours.
Wc: 968 words
WOO firsts chapter complete and it's LoNg ok wow didn't expect it to be that long but ye

I'm working on the next chapter now I have lots of motivation even if no one reads this I'm exited to be doing this hehe
Have a lovely day people and pls take care of yourself💞

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