Chapter 13

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Art not mine!!

Cw/Tw: none

No ones POV:
All boys were content and happy they had each other but Karl hadn't told anyone they were together other than his mum, Sapnap hadn't told anyone either, deciding not to tell his mum yet, and Quackity told his mum and dad but that was it.

They were all scared no one will accept them and they would get bullied because Sapnap and Quackity were popular. They couldn't risk losing their good reputation.

Karl was upset they didn't go public but it didn't matter because he had his two amazing boyfriends. He understood they couldn't risk being called gay and people hating them because it would look bad to other people.

The school was pretty homophobic but there were still openly LGBT people, the problem was most of them got bullied. Karl and Quackity knew that Sapnap could defend him and his boyfriends he just had to find the right time to come out.

(Time skip)
It was first lesson of the day, the lesson all boys shared with each other. Maths was so boring, the two black haired boys and the brown haired boy couldn't get each other off their mind.

By the time lunch time came around all three boys couldn't hold back anymore, going to the toilet for a quick kiss. (Help I am cringing So fkn hard rn)

"Hey dude you gotta stop zoning out" dream said.
"Haha ye" Sapnap said sarcasm laced in his words.
"Stop thinking about your boyfriends, dipshit they aren't going anywhere" Dream commented with his iconic wheeze.
"No you can't say anything-wait how did you know?" Sapnap questioned with curiosity. Scared it was too obvious.
"It's pretty obvious plus me and George made a bet on it" Dream laughed.
"You made a bet?" He exclaimed
"Yeah" Dream said with the same enthusiasm.

They left it at that just as George walked in. Sitting next to Dream and leaning on him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Ew get a room" Sapnap said, his face scrunched with disgust, laughing a bit.
"Says you snapmap" George laughed, dream blushing at his laugh.
"I swear to god if you call me that again you will be getting these fists" Sapnap joked, Dream and George laughing so hard. Again causing Dream to blush.
"Your cute" dream said to George in a taunting tone causing George to blush again.
"Actually stop now" he laughed.
"What if I don't" Dream wheezed again.
"Ok I'm only joking" He said laughing is arse off.

Karl and Quackity finally joined them, Sapnap complaining why they took so long obviously. Karl and Quackity just apologizing and laughing with Sapnap.

(Time skip to last lesson)
Sapnap was so bored in his last class he decided to trick Quackity as he was less sensitive than Karl.

What he wanted to do was call another girl hot, he thought it would be funny and was set on the idea.

After class he rushed out of the classroom to find his lover. Once he found him he acted as normal as possible.
"Hey big Q" he smirked
"Hi..?" Quackity said hesitantly.
"I just saw the hottest girl ever y'know" he continued looking at Quackity's face, searching for a reaction, finding one too as he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Excuse me your boyfriend is right here, am I not good enough?" he said with a stern face and a little hurt in his voice.

Sapnap felt a pang of guilt now, a wave of sadness washing over him as he watched Quackity walk away fast, knowing he had messed up. He thought it would be funny and he knew it could go both ways deciding on doing it anyway.

Karl came up to him in the midst of thinking and asked if he was okay. Sapnap giving him a sad look and shaking his head no.

He explained, Karl getting annoyed at how oblivious he could be, and expecting Quackity not to get mad at him. He too walking away to find Quackity and leaving Sapnap to think about what he had done.

(Time skip)
Sapnap went round to Quackity's house, standing at the front door, his palms sweaty and hesitantly knocking on the door.

The wood door opened to reveal and sad looking Quackity whose face quickly turned to shock as the looked Sapnap up and down trying to shut the door before Sapnap stopped it.

The tension was so thick your could cut it with a knife. It felt so odd not talking to Quackity because he had been his best friend for 9 years and never had a fallout.

"I'm really sorry Q I didn't mean it, I thought it wouldn't be funny" He weakly apologized.
"This is the weakest apology I have ever heard but I forgive you" he stifled a laugh
"Thank you quack" Sapnap said pushing the rest of the door open and hugging his boyfriend.

(Time skip again bc I'm lazy hah)
They invited Karl over and they all watched a movie, had dinner and watched another movie.

It was getting late and the three boys had school tomorrow, so they all packed their bags and headed out the house. Deciding on a nice night walk to calm them down, seeing as they had 6 hours of stress test next day.

They made small talk before reaching Sapnap's house, walking up the front door and giving him a quick kiss.

"Bye Sapnap see you in that hell hole tomorrow" Karl joked running a hand through his brown locks. Sapnap laughed kissing him a second time before turning to Quackity and hugging him, giving him a kiss before leaving his boyfriends, entering through the door.

Next it was Quackity's turn to go home, arriving at his house not long after leaving Sapnap. Saying a quick bye to Quackity, kissing him and leaving him to also leave Karl.

Karl stared walking down the gray pavement, the cold breeze smashing into his face, already missing his boyfriends touch. He arrived at his house again greeting his mum with a warm smile, walking up the stairs and entering his bedroom.

He changed into his pajamas, sent a goodnight tex to his new boyfriends before brushing his teeth and crawling under the purple sheets. Letting sleep devour him.

I don't rlly like this one but whatever
Take care of urself 💞

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