Chapter 11

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Art not mine!!
Cw/Tw: none

Karl's POV:
It was Monday. Again. Karl woke up to the sound of his alarm, he sat up and rubbed his eyes then checked the time. The screen lit up in his face and it read 7:02 am, school started at 8:55. (Idk if I mentioned when his school started so I'm just gonna say 8:55)

He walked to the bathroom, towel in hand and turned the shower on. He pulled off his pajamas and put them in the washing basket. Karl then sleepily got in the shower, letting the warm water wake him up. He got his body wash and spread over his pale skin then let the water rinse it off. He washed his hair and got out.

The room was steamy and warm. He wrapped the white towel around his waist and brushed his teeth. The brown haired boy then left the bathroom to be met with his mum who gave him a quick 'good morning' and left to make breakfast.

When he was ready he went downstairs to see a note on the table that read.

'Hi Karl has to go to work early was running late I put breakfast in the fridge and try not to be late. You will have to walk to school or take the bus. I have left you money. Your dad took your car by the way.
Love mum<3'

He smiled at the note and ate his breakfast quickly before rushing out he door to catch the bus so he wouldn't be late.

When on the bus he saw Sapnap and Quackity who were just chatting. Sapnap was wearing a black hoodie with a white t-shirt over it, it also had a little flame on it whereas Quackity was wearing a navy blue button up shirt with black jeans and his iconic LAFD beanie. 'He looks very cute' Karl thought

'Wait I can't think that'
'He would not appreciate me if I thought like that'
'Oh wow I'm weird'
'That's creepy'
'But I can't deny Sapnap is aswell'
'Ok this is just getting very strange'

He stood there for a while before going over to them and sitting down. The asked why he was on the bus and he explained why. They made small talk and as always hey flirted. They couldn't go a day without it.

When they got to school they met up with all their friends and walked to form. Form was like every other day, boring their form tutor was a mess and looked like he had just come back from the dead.

Finally form was over so they could go to first lesson, Spanish. Oh gosh how they all hated Spanish, and especially on a Monday morning. The day couldn't get worse.

By the time lunch came around Karl was very exhausted. When he arrived at the cafeteria he brightened up seeing his two favorite people.

"Hi guys" he spoke gently
"Oh hiya karlos" Quackity smiled
"Hi Karl" Sapnap chimed in

They were all looking at each other until and very annoying brutish child walked in accompanied by a tall American and a small boy who loves bees, also Wilbur who was trying to keep tommy settled. Of course it didn't work.

"HI BOYZ" he screamed
"Hi tommy, tubbo, ranboo and wil" Karl smiled, he loved Tommy's energy, it matched Quackity's.
"AYY BIG MAN" Quackity yelled smiling, causing Karl and Sapnap to smile.
"YOO WHATS UP BIG Q" tommy yelled with the same energy, the whole cafeteria was staring.
"Yo guys calm down" Sapnap laughed.
"No you massive dickhead" tommy said back.
"Oh you wanna go? Huh?" Sapnap said while standing up.

Even though Sapnap was much smaller than tommy he still wasn't scared of him, to be honest no one was, they all love tommy he was a funny guy.

When they all finished their lunch, George and dream eating theirs separate because yeah dnf, they all hung out for a bit kind of doing their own thing. When the bell went Sap, Q and Karl all walked to class together as they were all in that class.

They talked about what they wanted to do after school and they decided to get ice cream as it was a nice day. The rest of the class was very boring, then last lesson of the day was PE.

PE wasn't really Karl or Quackity's thing but Sapnap adored it, loving every minute of it. Today in PE they were playing rugby. (Idk how rugby works so not explaining)

Sapnap was having so much fun while Quackity and Karl were not really paying attention. They were just admiring how Sapnap ran with the ball and when he lifted up his shirt to reveal his well built body and faint six pack. It made both boys blush and Sapnap took notice.

He ran over to them and whispered in their ears. He was quite nervous at first but got a boost of confidence when he was about to do it.

"Like what you see?" He snickered then ran away back over to the group. Karl and Quackity were left there as red as a tomato and staring at Sapnap in disbelief. Then proceeding to look st each other and smirk.

Karl whispered something in Quackity's ear causing Quackity to giggle and nod. They then ran away leaving Sapnap confused.

They came back in cheerleader outfits they picked from the lost and found basket and it was sapnap's turn to blush and stare. He was flabbergasted and aroused. He loved them in skirts but he couldn't tell them that.

Karl and Quackity gave each other a peck on the cheek and skipped away hand in hand. Sapnap felt left out of the fun so he followed them to the changing rooms adding a little speed to his walk, it was more like a jog.

When he got there he blushed hard seeing them both just in their underwear and walked up to them kissing them on the cheek then walked back outside.

The two boys getting changed blushed again and got ready for the lesson to finish. Sapnap was preparing himself for the thing he was gonna ask them today after school.

The lesson was coming to an end and the boys were happy. They grabbed their bags and ran out the door to the school gate they exited out of to go to the ice cream parlor.

Wc: 1081
I don't rlly like this one but I hope you do
Take care of yourself💞

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