Chapter 2

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Cw/Tw: homophobia, offensive language
No art is mine!!

Karl's POV: (3rd person)
Karl was walking to his first class maths it was a very boring class, they were learning about angles,the worst subject to learn. They were learning about co-interior,corresponding angles and it was soul killing. It was 10 minutes until the end of class and he was working fast so he could go on his phone for at least 5 minutes before the end of class when a paper ball was thrown at his head. He turned around to be met with the gaze of sapnap who was gesturing to the paper ball.

He unraveled the ball and it read
Dear Karl,
I know you hate me and believe me I dislike you too but what's the answer to a please

sapnap obvi

Karl frowned at the letter but because he didn't want to be bothered anymore he answered him and gave him the answer, he decided to write a letter back because he thought it was nostalgic.
His letter read:

Dear sapnap
Trust me I hate you too and I'm gonna give you the answer because I don't want you bugging me anymore it's 78°
Happy? Now please leave me alone

From Karl

Karl crumpled the piece of paper and threw it back at sapnap full force. He caught it as it was about to hit his head and gave Karl a glare before reading it. Sapnap mouthed a thank you and wrote it down with a smile. It made Karl happy that he made someone smile because he loved that it made his day better.

He finished his work and went on his phone for a while while everyone else finished and the bell rang. He checked his time table and saw he had science. He huffed and packed away his pens, he placed them in his bag and since he had 1 minute left of the class he stood behind his chair waiting for the bell to ring. When it finally did he raced out the classroom to science and met Wilbur along the way who was also in his class, unfortunately tommy,ranboo and tubbo were in the year 11 so they weren't in the same class as wil and Karl. They stood outside the classroom waiting for the teacher while talking to wil.

Sapnap came busting through the door to the hallway very obnoxiously and there was no need because the teacher was right behind him and stared shouting at him about being too loud and how he is going to have to pay for the hole in the wall, Karl giggled a bit too loud because sapnap glared at him with a devilish look like he was about to kill him.

He walked into the classroom hoping to not get called a name by sap but I guess luck wasn't on his side today because when he sat down in his seat sapnap came up behind him and called him a bitch. It hurt Karl's feeling because he just wanted to make people happy but sapnap always ruins his plans. He felt awful but carried on with his day making people on his table laugh boosting his self esteem again.

Sapnap was staring at him the whole time as he was sitting on the table next to them.

George,dream and quackity were also in that class and it bummed Karl out a lot because they were loud, argumentative people who ruined Karl's day.

Karl decided to listen back to the teacher as he had zoned out, that's when the teacher said
"We are doing a group project and I'M picking the groups because you all can't be trusted"
The whole class huffed and groaned because everyone wanted to be with their friends.
The teacher thought this would be a good idea to help bond people together who she knew didn't like each other.

Karl was okay with what was happening until she said what she said next.
"Katie, Josh and Lucy in one group" "Evie,sky and Brady in another." She kept going and Karl was becoming impatient because he hasn't heard his name yet and was beginning to zone out when he finally heard his name and what followed angered him "Karl, Sapnap and Quackity" she finally said

Sapnap shot his head up and stared at me like it was his fault the teacher put them together. Then sapnap stud up and shouted "IM NOT GOING WITH THAT GAY MING" He felt angry that he was using his sexuality against him and he wasn't even fully gay he was bi.

The teacher then said "that is not how we talk about our class mates that is extremely disrespectful and I would like you to see me outside so we can talk about why this is wrong please" Sapnap felt a wave of guilt wash over him and he stepped outside to the teacher explaining why he was in the wrong to say that. Karl heard a quiet 'sorry' and they walked back in the classroom. Sapnap walked up to Karl and said:
"Sorry Karl I was in the wrong and I shouldn't have said that" he said with guilt in his voice
"It's ok sapnap I forgive you I understand if you feel that way towards me because of my sexuality but that isn't something I can control and I hope you understand that" Karl said with a warm smile.
"NO- I mean no I don't feel that way towards you I was in he wrong and I know you can't control that,again I'm sorry" he stated looking down and walking away.

Karl felt happy after the apology and was looking forward to working with sapnap and quackity. Quackity was staring at Karl the whole time. The teacher went on to explain what they were doing and it was a homework project they had to do where they had to write about how magnets work and boring things like that.

Class finished and Karl was walking out when sapnap and quackity came up to him and asked, "what time at your house then?" Karl didn't realize he was being spoken to until Sapnap said "Karl" calmly, Karl turned to meet the gaze of Sapnap and Quackity and he said "Oh..erm well my parents aren't home from 4-9 so 4 I guess..." he said with an awkward silence at the end Quackity just shrugged with a nod and sapnap nodded with a small 'See you then' Karl walked away and walked to next period.
Woo second chapter done
Again working on the next chapter now hehe
Take care of yourself 💞

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