Chapter 4

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Art not mine!!
Cw/Tw: POV change.

Sapnap POV: (3rd person)
Sapnap felt safe, warm, happy. Why did he feel happy being around Karl,He's at his house, having a sleep over, wait how did he get from doing a project to having a sleep over.

The boys were watching a movie and eating sweets (candy) and all started to get a bit drowsy and started to lay down. Quackity was the first to fall asleep followed by Karl and Sapnap was kept awake by his thoughts, your probably guessing what they were.

Why am I happy to spend time
With Karl?
I shouldn't feel this way
Just why?
This shouldn't be the way I feel
I hate him
But do I?
I do
But should I?

They were disrupting his sleep so he decided to distract himself with his phone. He scrolled through twitter then switched to TikTok until he felt tired. He put his phone on the nightstand and fell asleep because of how tired he was.
Next morning:

He woke up to Karl and Quackity on their phones, he yawned and grabbed his phone off the nightstand to it being dead so he broke the silence
"Hey Karl do you have a charger...?" He said in a deep,raspy voice.
"U-umm yes I do" Karl stuttered

Sapnap wondered why Karl stuttered when he answered his question but he chose to ignore it.

(Pov change)
Karl's POV:

I was on my phone when Sapnap woke up, I looked over to see him grabbing his phone off the nightstand. I heard him sigh then ask,
"Hey Karl do you have a charger...?"
Omg his morning voice, AHHH (such fangirl energy like calm down Karl)
"U-umm yes I do"
'OMG why did i stutter' he thought in disbelief
Sapnap's morning voice is
'Omg I cant think that' 'it's creepy' 'ew' 'why did I think that?' Karl thought nervously as he grabbed his light purple charger

"Of course it's purple" Sapnap laughed
It made Karl smile. Quackity also smiled because Karl did. Wait why did Q smile at Karl...anyway Sapnap plugged his phone in and lay back down.

(Back to Sapnap)
Sapnap POV:

Of course the charger was purple I should know by now his favorite colour is purple, He smiled at Karl as he plugged his phone in then made eye contact with Quackity who smiled at him. Sapnap thought it was weird but gave a warm smile back.

"Do you want breakfast, I have pancakes and waffles and fruit,what would you like?" Karl panicked.
Sapnap just laughed and said
"Fruit and waffles are fine thank you."
Quackity agreed so they all got ready,brushed their teeth and got dressed. When they were finally ready they went downstairs and got the food from the fridge and cupboard.

Karl put the waffles in the toaster while Sapnap and Quackity watched. Karl got out left over fruit and fresh fruit from the fridge,put it in a bowl and set it down on the table for the boys to pick at.

Then Karl's mum and dad walked down the stairs to see the boys watching Karl make breakfast. They both shared the same glance until Sapnap noticed and stopped staring turning red from embarrassment, Quackity noticed and let out a slight chuckle followed by a nudge from him.

"Morning boys, how did you sleep?" Karl's mum said
"Oh hi mum and dad, ye good you?" Karl said gently
"Oh great, you boys?" she mentioned gesturing to sap and q, they both nodded in agreement to what Karl said.

When they all finished eating including Karl's parents they all went back upstairs. Karl was the first to speak,
"I'm bored do you want to play Minecraft or watch a movie" Karl said nervous if he would get laughed at for playing Minecraft but to his surprise he didn't he got a much different reaction.
Sapnap and Quackity exclaimed at the same time. Karl just sat there in disbelief that they played too but happily nodded.

They all went into Karl's again purple game room and started up the pc to play. Karl was having so much fun he lost track of time so when he got tired he checked the time. The phone shone bright in his face and the time read 8:47, he had been playing Minecraft with sapnap and Quackity for 8 hours, wait 8 HOURS WHAT.
"Erm we have been playing for 8 hours" Karl said laughing.
"Oh really I didn't think it was that long" Sapnap said calming down.
"What really that long? Wow" Quackity said
"Me and sap should probably get home" Quackity said.
"Okay are you at school I guess, would you like my snap or my number?" Karl questioned.
"Both?" Quackity said

Karl gave both boys his phone number and Snapchat while they packed and said bye to Karl, thanking him for letting them stay.

(Pov switch)
Quackity POV:
He was really happy that he spent the night at Karl's house because he got to get closer to Karl, he always knew he had something for Karl and knew he wasn't straight but couldn't figure out his sexuality. He didn't know why he picked on meek maybe it was to distract himself from the crush he had on a boy. He didn't really mind not being straight but deep down he thought it was wrong and he just wanted to be 'normal' oh how he hated that word.

(Time skip)
When he got home he lay on his bed letting his thoughts take over his body. He liked Karl a lot and was happy to spend time with him, he wanted to feel closer to Karl.

'He's so cute'
'I wish I could spend more time with him'
'He's so nice'
'Why is he so cute?' 

Quackity let his thoughts drown him until he fell asleep. He had a peaceful, happy sleep. He needed a good sleep.

Wc: 1003 words
Again art not mine!!
Have a nice day and pls take care of yourself
Remember you are loved💞

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