Chapter 21

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Art not mine!!

Cw/Tw: uncon touching (sexual harassment??)

No ones POV:
The next morning Quackity found himself to be the first awake, he wiggled out of his boyfriends strong grip and walking out the room as quietly as possible.

He made his way downstairs to see he was alone, the beanie boy took some eggs out of the fridge along with some ham and cheese.

Quackity started making an omelet for his loved ones when he felt a pair of arms snake around his torso, giving him butterflies.

The brown eyed man turned around to find Sapnap latching onto him, he quickly pecked him on the lips and turned back around.

There was a comfortable silence, Sapnap's face in Quackity's neck while he placed gentle kisses onto the tanned skin and watched his boyfriend make breakfast.

It wasn't long before Karl joined them giving both boys a kiss on the cheek and chucked at their reactions them sat at the kitchen table.

"Here mi amores" Quackity said to his boyfriends as he payed the plates carefully onto the table in front of the brunette and raven haired men.

"Thank you buttercup" Sapnap joked, Karl quietly laughed along as Quackity just scrunched his nose as hit Sapnap's shoulder playfully and grabbing his own food. "This is amazing, thank you Q" Karl said taking another bite.

(Time skip)
When they had finished their breakfast they decided to go back to the bedroom and get dressed, later doing homework.

"Omg this is so hard" Quackity whined as he couldn't figure out the answer. "I'll call George because we have the same class" Quackity said grasping his phone in his hand and scrolling through his contacts until he landed on George.

The phone rang a few times until George picked up, his voice was rough and raspy as if he had just woken up.

"Hey George" the beanie boy exclaiming just a bit too loud. "You just woke me up, what do you want?" He asked annoyed. "Dude it's fucking 2 in the afternoon" Sapnap shouted just enough for the phone to pick it up.

All three boys then heard shuffling and a low voice soon to realise it was dream. The boys tried to stifle a laugh as they heard his say 'who is it, just go back to sleep.' Karl let out a small giggle.

"Dream shut up" George groaned. "Anyway Quackmister what did you want?" He questioned. "Oh ye well gog I'm stuck on a question and was wondering if you had the answer" he said rechecking the question.

George gave Quackity the answer and ended the call abruptly once he heard Dream tell him too. The boys sat on the neck breaking out into a laugh.

Once they had finished their homework they decided to go out to the park and skateboard for a little while. By the time they had checked the time it was already 8 pm so they went back.

They ran up the path to Sapnap's house only to be greeted by his mum at the front door, she told them there was food in the fridge and to help them self.

All three boys made their way upstairs get on some comfy clothes and climbing into the soft sheets.

The boys lay down getting comfortable, Karl in the middle, Sapnap behind him and Quackity on the other side.

Quackity started peppering kisses onto the brunettes face, all over in nose and cheeks then moving up to his forehead, also while Sapnap kissed the back of his neck, marking.

Karl giggled at their actions, making the other boys hearts to flutter. Karl felt loved. "It tickles" Karl laughed, it came out like soft butter on a perfect piece of bread. Quackity and Sapnap chucked as Karl squirmed.

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