Chapter 10

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Art not mine!!
Cw/ Tw: nightmare

No ones POV:
The day was finally Friday and all boys headed to sapnap's this time, they stood in front of the door waiting for Sapnap to open it before they
all trudged inside.

Sapnap's mum greeted them with warm smiles and they all went upstairs.when in sapnap's room they all jump on the bed and just talk for a bit.

After hours of laughter filled air the boys decide to eat and watch a movie. Once they were done with pizza they all raced back up the stairs and into the room again, locking the door and diving on the bed.

They all toppled on one another and laughed. Sapnap turned on his tv scrolling through endless movies before picking a random one.

They watched movies for hours until it was time to go to bed, normally they wold all sleep separate but tonight it was cold so they all instinctively snuggled up together. Quackity in the middle, Karl to his left and Sapnap to his right. Sapnap was like a human hot water bottle he was so warm all the time.

Quackity woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. He was in a dark void trying to get out but a tall figure started walking towards him, he backed away trying to agin get out but to no avail. He was scared, small, alone. Thats when he woke up.

He felt tears trickling down his face. He was really really scared, he should have known it was a nightmare. The scared feeling, the same feeling every time. He was prone to nightmares he had them almost every 3 nights, Quackity was lucky if they took longer.

He soon calmed down, taking deep breaths, shaky breaths but calming down. It was one of those scary ones.

Quackity eventually fell asleep trying not to let thoughts run through his head. He snuggled back up to Sapnap and Karl while he fell asleep once again. His tear stained face still visible.

{time skip}

When he woke up he found he was alone in the bed so he grabbed his phone of the night stand and checked the time. The screen lit up showing the bright white numbers. It read 11:26. He scrambled out of bed and hurried to the bathroom to brush his teeth then ran down the stairs.

He arrived to the kitchen in a matter of seconds to be met with Karl and Sapnap talking at the table and sapnap's mum. She was cooking pancakes in the kitchen while the other two were chatting. The boys then noticed Quackity.

"Good morning or should I say afternoon" Sapnap laughed.
"Good morning sleepy head" Karl joined.
"Oh good morning I slept well thanks for asking" he sarcastically scoffed, then walked to the table.

Quackity was falling in love with the two boys more as they spent more time together, he was happy to have them in his life.

When they finished breakfast they all got properly ready and asked each other what they wanted to do. They decided they wanted to go to the park to skate. Sapnap and Quackity knew how to skate but they didn't know Karl knew. Quackity wasn't the best but Karl was pretty good. As he didn't have many friends until now he used to skate in his spare time, witch was nearly always after he'd finish his homework.

They got on their shoes and headed out the door. Walking along the grey cobblestone pavement (sidewalk) the cold breeze ran through their hair like a hair brush. The silence was comfortable and calming.

When they got to the skate park all three boys instantly started skating. Karl was the best, then Sapnap then Quackity. Karl and Quackity were very surprised he could skate that well so they just stood there, admiring him, watching him skate so well, it was mesmerizing.

Hours past of them laughing skating and chatting. It was one of the best days for the boys. After hours of endless skating they went back to Sapnap's. They ate some homemade pasta then Quackity and Karl had to go home.

They said their goodbyes and thank yous then left. It was a nice day, not too hot and not too cold, it was perfect. Quackity, Karl and sapnap's brains were being bombarded with thoughts about the others.

Karl and Quackity got home okay but they were still missing each other. They wrapped themselves up in their blankets but couldn't fall asleep, hours went by but still no sleep.

They always had each other on their minds and it was kinda cute if you think about it. After many more hours the boys eyes go heavy and they finally drifted into a peaceful, calm sleep.

Wc: 800
I'm sorry it's really short but I needed to get a chapter out.
Take care of yourself 💞

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