Chapter 29

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Cw/Tw: Karen, body shaming, homophobia, ed, suggestive. (Like a sentence)

No one's POV:
Quackity was currently in the shops. His mum had asked him to get some food because they were running out and his parents were buys.

As he looked at the food he felt more sick, at the sight and smell. Well he convinced himself he did.

As he was grabbing food and putting it in his trolly he decided on getting some snacks for him and his boyfriends.

The beanie boy walked to the sweets isle and scanned the shelves. His eyes landed on his favourite snacks. There were a variety of different ones he loved.

Just as he was about to grab his boyfriends and his favourite snacks an old woman approached him. She looked at him weirdly before speaking up.

"Shouldn't you put some of that back, young man?" She questioned. Quackity just looked at her as he was about to reply. "No it's for my boyfriends and family" he defended.

"Oh of course your gay. Everyone is nowadays" she shook her head while she tried to grab the sweets out of his hand. "Don't you think you have enough? Couldn't you try and think about others. Look at you, your already fat. Don't add to it" the crusty ball of wrinkles added to her statement before.

" I guess" the poor boy said as he placed the food out of his trolly back on the shelf, but kept his boyfriends stuff and one bag for himself. "Thank you" she rolled her eyes and grabbed 4 different bags of sweets. (Hypocrite)

When he payed, his eyes started watering as he thought about the old woman's words. They effected him deeply but he couldn't show it. He had to be perfect for his lovers. He had to be strong.

School was nearly at an end and they boys were worried about what they were going to do and if they were going to drift apart, even break up.

Maybe they weren't going to go to university, what if they didn't? What if they just got jobs, saved up and lived together, but what if they all wanted to go to uni?

It was really worrying because the boys didn't want to drift apart, they wanted to live together forever. All they knew was they wanted to be together.
When Quackity got back he entered the house with the bags of food and began putting them away.

His boyfriends were coming over soon so he had to be quick. He grabbed the food and dished it into bowls.

By the time he had finished there was a knock on the door. The boy pulled it open to see it was his boyfriends as he expected.

"Hi baby" Sapnap said giving him a quick but sweet kiss, Karl following suit after.

They sat on the couch getting situated by curling up next to each other and grabbing their bowls of goodies.

Sapnap looked at Quackity's bowl skeptically before brushing it off as not wanting many sweets but Karl wasn't as naïve as Sapnap so he questioned it.

Quackity looked troubled and nervous as Karl asked the question. "Oh I didn't want much" he murmured diverting his eyes to his lap and twiddling his thumbs.

Karl walked over to him and hugged the boy while he broke down and told them about the witch at the shop that day.

They ended the night with gentle kisses that turned heated then into a blowjob so for Quackity it was a good night.

(I'm sorry)

He obviously was nervous at first that they were going to look at his body once and leave the house but it didn't happen.

They whispered sweet praises to the fragile boy as he was pleasured, enjoying the moment.

(Time skip)
-4 months later-
The boys were still in a happy, healthy relationship with each other, happier than ever but also worried because they had barely discussed the topic of uni and hadn't brought it up much.

All boys graduated high school with no problems, as well as all their friends because they weren't stupid like some people who didn't graduate.

(I am so sorry idk how graduation works so I couldn't write it so I just time skipped and said they all passed bc idk how scl works lol)

The boys were spending the day together, watching Karl practice for his next competition. He glided along the ice while his boyfriends watched in awe.

Quackity still got the voices from time to time but they weren't nearly as bad as when they first started.

Sapnap still played football religiously and was getting better as time went on. His biggest supporters were of coarse his boyfriends. They always have been.

Karl swayed and kicked his legs as he did his routine over and over again trying to perfect it. It needed to be perfect so he could win the comp.

After hours of admiring their boyfriend they went out for tea they talked, laughed and ate. It was another memory.

The boys had been living together in a flat they shared together. They all shared the expenses and it was almost perfect. Almost.

They were all being independent while they figured out the future. It wasn't really hard as they all knew what they were doing and what university they were going to.

They all got accepted to the university's they were going to and were thrilled. They weren't far sir they could have time together. While including school.

Don't get them wrong school was hard and they had to try their best to learn everything they could to benefit their future together.

But with that they were happy for the time being. Boyfriends. Love. And care all in one.

What they had was amazing and they wouldn't change it for the world.

I'm sorry it took so long I be had a lot going on and I needed to get a chapter out.
Take care of urself 💞

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