Chapter 16

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Art not mine!!
Cw/Tw: fluff <3

No ones POV:
After the events of last night the three boys stayed in bed all day not wanting to get up and wanting to stay as close to each other as possible.

Karl's nail polish had chipped of due to him not paining them for a while so he decided today was the day he was going to paint them.

Then an idea struck him, he was going to ask his lovers if he could paint their nails also.

"Hey loves, could I maybe paint your nails?" He asked softly, awaiting an answer. "What do I get in return" Quackity joked. "Cuddles?" Sapnap questioned giggling a bit. "Of course" Karl said rolling his eyes.

(Time skip)
Sapnap reluctantly moved from his warm bed, next to his boyfriends and got up. He walked to the bathroom to go to the toilet.

Karl was next to get up, putting his shaky legs on the ground to find his bottom half was a little numb but manageable.

He walked to the bathroom excitedly, opening one of the cupboards to find his collection of nail polish, grabbing it and running back to the room, Sapnap already gotten back.

Karl then went back again to retrieve his nail polish remover. The grey eyed man went over to the bed and sat crisscrossed on the bed, pulling his selection of nail colour in front of him.

"What one do you want?" He questioned sweetly, watching his boyfriends faces impatiently. "Hurry please" he whined, his boyfriends giving him a look before going back to picking a colour. Picking the bottle up carefully to see the colour, gently placing it back down in the basket.

"Okay, can I please have purple, black and orange" Quackity was the first to decide. "Of course my bunny bun" Karl grinned ear to ear, laughing at Quackity's face of disgust.  "Please never call me that again" He wheezed.

"Made up my mind" Sapnap said, running his fingers through his black locks. "Can I please have dark blue, black and purple" he asked kindly. "Yes you may" Karl responded.

He pulled the colours in front of him, Quackity sitting up and putting his hand out for Karl to take. The brunette gently took his hand and placed a gentle kiss on in, looking up a Quackity to find his face covered in a pink hue and it turned away from him. "Is someone blushing" he teased. "NO" Quackity returned.

Karl laughed and took his hand, Sapnap opening the glass bottle for Karl to take. He pulled the brush from the bottle, coating 25% of the nail with black nail polish.

The two black haired boys hearts melted at the sight of their boyfriends concentrated face. Watching as he carefully coated the nail with the varnish.

'1 finger down 9 to go' Karl thought. This time grabbing the purple polish and coating the second nail with it, slightly pulling his bottom lip between his teeth and nibbling on it or of concentration, trying not to mess up.

Again changing the colour to orange, brushing the ring finger with the orange colour. Then coating the pinky and thumb with the same black as before.

On the purple putting flames like the one on Sapnap's favorite hoodie and painting it on the nail, doing the same with the orange nail except it being a bright green swirl.

Finally Karl had finished both hands gently blowing on them. There were no smudges, they were perfect. Sapnap and Quackity were surprised at Karl's talent but loved it.

Quackity moved over to let Sapnap sit in front of Karl and give one hand to Karl. The brunette kissed it as he did with Quackity.

Karl opened the black polish taking the handle and dragging the bristles over the side of the glass bottle and started paining the nail.

He coated a good 80% of the nail before accidentally knocking the brush and smudging the almost done nail. He sighed annoyed and reached for the nail polish remover.

Opening it, the strong, furious smell hit him in the face as he scrunched his nose and dipped a cotton bud it it, pulling it out and removing the black line on the tanned skin.

They sat in a comfortable silence, Karl doing his boyfriends nails and his lovers admired him and his talent. His porcelain skin shining in the moonlight, he looked beautiful.

When he go to the dark blue nail he drew a small duck representing Quackity's love for ducks.

Quackity adjusted his LAFD beanie as he watched his lover concentrate on making the nail perfect, thankfully finishing earlier than expected. He blew gently on the already drying nails as he started on his own.

He finished shortly after, having a flame on his middle fingers and a duck on his ring ones.

He admired his work before looking up at his boyfriends to find them staring back at him, he smiled. "What?" He questioned. "Your just pretty" Sapnap responded earning a nudge from Quackity. "What he is" Sapnap retaliated.
"Okay I agree" Quackity finally said.

Karl was bright pink and all he could muster out was a small 'shut up' which was followed by a simple 'no' from both boys.

(Time skip)
All three boys watched lots of movies for the rest of the day and eating snacks.

"Goodnight loves" Sapnap said tiredly, "goodnight" Karl said "goodnight mi amores" Quackity said, his eyes half lidded.

They all fell asleep curled up together craving the others body heat.

Karl mum and dad arrived home earlier than they initiated but not minding as they got to see their son.

Karl's mum crept up the stairs not hearing a response from her son and opened his bedroom door, to find him in bed with two boys curled up in the middle.

She awed at the sight and couldn't resist, snapping a quick picture to show her husband and quietly returning downstairs to show her husband what she walked in on.
Take care of urself 💞

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