Chapter 14

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Art not mine!!

Cw/Tw: um spicy!?

Karl's POV:
Karl awoke to the sound of birds chirping and his alarm blaring from his night stand. He reached over and pulled it of with the weakest pull ever, causing to fall in the floor.

Once he retrieved it he turned of the alarm, sliding out of his bed sleepily and dragging his feet along the floor to the bathroom. Finding no towel in the bathroom, taking his body back to his room and grabbing a towel, tempted to just jump back into bed, obviously not.

He returned back to the bathroom more awake and turning the tap to turn on the shower with his half lidded eyes.

Once the water was running and warm he dropped his clothes on the floor with a small thump and stepping in the shower. He let the water run down his body, it was refreshing and all he could think about was his boyfriends.

Washing his body with his raspberry scented body wash and shampoo he thought lovingly about his boyfriends.

When he was finished with his shower he stepped out, feeling refreshed and awake he brushed his teeth and opened the bathroom door. He returned to his room to change into a black hoodie and blue jeans, walking downstairs, his curls prominent from the way he dried his hair and found his mum in the kitchen.

(Time skip)
He finished his breakfast, looked at the and rushed out the door, realizing he was late for school.

He got to school seeing the people he wanted to see the most, his boyfriends. They still weren't public but Karl didn't mind.

"He Qt and snapmap" he says jokingly
"Hi" Sapnap says in a raspy voice, clearly still tired but the voice sending butterflies to Karl and Quackity's stomachs.

(Time skip again)
The three boys just came out of form when Sapnap grabbed both his boyfriends wrist and dragged them to the bathroom shutting the door behind him and pinning both boys against it.

Sapnap saw the reaction both boys had at the start of the day, the ravenette and brunette were confused.

Sapnap looked at his boyfriends, trying to read their faces only finding confusion. Sapnap was good at reading people faces and the ones his lovers were making at the given moment made the ravenette's lips tug into a small smirk.

He whispered unholy things into his lovers ears, kissing their necks too, loving how they were reacting. Their faces flushed dark red, a few bruising marks on their necks and a look of satisfaction resting on their faces.

Sapnap then completely stopped what he was doing and walked out the bathroom, leaving the people he loved the most standing there in dumbfounded and confused at his actions before following him.

The raventte giving them a confused look at how shocked they looked but kept a barely noticeable smirk on his face. What he wasn't expecting was for both boys to grab his wrists and drag him back into the bathroom, to which they proceed to pin they supposed 'top' to the wall while Karl attacks his neck.

"You shouldn't have done that, at school of all places" Quackity whispered into his ear, seductiveness laced in his voice sending a chill down Sapnap's spine.

Karl continued to suck on his neck leaving a mark that would soon to be purple, Karl loved to mark his partners to show everyone they were taken.

Sapnap was bright red when Karl and Quackity pulled of of him giving him and innocent look, "what?" they asked then laughing, Sapnap got a little mad but had an idea come to mind.

They hadn't done anything in their relationship yet, in fear of making his boyfriends uncomfortable.

"You s-should have se..seen you-r face" Quackity got out through laughs. Karl encouraging him. Sapnap calmed down his face only having a pink hue to it now whereas Karl and Quackity were still laughing their asses off.

"Dumbasses" Sapnap whispered mad at his boyfriends for doing such things to him but loving what they could do to him.

'Just wait 'till tonight' Sapnap thought smirking lightly as he left the bathroom, Quackity and Karl finally calming down and running after their lover.

"I'm sorry love" Karl said chuckling, the nickname making Sapnap's heart melt but choosing to ignore them. Karl and Quackity feeling a bit guilty as they found their boyfriends walking to his first lesson and ignoring them.

(Time skip)
The minutes went by slower then ever, all three boys really wanting lunch. Finally lunch time came around only to find out their boyfriend was still ignoring them.

The guilt washed over them like a tsunami and they get really bad they upset their boyfriend.

"Ayo Sapnap" the ravenette heard from the other side of the lunch hall, seeing dream standing there with his boyfriend the one and only, older boy George.

Dream was quick to notice the marks on his neck and nudged his with a small smirk. "Looks like you got in a little fun" he teased, Sapnap rolled his eyes smiling a bit then replying. "Nope just those dickheads over there thinking they're funny,I'm gonna get them back." Dream gasped then said "ooo." You could hear the smirk in his words.

Just them both boys walked over, greeting George and Dream then sitting on the other side of the table.

(Another time skip bc I'm lazy heh)
The end of the day finally came slower than ever but finally came to an end.

The trio walking to Karl's car all climbing in and making their way to his house. Karl's parents weren't in as they went to meet family far away and his siblings were at their friends, leaving them alone.

Sapnap was exited for what this special night holds and the thoughts crowding his head were absolutely horrific. They were watching a movie and he made his move.

'The things I could do to these two' he thought

I'm leaving it here omg, ha cliffhanger. sorry not sorry
Take care of urself 💞

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