You Guys Sound Good

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((Y/n)'s POV)

Saturday came and it was time for me to go and check out Sasha's band. I don't know who the other members are but maybe this is a chance to make new friends. I start getting ready by getting dressed and sunch. After a while of looking I find a little backpack and pack it with my house key and a water bottle I just filled up. I put a few more things that I might need and zipped up the backpack.

Then my mom stops me. "Hey, where you going (Y/n)?" I stopped and looked at her.

"Oh a girl from my school invited me to come and watch her band rehearse, is it okay if I go"

She smiled "of course it's okay sweetie I'm glad you're making friends"

"Yeah the girl who invited me seemed really nice and I met a few other girls earlier this week" I see my mom smirk. "What?"

"Are they cute?"

"Ugh Mom that's embarrassing"

"What I just want to know?" she smiles innocently then she walks into the kitchen. "Hey (Y/n) come in here for a minute."

I walk into the kitchen and I see my mom with a little bag. "What's that mom?"

"I saw you were filling up your water so I figured you're going to be out for a bit." She threw the bag and I caught it. "There is a lunch but i expect you home for dinner"

"Thanks mom and I promise I'll be home for dinner" I say bye to my mom and walk out the door.

I put the address Sasha send me into my phone and follow the directions that my phone gave me. It wasn't a long walk to get to her house only about a half-hour. I turned on on the last street and then I heard music and someone singing.

- don't mess this up, okay guys here we go

I don't want to interrupt their song so I just sort of peek into the garage and see Sasha as lead singing and on the guitar. Then I see Anne which I did not expect but she is on bass guitar. Then I see Marcy on drums and may I say dang, these girls will be the death of me.

I'm a heart stomper stompin' on hearts if you want to get away you're gonna need a head start. I can keep this up forever if you're trying To feel better take it up with someone else you can call it Too cutthroat I'll stomp a Heart like a roach I'm just lookin' Out for myself

I just sort of watch them. They sound really good and the song is really good. Not to mention they are so much fun to watch.

I'm a heartbreaker breaking those hearts you can tell me That's not me but I'm perfect for the part. I can keep this up forever if you're tryin' To feel better take it up with someone else you can call it Too cutthroat I'll stomp a Heart like a roach I'm just lookin' Out for myself Wooo!

I can see Sasha turn around and look at Marcy and Anne.

Come on, Anne! On the beat, please Marcy!

She turns back around and starts playing again as she sings the last part the song.

I can keep this up forever if you're tryin' to feel better take it up with someone else. You can call it too cutthroat I'll stomp a heart like a roach I'm just lookin' out of myself I'm a heartstopper.

I come out of my little hiding spot and clap. All three of them look up at me.

"(Y/n)" They all said at the same time.

"That's my name and you guys sound incredible"

"(Y/n) what are you doing here?" Anne asked.

"I met Sasha the other day and she invited me to come and watch her band rehearse, I didn't know you you two were the other band members, what a coincidence that the three people that I met in the last week were all in a band."

"How much of the song did you hear?" Sasha asked

"All of it I think, I just didn't want to interrupt you guys so I just watched. You guys are a great band"

"Well thanks (Y/n) but you didn't have to wait till the song was over," Marcy said

"Eh, I'd rather just let you guys jam out I mean I already feel like I'm intruding"

"You're not intruding silly, Sasha invited you," Marcy giggled a little. Dang, why does she have to be so cute?

Suddenly I feel a weight on my shoulders. It was Anne she was leaning on me. "Yeah dude, you are more than welcome to be here"

"Okay I'm came here to watch you guys so do you guys have any other songs," I ask

"Actually we've only practiced that one song so far," Sasha said.

"Well you guys still sounded good"

"Thanks" They all said in unison.

After that, the four of us talked for a while and got closer. I learned more about each of them. Anne is on the varsity tennis team. She invited me to come to watch one of her games next week. Sasha is the captain of the cheer team. Marcy likes playing video games and fantasy games. The four of us are just sitting and talking.

"Okay Anne, Marcy all in favor of adopting (Y/n) into the friend group?" Sasha announced.

"I," Anne and Marcy said as they raised their hands.

"Wait what?" I asked

"Well, it just means that you can hang out with us whenever you want. I mean the three of us are together a lot of the time anyway." Marcy started

"Yeah and we just want you to be a part of that. If you want to that is" Anne continued.

"So (Y/n) what do you say?" Sasha asked.

"Y-Yeah I think I'd like that. I meant you guys seem really fun to hang out with"

The three of them then come and hug me. "Welcome to the group," Anne said.

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