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Brace yourselves for this one. ;) Also - warning for ableist slurs/panic attacks/sensory overload. I'm sorry. You'll either hate me or love me for this chapter. Or both.


"Where's Chaeyoung?" Lisa asks as she sits down next to Somi. "I haven't seen her all day."

"She didn't tell you?" Jennie frowns. "She had to get her wisdom teeth out today. Her mom is letting her have the day off for it."

Lisa's eyes widen. "She's having someone rip her teeth out and she didn't tell me?"

Somi laughs. "She didn't tell Jisoo and me either. She mentioned it in passing to Jennie and she told us. We figured she'd tell you herself since she seems so close to you recently."

"I'm going to go and see her tonight." Lisa decides, checking her purse to make sure she has enough money to go to the store and buy ice cream for her friend. That's good for after wisdom teeth removal, right? Or was it tonsils? Lisa has no idea. "What time is her surgery?"

Jisoo grabs her phone and checks the time. "I think it happened like an hour ago. Depending on what time you go over, she might still be all loopy from the pain meds."

"Oh, please film it," Jennie laughs, "that'd be perfect to put on Instagram."

Lisa smiles at the thought of a drugged Chaeyoung, but shakes her head. "I can't film her. I'd feel bad. Besides, you all know she'd probably convince me to delete it with her cute little compliments."

"Not if she doesn't know you have it." Jisoo replies, smirking at her. "Or maybe you're just whipped and don't want to do it because you like her."

Jennie snickers, and Lisa is pretty sure even Somi laughs at Jisoo's comment. "What? You think I like Chaeyoung?"

"Well, you do look like the human embodiment of the heart eyes emoji when you see her." Somi points out.

Jennie hums in agreement. "And it's not exactly a secret that she likes you too."

Lisa frowns. They think that Chaeyoung likes her? No way. The thought is ridiculous. She and Chaeyoung are just friends, obviously. "Chaeyoung doesn't like me."

"Lisa, you've got to be blind if you can't see how heart eyes she is over you." Jisoo rolls her eyes. "Chaengah isn't really that subtle. She stares at you like-"

"Like I'm the only person in the room?" Lisa deadpans with a similar eye roll, before reiterating her earlier point. "She doesn't like me."

"Actually, I was going to say like she wants to shove her tongue down your throat, but sure, you can put it like that." Jisoo smirks when Lisa turns red. "And yes, she does like you. Pretty sure Jennie can confirm that."

"Nope." Jennie shakes her head. "I'm sworn to secrecy. I can't say anything."

Jisoo scoffs. "Chaeyoung's been so obvious since day one. Ever since Lisa showed up, Chaeng's been whipped as hell. She does little doodles of her in her sketchbook and she's always staring at her. She's like- you know those girls in middle school who write their crush's name in their notebook? That's Chaeyoung."

"Jisoo, I'm sure that if Chaeyoung does like Lisa, she doesn't want everyone to know about it." Somi tries to shut the other girl up, to no avail. "If she likes Lisa and wants her to know, she'd tell her."

"Actually, I don't think she'd tell her." Jennie replies. "It never goes well for her when she approaches her crushes, and I think that put her off."

Lisa shakes her head. "Chaeyoung can tell me anything and she knows that, but she doesn't like me. She told me that she likes some other girl, anyway."

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