forty four

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Trigger warning for ableist slurs and minor violence.


Chaeyoung realises that coming to the party was a bad idea the second Lisa's car pulls up and she can hear the loud music from a few houses down.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lisa asks, almost as if she senses Chaeyoung's discomfort. "I know you hate loud places."

"I am sure." Chaeyoung decides, because she'd promised Lisa that she'd try. And she wants to be able to go out with Lisa to parties and do other stereotypically 'teenager' things. "I want to try."

"Okay." Lisa replies, opening up the car door. "Let's go, then."

The second they're out of the car, Chaeyoung takes Lisa's hand and follows her girlfriend towards the house the party is being held at, both of them fully aware that it's not a good idea, but Lisa not wanting to push Chaeyoung and Chaeyoung not wanting to disappoint anyone.

Once they're outside the correct house, Lisa stops them. "Chaeyoung. You don't have to do this."

"I know." Chaeyoung stares at the house apprehensively. "But I want to see if I can."

"I don't want you to go into sensory overload. It makes you feel so bad and you're always upset for hours after." Lisa says. "I don't want anything to make you feel bad. I want you to be happy."

"I know." Chaeyoung repeats. "I want to try. If I don't like it, we can leave."

Lisa gives her a hesitant nod, and they head into the house, Chaeyoung's hands immediately shooting up to cover her ears at the noise. Lisa wants them to go then and there, but when she starts moving back the door, Chaeyoung shakes her head and keeps walking them further into the house.

"Chaeyoung, let's just go." Lisa shouts over the music. "This isn't going to go well and we both know it."

"I would like a drink." Chaeyoung calmly replies, her hands still over her ears. "Can we get a drink?"

"Fine." Lisa says. "One drink and then we leave. Okay?"

Chaeyoung doesn't reply, and instead closes her eyes and takes one hand from her ear to hold Lisa's hand. "Take me to the drinks, please."

Lisa leads Chaeyoung through the house and into the kitchen, getting her girlfriend a can of soda. "There. You have a drink. Now drink it so we can leave without any tears."

Chaeyoung opens her eyes for a second and nods, taking the drink from Lisa and opening it up. She takes a sip and then closes her eyes again. "So... what do you do now? I know you're supposed to get a drink, but then what do you do?"

"Talk to people, I guess?" Lisa shrugs. "But look, you're talking to me right now. So you can finish your drink in the car."

Chaeyoung frowns and takes another sip of her drink. "I want to stay until I finish it."

"Hey, Lisa, Chaeyoung," Dylan taps Lisa on the shoulder and sends Chaeyoung a smile, but she doesn't see it because her eyes are still closed. "How are- wait, Chaeyoung, why do you have your eyes closed?"

"It is very loud in here, and since I cannot control the volume, I have my eyes closed to filter out any visual stimuli." Chaeyoung explains, rocking on her heels. "I do not like how loud it is."

"Oh..." Dylan looks over at Lisa with a frown. "Okay then. Anyway, Lisa, there's some people I want you to meet."

Dylan grabs onto Lisa's arm and pulls her over to a group of guys, and Lisa is incredibly thankful that she has her death grip on Chaeyoung's hand, because the last thing she wants is to lose her girlfriend in a place like this.

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