sixty one

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"Chaeyoung. Wake up."

"I- Lili?" Chaeyoung frowns, sitting up and rubbing at her eyes. "What are you doing? It's- it's still dark out."

"Mhm," Lisa smiles, "It's Valentine's Day. And I have a surprise which requires a drive. So we need to set off soon. I have a bowl of Cheerios here for you."

"No milk?" Chaeyoung asks, but she switches her lamp on and looks, answering her own question. She eats a couple of Cheerios and then looks at the time. 5:30AM. What the hell? "How did you get in?"

"Your mom let me in. She's in on this. She was actually the one who helped come up with the idea." Lisa tells her. "Well, more like told me what to do, pretty much. I was stumped for Valentine's Day ideas."

"Oh," Chaeyoung frowns. "What are we doing, then?"

"Can't tell you that," Lisa replies, "It's a surprise, but don't worry. It's a good surprise. I swear."

Chaeyoung hums in thought. "Okay then. I trust you."

Lisa's face flushes and she leans in to kiss her. "I know you do. But this'll be a lot of fun, I promise."

"Okay," Chaeyoung nods as she finishes off her Cheerios. "How fun? Like, what- on a scale of one to ten. Ten being the most fun."

"Ten thousand." Lisa grins. "Honestly, you'll love it when you realise what it is. I loved it when your mom gave me the idea. Especially when both sets of parents gave me cash for it."

Chaeyoung frowns. "How long are we going to be in the car for? Can I- can I bring Nala?"

"Of course you can bring Nala," Lisa smiles, muttering something under her breath that Chaeyoung doesn't catch. "And... three hours. Without traffic."

"Oh," Chaeyoung bobs her head in reply, "I'll- I'll put a playlist on. What else do I need?"

"Well... I have a backpack full of snacks for the ride, and obviously you need to bring Nala, your phone, yourself... that's pretty much it. Maybe a jacket or something for if you get cold." Lisa says. "We won't get back until later tonight, though. We're having a day out, and then we have dinner reservations at six thirty. Then we have to eat dinner and drive back for three hours. So, at the best, we'll get back around eleven. So maybe bring your house key."

"Okay," Chaeyoung nods and grabs her key, which is attached to a Lion King keychain that Jennie had given her a few birthdays ago. "Anything else? I really want to be prepared."

"Nope." Lisa shakes her head. "Not that I can think of. We're good to go."

Chaeyoung hums in reply and gets up, searching through her closet for something to wear. Lisa cuts in front of her and pulls out a black and white striped tee and a pair of ripped, black skinny jeans. "Lili, I need to get dressed."

"Wear these," Lisa holds the clothes out to her. "You'll look hot in this."

"Is- is that something you want me to be?" Chaeyoung asks. "Do you want me to look hot today?"

"Well... you always look hot. But you'd look really hot in this." Lisa says, her fingers playing with the zipper on Chaeyoung's Simba onesie. "Bring your leather jacket, too. I want to show everyone how I have a badass as a girlfriend."

Chaeyoung beams. "Yes. I'm badass."

"Get dressed, badass," Lisa smiles and flops down on Chaeyoung's bed. "I'll be over here."

"Okay," Chaeyoung replies, unzipping her Simba onesie and getting out of it. She grabs the t-shirt, not bothering to put a bra on, and then changes into some fresh underwear before tugging the jeans on. Then, she turns to Lisa with a smile. "Do I look good?"

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