sixty three

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"Your mom told me you were sick." Lisa waltzes into Chaeyoung's room with a smile. "So I'm here to take care of you. Even if it is a school day."

"But you can't-" Chaeyoung looks at her with wide eyes, "You can't take the day off school."

"I can do whatever the hell I want, ParkChaeyoung," Lisa says, sitting down on Chaeyoung's bed, "first important question - are you contagious?"

"Probably," Chaeyoung mumbles, "Hyeri had this a few days before the last time we hung out and I think she gave this to me and Irene."

"Alright," Lisa nods, "well, I don't care. I'm your future wife and I'm going to take care of you. No matter how gross and contagious you are."

"I'm not-" Chaeyoung cuts herself off with a cough, "I'm not gross."

"Really?" Lisa raises an eyebrow, placing a hand against Chaeyoung's forehead, because her girlfriend is burning up. "How many times have you puked today, Rosie's?"

"Um- only-" Chaeyoung bites down on her bottom lip and pulls her duvet up to her chin. "Only a few times. It's not- I'm okay though. Nothing to miss school over."

"If you wanted to convince me you were fine, you would've said no, Lili, I haven't puked at all. And even then, I wouldn't have left, because I already called into school pretending to be my mom and told them that I was sick." Lisa replies, gently brushing her hand through Chaeyoung's hair. "So I can't show up in full health. People will think my mother is trying to sabotage my education."

"You- you shouldn't have," Chaeyoung pulls her blanket over her head. "I don't want to get you sick."

"I'm going to make you some tea, okay?" Lisa kisses Chaeyoung's forehead and squeezes her hand. "I'll be right back, baby."

"No, wait," Chaeyoung sits up and rubs at her eyes, "I can- oh god-"

Lisa hears a retching sound, and Chaeyoung jumps up from her bed and sprints into her bathroom. Even though the sound of someone puking makes Lisa want to puke herself, she goes into the bathroom and holds Chaeyoung's hair away from her face, rubbing comforting circles on her girlfriend's back.

"I've got you, Rosie," Lisa assures her when Chaeyoung stops puking and collapses into her. "Come on. Let's get you to bed."

"Lili," Chaeyoung whines as Lisa practically carries her back to bed, "my head hurts."

"I know, babe." Lisa brushes Chaeyoung's hair back and makes sure to tuck her into bed. "Just close your eyes. I'm going to get you some water and, uh, a bucket would probably be a good idea, too. So you don't need to get up again."

"Lisa," Chaeyoung mumbles, "thank you for coming over. Even though you're missing school."

"It's not a problem," Lisa promises, "your parents are at work and nobody would be here to stop you puking on yourself if I wasn't."

"I love you," Chaeyoung blinks up at her. "I'd- I'd really love some- um, some water. My throat feels gross after that."

"Okay. I'll be as quick as I can be." Lisa says. "If you get hungry later, I'll make you some toast, but I doubt it'll be a good idea to put butter on it. We need you to have plain things so it's easier on your stomach."

"I, um, had a few Cheerios this morning," Chaeyoung says. "My mom brought me a bowl up before she went to work but it was a lot smaller than usual."

"That's probably good. Especially since you never have milk on them," Lisa points out. "Milk is like, the worst possible thing to have when you're sick."

"I hate being sick." Chaeyoung pulls her blankets up to her nose. "It's- I'm really cold."

"Really?" Lisa presses her hand to Chaeyoung's forehead and frowns. "You're burning up, Rosie."

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