fifty five

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"It's Christmas Eve!" Chaeyoung bounds down the stairs the second the sun sets and pounces on her siblings in the lounge. "Aren't you guys excited?"

"Rosie, it's like, four in the afternoon," Kai says as she tries to stuff a Santa hat on his head. "Calm down a little."

"It's dark, so that means you're allowed to be festive, even though I've been festive since November," Chaeyoung replies, carefully putting a pink Santa hat on Alice's head. "Have you given everyone their presents? I have, except for Lisa, she's getting hers later when she comes over. We're getting pizza tonight too. And- and I'm going to help mom with the cooking tomorrow, since I'm a super great chef."

Alice smiles. "I think it's sweet that you're so excited. You've always liked Christmas, haven't you?"

"Oh, yes, I adore it." Chaeyoung wedges herself in between her siblings on the couch and throws an arm around both of them. "I love giving presents and making people happy."

"So, your hot girlfriend is coming over tonight?" Kai raises an eyebrow, "I better not hear any sex noises from your room."

"No, we are not having sex until New Year's Eve," Chaeyoung casually responds, not noticing how both of her siblings let out a strangled coughing sound. "So you don't have to worry. And she's not even staying over."

Alice laughs. "Ignore Kai, Rosie. You and Lisa are adorable and I'm so glad you're happy."

"Yes, I am very happy," Chaeyoung hums to herself, "do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet, Alice? You know you can tell me if you do, and you can- can ask me for relationship advice and I can be a good big sister."

Alice hugs her. "You're already a good big sister."

Chaeyoung tilts her head to the side and thinks. "Well, I don't know, I haven't- you never come to me for girl talk or advice. And I know I'm different, but I'm still good at things like that. You can talk to me about anything."

"I know," Alice bumps against her comfortingly, "You know I don't look down on you for being different. You're my big sister, Rosie. I love you."

Chaeyoung smiles. "Yes, well, we should watch Christmas movies. But we need to wait until Lisa comes over at five."

Kai stands up and stretches. "I'll be in my room playing video games until mom and dad call for family festivities. See you two later."

Chaeyoung frowns as she watches her brother go, because she'd wanted to have some bonding time with her siblings. But she's fine, because she still has Alice. "So... how's school? Is- is there any teenage drama going on? Do you need me to beat someone up?"

Alice laughs. "We go to the same school, Chaeyoung. You'd know if there was drama."

"Oh, yes," Chaeyoung rubs her hand along her thigh nervously, because she doesn't really know how to interact with her little sister properly, since Alice isn't really a kid anymore. Kids are easy to talk to, but teenagers? Even though Chaeyoung's one herself, she doesn't understand them at all. "How- how are your classes? Are they hard? If you need help, I will help, I have a 5.0 GPA."

"They're fine," Alice says, giving her a hug. "I appreciate your offer, though."

"I..." Chaeyoung trails off and bites down on her bottom lip. "Talk to me, Ally. About your life. Please. I would like to- to be a good big sister and- and have you talk to me about things. Please let me be a good big sister."

Alice stares at her for a moment, before letting out a sigh. "There's this boy. And I like him, but I don't know how to approach him since we're not exactly friends and I'm pretty sure he doesn't notice me at all."

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