thirty seven

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"No," At the sound of her name, Chaeyoung buries her face into her pillow and shakes her head. "Sleep."

She hears a familiar laugh. "You've slept enough. Get up, birthday girl."

"My present can be more sleep." Chaeyoung says, reaching up and blindly shoving Lisa away. "Goodnight."

"Damn, someone's grumpy on a morning," Lisa laughs again and Chaeyoung feels her girlfriend's weight shift until a pair of arms wrap around her waist. "Get up, Rosie. You don't want to sleep through your eighteenth birthday. You're officially an adult! You can do all sorts of adult things now."

"Yes, but I can do that later when I'm not still tired and warm and comfy," Chaeyoung replies, flipping over to curl up next to Lisa. "It's my birthday, I make the rules, so I'd like to sleep more."

"Too bad," Lisa pulls her up and Chaeyoung groans, finally opening her eyes to see her girlfriend smirking at her. "We have plans. I told you that last week that I was planning a nice day for us. Nothing too flashy since your main present is Disney, but still."

Chaeyoung hums. "But the day can start later, can't it? It's only- oh."

"Yeah. It's eleven thirty." Lisa points out, tapping the clock on Chaeyoung's nightstand to emphasise her point. "Get yourself up, lazy ass. I dragged myself out of bed for this, and you're going to as well."

"Fine," Chaeyoung sits up and taps on her leg. "I'm getting my dragonfly tattoo in three days. I am very excited for that. You are still coming with me, aren't you?"

"Yep, wouldn't miss it," Lisa assures her, leaning in and giving her a gentle kiss. "Happy birthday, baby."

Chaeyoung smiles to herself. "So- uh, what are your plans? Do I need to bring money?"

"Like I said, we're just doing something small, because your actual present is Disney," Lisa replies, "we're going to the art gallery, since I know you love it so much, and then we're going to have a picnic on the beach. After that, it's all open. Up to you. Since you're the birthday girl and all."

"You didn't answer my question." Chaeyoung points out. "Do I need money?"

"Nope," Lisa shakes her head, "birthday girls don't pay. Leave all of that stuff to me."

Chaeyoung pouts. "But you're paying for Disney, that wouldn't be fair. I can't let you pay for so much stuff for me. It makes me feel like I'm taking from you and not giving anything back."

"You give me so much back," Lisa replies, running a hand through Chaeyoung's messy hair. "Just by being with me, you give me everything. You make me feel so loved, Rosie, and that's worth more than anything."

Chaeyoung rests her head on Lisa's shoulder and squeezes her girlfriend's hand. "I am excited for today. I wonder if Hyeri is working today, she works at the art gallery so we might run into her."

"You'll see her tonight though, won't you? At your birthday meal." Lisa reminds her, and Chaeyoung nods, because she hadn't forgotten about that. Her parents had made a booking for a separate room in her favourite restaurant, and she gets to see all of her friends tonight. "Who's coming tonight, anyway?"

"Well, my family, you, Jennie, Jisoo, Somi, Irene, Ashley, Hyeri and Seulgi." Chaeyoung says, rubbing her hand along her leg. "Everyone I care about will be there."

Lisa smiles. "Sounds like fun. Anyway, you go and get dressed. It's quite hot out, so you might not want to wear a sweater, but you're probably going to ignore me and wear one anyway."

Chaeyoung laughs. "Well, I think I might wear one of my The 1975 t-shirts and my leather jacket. But if you think I should wear a sweater, I will."

"I didn't know you had a leather jacket." Lisa comments. "But then it's not much of a shock. You are a badass, after all."

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