twenty nine

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Chaeyoung stays with Lisa for a week.

Obviously, Lisa doesn't mind at all - extended periods of time with Chaeyoung by her side are actually her favourite thing - she just doesn't like the texts she's been getting from Rosalie every day. They're mostly just check up texts to see how Chaeyoung is doing and when she's coming home, but some of them are more like 'make her come home tonight' kinds of texts. While Lisa can understand that Rosalie wants her daughter home, she thinks that if Chaeyoung wants space, she should give it to her.

"Hey, Rosie?" Lisa gets her girlfriend's attention, because Chaeyoung looks like she's about to fall asleep as they're watching some rom com that Amy had picked out - Chaeyoung and Lisa had nothing better to do, so they figured they'd join Lisa's parents. "Have you talked to your mom yet? Like, have you texted her or anything?"

Chaeyoung shakes her head and pulls Nala closer to her. "No. I don't want to talk to her. She doesn't want me, so I will stay away. I do miss my dad and Kai and Alice, though. And my mom, but I wouldn't tell her that."

"You should speak to them. I'm sure your mom wants to talk, considering you guys left things on a not so great note." Lisa points out. "Also, she keeps texting me and asking me how you are."

"She does?" Chaeyoung blinks in surprise. "She wants to know how I am?"

"Of course she does, she's your mom and she loves you." Lisa assures her, running her fingers through Chaeyoung's hair. "I think you just... you both need to understand each other a little better. You need to listen to her point of view, and she needs to listen to yours. And then you two can talk things over and decide what's best."

Chaeyoung frowns at her. "You're supposed to be on my side."

"I am on your side, babe," Lisa reminds her, "I'm trying to help you fix things with your mom. If that isn't on your side, I don't know what is."

"But you're defending the things she says about me." Chaeyoung says, fiddling with the fur on the end of Nala's tail. "It's like you agree with how she wants to change me."

"No, Rosie. It's definitely not that. I think you're absolutely perfect and I never want you to change." Lisa says, because it's true. Everything about Chaeyoung is what makes her who she is, and who she is is the girl Lisa is hopelessly in love with. "I just want you to be happy, and I know how much your family mean to you. You're a family girl at heart, Rosie. I know it's upsetting you to be away from them."

Chaeyoung sighs and shuffles on her side to look up at Lisa. "I miss them. But I'm still mad at my mom and I don't want to talk to her, because she thinks she can 'cure' me. But she can't, and it upsets me that she even wants to, because it's like she doesn't love me for who I am."

"You know your mom loves you, Rosie," Lisa lets Chaeyoung play with her fingers. "She's trying to do what she thinks is best because she loves you. She just doesn't understand that you need different things, and that's why I think you two should talk it out. Only when you're a hundred percent ready, though."

"Will you be there?" Chaeyoung asks her. "I need you to be there. In case I get upset."

"Of course I'll be there." Lisa promises. "Even if it's just to hold your hand while you guys talk. You didn't even have to ask, though. I'm your girlfriend - it's my job to support you when you need it."

"Oh, okay." Chaeyoung hums to herself and closes her eyes, curling up against Lisa. "I am going to sleep now. I don't think this movie is very interesting. Have you noticed that all romance movies follow the same formula? The boy meets the girl and they fall in love, and then they argue and break up for a bit, but then it's all fine in the end. And even if it's not, the boy meets another girl to chase after. It's all rather dull and I think I'd rather nap through it. Wake me up when it's over, though."

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