fifty seven

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A/N: this chapter dedicated to user @ unholylisa on twitter i saw ur tweet about me and i'm not ignoring anyone please don't fight me i'm too small lmao. anyways, enjoy! (:

So, Lisa's New Year doesn't start very well.

She figures that it's going to be amazing at first. She saw the year in with the most amazing person on the planet, and while they were both very drunk, New Year's Eve had been one of the best nights of 2021.

New Year's Day was equally as good - both her and Chaeyoung were incredibly hungover, Chaeyoung more than her - and they'd spent the day cuddled up under Chaeyoung's special blue blanket, watching movies and taking breaks for make out sessions.

(Sure, Chaeyoung complained about having a huge headache all day, but that gave Lisa more of an excuse to kiss it better.)

She stayed at Chaeyoung's for dinner, too, and then Rosalie dropped her off at home and she spent some time with Jules, mostly playing hide and seek - she was a little too hungover to play anything more strenuous - and when she'd gone to bed that night, she'd decided that 2022 was already ten times better than 2021.

She wakes up the next day feeling refreshed, and makes plans with Chaeyoung to meet up the next day; she would've picked today, but she has plans with Jisoo. She gets up, eats her breakfast - even if it is one in the afternoon - and the doorbell rings as she's putting her bowl away.

Her mom lets her friend in, and spots Jisoo taking her shoes off in the hallway. Knowing that her friend can't see her, she runs up and pounces on her, wrapping her in a koala hug. "Happy New Year,ChiChi."

"Get off me," Jisoo pushes her off, "save your affection for Chaeng-ah."

"Oh, she got plenty of affection," Lisa grins, "we had a great New Year's Eve."

"I would gag, but honestly, Jennie and I did the same thing," Jisoo says, and Lisa tries not to smile - even though it's a little too much info, she's glad her friends are happy. "Somi would've been such a fifth wheel if you guys had come over. Poor little single person."

Lisa rolls her eyes. "How was Jennie's party, anyway?"

"We had so much fun." Jisoo grins. "It got kind of out of control though. Her parents said she could invite like, twenty five people, since usually it's just me, her, Somi and Chaeyoung, but it ended up being like, over one hundred people there. We had a lot of clean up yesterday."

"That's why I'm glad I went to Chaeyoung's," Lisa replies, "even though all we did was make a blanket fort and get drunk together, we didn't have any clean up. We came downstairs the next day and Chaeyoung's parents had put the lounge back to normal."

"Oh my god," Jisoo stares at her, "you didn't fuck in the blanket fort, did you?"

Lisa turns bright red and splutters out a loud, "No," before lowering her voice and continuing, "No, we- um, her bed was a better option."

Jisoo snorts, "Rookies."

"Shut up," Lisa rolls her eyes, "Just because Chaeyoung and I have self-control, unlike you and Jennie. I'm surprised her party guests didn't get an impromptu live porn show."

Jisoo glares at her. "Hey, no, Jennie and I can control ourselves."

"Sure you can," Lisa sarcastically replies, "it's not like you did it in the middle of the school bathroom or anything."

"Don't act like you wouldn't do things like that too if you weren't dating Chaeyoung," Jisoo shoves her and pulls her towards the stairs, practically dragging Lisa up to her room. "Like, the girl's had sex with you but she still manages to be the biggest virgin in the world."

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