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Lili (10:43AM): rosie

Rosie Park <3 (10:43AM): Lili

Lili (10:44AM): r u busy today? i'm bored and lonely and i haven't seen u since school on friday

Rosie Park <3 (10:44AM): I'm not busy. And Friday was yesterday, it's not even been 24 hours yet. Why am I the one Jisoo and Jennie think is too clingy?

Lili (10:45AM): park chaeyoung is that sarcasm i sense???? my lil innocent cutie pie knows SCARCASM??? what universe r we in?

Rosie Park <3 (10:45AM): Of course I know sarcasm, I'm friends with Jisoo. Even though I can't tell when she uses it, doesn't mean I can't use it myself. And I told you I'm not as innocent as you think. But why did you want to know if I was free?

Lisa reads over Chaeyoung's message with an amused smile and types out her response, hoping that her question isn't too spontaneous, because she doesn't want to upset her friend.

(Or 'dating friend' as Chaeyoung had called her the other week.)

Lili (10:47AM): i wanted to see if u wanted to go to the beach w/ me today and get some ice cream and go for a walk

Lili (10:47AM): it's chill if u don't wanna i just figured i'd ask

Rosie Park <3 (10:48AM): Like as a date?

Lili (10:48AM): yeah

Rosie Park <3 (10:49AM): What time do I need to be ready by? And are you picking me up, or are we meeting on the beach? Or should I ask my mom if I can borrow her car and pick you up?

Lili (10:50AM): i'll pick u up at 12 and we'll go for a walk on the beach and get ice cream. wear 'beachy' clothes i guess bc it's kinda hot today i don't think ur usual attire of an oversized sweater and jeans will b suitable i don't want my rosie to die of heat stroke

Rosie Park <3 (10:51AM): Beachy clothes. You'll pick me up at 12. Okay. I will go and tell my parents I have plans now.

Lili (10:52AM): sorry if this is like really spontaneous, i wasn't sure if i should ask u in case it upset u for being not planned in advance and stuff

Rosie Park <3 (10:52AM): We just planned it though. It's not like you showed up at my house and told me that we were going somewhere. You asked me first and then we planned it and that's okay because I try not to schedule my weekends a lot. It's just the weekdays I like to plan.

Lisa breathes out a sigh of relief at Chaeyoung's answer and smiles, because the last thing she wants to do is upset Chaeyoung.

Lili (10:53AM): good i'm glad

Lili (10:53AM): but rosie im serious about the sweater thing like pls snapchat me what ur planning on wearing bc i remember one time at school jisoo told you to wear something 'cool' as in to help u stay cool on a hot day and then u showed up in a sweater that u thought was cool as in awesome

Lili (10:54AM): don't want my rosie to get too hot so plssss wear something that's like the typical beach attire? (my snapchat is lisanaps by the way)

Rosie Park <3 (10:55AM): I'll snapchat you what I'm going to wear. Mine's roses_are_rosie1 and it's annoying that just roses_are_rosie is taken because that's what my username is on everything else like Twitter and Instagram.

Lili (10:56AM): is ur tumblr roses_are_rosie as well? i wanna stalk ur tumblr

Rosie Park <3 (10:57AM): No, that's ImARoseBxch. I know yours. It's lalalalisa_m. I saw it open on your laptop one day.

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