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Nyeli Pov

Well It's Been Two Months Since Reese Came Home And He Don't Even Acknowledge Me But Him And Gazelle Are Talking Now Cute So I Know My Mother Is Dead And My Dad I Don't Even Know About That Cause He Gone

"Yoo Ny Guess What Girl" Tooley Said I Looked At Him

"What Is It Huh?" I Asked He Smiles At Me Coming Towards Me

"Elena Is Pregnant" Tooley Said Excited As Ever Usually He'll Say He Ain't Having Kids

"Oh My Goodness Bitch Yay I'm So Happy For You Beautiful" I Said We Hugged Andy Came Downstairs Gazelle And Reese Came Through The Door And Hugged Up Happy

"Okay Ny Xander Tooley Lena Reese Has Something To Tell You And I Think You Should Really Sit Down And Listen To Him" Gazelle Said I Mugged

"Why Do I Have To Listen To Him When He's Been A Ass Since He's Came Home And Let's Not Forget He Thinks I'm Not Good For Andy Like Come On No" I Said He Looks At Me

"I'm Your Brother Man That's Why I've Been Acting Like This Okay Our Pops Is Locked Up He Told Me About You When I Got Locked Up We Got The Same Mom And All He Just Gave Me To His Parents Cause Ma Left Him Then She Got Killed By A Hitman And You Were Left With Jorè I Didn't Know" Reese Said With Him Coming Towards Me Looking At Me

"Noo I Don't Want To Hear This I'm Not Going To Believe Any Of This Cause Why Not Let Me Know This Instead Of Being Distance" I Said He Looked At Me Upset

"Because Man You Were Hurt When I First Met You I Was A Dick To You I Don't Want You To Hate Me He Told Me He Didn't Know She Was Pregnant When She Left Him" Reese Said He Had Tears In His Eyes

"So Wassup Huh Now You Want To Be A Big Brother You Want To Talk And Love Me Huh And He Told You When You Went To Prison Why Didn't He Think To Tell You This When You Were Out Huh So You Could Look For Me Or Protect Me I Was Raped My Innocence Was Took From Me I Was Abused Starved Until I Got Me A Job To Get Away I Paid Bills Life Wasn't A Rainbow Like Fuck!" I Yelled He Came To Me And Hugs Me I Cried My Shirt Felt Wet Things Start To Get Black I Pinched Him And He Yelled

"Owe Shit Ny Why You Scratch Me?"Reese Asked He Looked At Me And His Face Start To Become Blurry I Smiled At Him

"Yooo Xander Nigga Something Going On Come Here Bro!" Reese Yelled Andy Came And I Blacked Out Before He Came To Me

Xander Pov

I Ran To Reese And Ny She Was Out In His Arms He Was Talking To Her When I Came In

"Come On Man I Just Learned I Have A Sister Man Don't Do This To Me Please" Reese Said I Just Went To Pick Her Up I Went Towards The Door Tooley Already Had The Truck Ready I Got In The Back With Her Tooley Sped Off Hitting Back Street We Made It There I Hopped Out With Her Going In

"Yoo Somebody Help My Wife Blacked Out Please!" I Yelled They Came With A Gurney I Tried To Go Back There With Them

"I'm Sorry Sir You Can't Go Back There With Them Please Wait" Nurse Said Stopping Me At The Door Man

"Fuuuccckkk!" I Yelled Punching The Wall Cause I Can't Do This Without Her

"Yooo Wassup Is She Okay Huh?" Tooley Asked Coming In His Eyes Red Reese Came In After With Gazelle Looking Hurt

"She Just Got Back There I Didn't Want To Stay Out Here But We Gotta Wait" I Said They Nodded I Just Paced The Floor

2 Hours Later

"Family Of Nyeli Caine?" Doctor Asked I Was At His Throat When He Said

"Yeaa Wassup That's Us" I Said He Looks At Me Smiling

"Well First I Want To Say Y'all Got Her Here Just In Time And Congratulations Sir" Doctor Said He Smiles At Me

"What You Mean Congratulations Huh Wait My Girl Pregnant Huh?" I Asked He Nodded Smiling At Me

"She's In Room 8 In The Back She's Up But Don't Be Loud She's Still Coming To" Doctor Said I Ran To Her Room To See Her In The Bed Watching Tv I Opened The Door She Looks At Me Smiling Big At Me I Run Towards Her And Hugged Her Tight

"Oh Man I'm Soo Sorry That This Happened To You Beautiful But I'm Also Happy We Got Another Mini Inside Of You" I Said She Smiles We Kissed The Door Opens In Comes Tooley And Gazelle But Noo Reese

"Yo Ny Don't Pull That On Me Ever Again Cause I Can't Take That" Tooley Said Coming To The Other Side Of The Bed

"Yess Cause You've Helped Me Get A Life Well A Better Life Soo You Can't Leave Any Of Us And Xander Gone Kill The World" Gazelle Said Hugging Her Crying Like A Baby

"Yeaa Soo Where's Reese?" I Asked They Looked Away From Me

"He Went Back To The House He Said He Wants To Spend Time With His Niece" Gazelle Said I Nodded It's Okay

"Oh Alright I'll See Y'all Tomorrow She's Sleepy And They Said She'll Be Out Tomorrow" I Said Everybody Hugged Her Then Left

"Oh Baby I Can't Believe We Got Another Baby On The Way Andy" Nyeli Said Smiling At Me A Big Smile I Got In The Bed With Her

"Me Either Babe Like It's Crazy Like On Some Crazy Things I Hope It Ain't Twins Cause That Runs In My Family" I Said Ny Nods At That Statement I Made

"Yes Baby Me Too Cause Neli Is A Handful This Baby Might Keep You On Your Toes Cause Believe Me When I Say If It's A Boy You're Going To Take All Problems" Nyeli Said I Laughed Cause Man Girl

"I Bet Now Get Some Rest Beautiful" I Said She Laid Into My Chest And We Went To Sleep

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