Changing Life

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Xander Pov

Well My Girl Has Been So Rude During This Pregnancy Like Huh I Don't Really Know Why Cause The Only Person She Let's Be Under Her Is Cameron Elena's Son Well Hell Nephew Cause Her And Tooley Officially Together She's Pregnant And So Is Gazelle From Reese They All Go At It About Food And Sleeping Together

"Yoo Za Quit Making Neli Run In That Room Auntie Ny & Elena Tryna Sleep In There" I Said She Laughed Looking At Me Grabbing Neli

"Ayoo Somebody Come Help Me With The Food And Groceries!" Tooley Yelled And I Sighed Cause Here She Comes Man

"Why Tooley Huh Y'all Need To Get This Yelling Shit Together Ugh It's Never Get Any Good Sleep Around Andy Baby" Nyeli Said Looking At Me I Nodded Going To Hug Her And She Started To Cry In My Arms

"Baby It's Okay We Won't Be In This House For To Long Okay Big Daddy Andy Going To Get Things Better Before The Baby Gets Here"I Said She Nodded Sniffing In My Chest This Is The First Time She Let Me Hold Her

"I'm Going To Your Ma's House I Can't Andy I'm Soo Tired Baby" Nyeli Said I Nodded She Went To My Room I Went Downstairs To See Tooley Feeding Neli Some Ice Cream She's So Excited Dancing In His Arms

"Wassup Man" I Said Dapping Him Up Za Was Eating Ice Cream Hirjo Came In Ny Came Downstairs With Her Stuff We Kissed She Left

"Yoo Nigga I'm Still Trying To Understand How You Got A Baby You Were The One That Said You'd Never Fall In Love Or Have Any Kids Now Look Two" Yahirjo Said He Nodded Smiling At The Thought

"Oh Yeaa I Didn't Either But Honestly Nyeli Actually Is The One That Showed Me Love Is Cause A Nigga Didn't Want Love But The Way She Talked About Xander After The First Night Y'all Laid Down Together Ignited Some Type Of Spark In Me" Tooley Said Elena Came Down The Steps As He Said That

"Oh Where Is Ny At Huh?" Elena Asked Looking Soo Worried

"She Went To My Ma's House To Get Her Some Real Rest To Be Okay" I Said She Looks At Me Squinted At Me Nodding Her Head At Me Getting Some Food To Eat

"Honestly That's Why I Came Here To Let Ny Know That I Got This Lil Shordy I've Been Kicking It With And I Need To Know How To See If She Serious" Yahirjo Said I Nodded He Always Goes To Her About This Type Of Stuff

Nyeli Pov

I Drove To Ma Christiana House So I Can Get Some Real Rest Cause I'm 4 Months Pregnant And This Baby Has Me Drained Like Exhausted

"Ma Where Are You!" I Yelled Out She Came Round The Corner Mugging Hard

"Okay Listen Tzaporrah Dropped These Twins Off Soo I'm Gone Need You Not To Act Like Andy Please" Ma Said I Nodded We Laughed

"Yea I've Been Around Him Way Too Long I Really Need Some Sleep Andy Tooley Parker Hirjo And Now Reese Have Me Up I Cook For All Of Them Have To Take Care Of Neli When I Try To Sleep Andy Drops Neli Off In The Room While I Try To Sleep Cause He Say They Have To Do Drops And Meetings Get With Connects Well New One's Soo Ma I'm Going To Sleep " I Said She Looked At Me Squinting

"You Go Upstairs And Give My Grandson's Some Rest They Need All The Nutrition That You Get To Eat" Ma Said I Nodded Going Upstairs To Sleep I Went To Andy's Old Room I Took Off My Clothes And I Got In His Bed It Smelled Like He Slept In It Recently

4 Hours Later

I Woke Up Soo Refreshed I Got Up Put On My Clothes It Smelled So Good Soon As I Opened The Door To The Room I Went Downstairs I Seen The Twins Little Girls They Are Beautiful

"Hey Baby Are You Better Now Huh I Cooked The Boys And Elena Should Be On Their Way Here In A Few" Ma Said I Grab Tiny She's The Youngest Twin And Soo Pretty Headful Of Hair

"Yoo Ma Where You At Neli Is Acting Up!" Xander Yelled Coming In The Door Now I See What She Talking About

"Why Do You Have To Yell Huh I'm In The House Just Search Give Me My Grandbaby" Ma Said Andy Came Round The Corner

"How You Feeling Beautiful Huh?" Xander Asked Sitting Next To Me Taking His Niece Playing With Her Blowing In Her Stomach

"I Feel Soo Much Better Ma Told Me You Came Here Earlier When I Went To Sleep" I Said He Nodded Looking At Me Sideways

"Yeaa But She Kicked Us Out The House I Tried To Leave Neli But She Said Noo If You Heard Her You'd Wake Up" Xander Said It Was So True I Always Do Wake Up Even At The House With Him Tooley Elena Cam Reese Came In The House Noo Hirjo Or Za

"Where's My Brother And Niece?" I Asked They Looked At Reese

"I'm Sure She's Talking About Hirjo" Reese Said Looking At Me Knowing It Was True

"Oh He Has To Get A Girl That He Talks To He Said He Wants Ma To Like Her" Tooley Said Ma Came In Looking Soo Happy

"The Food Is Ready Where's My Baby Boy?" Ma Asked Everybody Laughed

"He's Coming In A Few Had To Go Get His Date" Xander Said We Laughed Cause Ma Had Dropped Her Lip

"My Little Whore Of A Son Got A Girlfriend And He's Going To Bring Her Here In A Few Minutes Lil Dude Was Soo Excited" Tooley Said Ma Got Soo Happy She Clapped We All Laughed Cause Of Her Excitement

Eating Dinner

We're All Sitting Down Eating Talking Having A Great Time Just Enjoying Family I Love This I've Never Had A Real Family

"Okay I Have Something To Say" Ma Christiana Said Standing Up Smiling At Us

"Go Ahead Do Your Thing OG" Tooley Said We Laughed He's A Fool

"I'm Soo Proud Of All My Boys All Of Y'all Are Finally Settled Down In Relationships I Done Seen Y'all Boys Go Through Soo Many Things In Life From Me Knocking All Of Y'all Across The Head Cause I Come Home From Work Y'all Got My House A Mess But The Heart Breaks All Of Y'all Be Through Yess Even You Tooley Don't Act Like You Never Have But All That Being Said I Love All Of You Boys And I Thank Y'all For Giving Me My Daughter In Laws Especially Nyeli Cause Baby I've Judged You From The Beginning But You Took Care Of My Grandbaby And Didn't Know Her I Barely Get To See My Own Daughter But You've Been Real Good Help And I Love You Thank You For Bringing My Baby Back From That Horrible Place He Was At" Ma Said I Got Up Went To Hug Her Cause She Has Been The Mother I've Needed Since I Lost My Mother

"I Promise You've Helped Me More Then You'll Ever Know Honestly Being At Andy's Was Okay But It Was Nights Where I Wanted To Take Some Of Andy's Drugs But I'm Glad I Didn't Because Noo I Have A Family And I Love Each And Everyone Of You Guys" I Said With Tears In My Eyes

"Honestly I Believe We All Were Put Into Each Other Lives For A Reason And All Honesty I'm So Happy To Be A Part Of This Family" Elena Said Smiling At Everybody I Looked Up To See Hirjo Friend Texting Looking Scared And Like She Was Worried I Gave Andy A Look We Both Left Out Going Upstairs

"Wassup Beautiful What's Going?" Xander Asked Looking Worried

"Something's About To Happen And Hirjo Lil Friend Is Involved Tell Me Ma Got A Secret Way Out?" I Asked He Nodded Neli Was Asleep In Andy's Old Bed

"Text Elena Tell Her Gazelle Ma To Come Upstairs Soo Y'all Can Bounce" Xander Said I Nodded Texting In The Group Chat

"Okay Baby Please Be Safe All Of Y'all Cause I Need Y'all Tell My Brother I Love Him" I Said We Met Ma Them In The Secret Way Next Thing You Know I Heard Gun Shots Andy's Lightly Pushed Me Closing It Tight

"Okay Y'all Let's Go It's Going To Lead All The Way To Y'all House Not Everybody Knows But The First Hideaway Y'all Having" Ma Said It Was Two Golf Carts We Drove Them

2 Hours Later

We Finally Made It To The Entrance Of The Tunnel My Baby And His Dad Are Smart He Just Found Out About This I Put In The Code Andy Had Gave Me To Put In

"That's Crazy How This Bitch Fuck Us Over Like That I'm Gone Kill Her If The Boys Haven't Already" I Said Mad Cause Why Do This To Us Hirjo Ain't Gone Trust Nobody

"My Baby Is Hurting Right Now I Know It But We Just Gotta Hope Everything Goes Well And That None Of Them Get Hurt" Ma Said I Nodded Going To Our Room With Neli Laying Down In Bed Thinking About Xander My Baby Hasn't Stop Moving Since We Left Him I Just Went To Sleep Cause I Know He'll Be Here In The Morning Soo I'm Not Worried

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