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Xander Pov

I've Been Searching For Nyeli For About Three Weeks Now I Don't Know Tooley Won't Tell Me Where She At Like Come On Damn Nigga

"I'm Not Telling You Where She At You Damn Adulterous If She Wants You To Know She'll Call You And Let You Know" Tooley Said I Just Don't Understand Him At All

"Man Bro Why You Did My Sister Like That And This Is The Exact Reason Why I Didn't Want Her To Be With You But I Seen My Niece Then She Was Pregnant With My Nephews Now She Pre-" Reese Said But Tooley Cut Him Off By Yelling Over Him At The Moment

"This Why I Don't Like Y'all Niggas Y'all Talk Too Much And Ain't Much Of A Gangsta Any More Cause We Haven't Did Any Shipments Like We Have To Be In Peru This Month" Tooley Said I Looked At Him Forgetting About That Shit

"Wait Huh We Gotta Head To Peru Man Nye Really Gone Be Pissed At Me Bro Fuck I Didn't Let Her Know Cause We Were Supposed To Be Going To Visit My People Soo The Kids Can Get To Know Them Damn!" I Said They All Looked At Me Like Nigga She Ain't Fuckn With You

"Tooley You Need To Shut Up Cause You Cried To Me About How You Don't Know Where My Sister Is You're In The Same Boat As Him Nigga Damn" Reese Said We Laughed He Got Mad Leaving Out Of My Office

"Damn I Can't Believe She's Not Back Yet Man I Miss My Kids Man I Miss Her Too But My Kids Always Smile At Me I Can Do Noo Wrong With Them If She Ain't Wanna Sleep Next To Me I Had Them" I Said Sighing Loudly Cause Damn I Miss My Family Not Having Neli Wake Me Up With Her Kisses Or Slapping Me Out Of My Sleep Like Man This Here Hurts

"Bro I Know This Is Killing I See How She Got You But Nigga You Gotta Understand She's Been Abused Her Whole Life And Not Given Much When She Felt The Need To Love It Was You And Look At What Happened You Fucked Her Over Dude I Don't Think She's Going To Give Into What Happened That Easy" Reese Said I Nodded Cause It's True She Ain't Really Trust Me Like That Anyways

"Yeaa Man I Didn't Trust Her Either When I Let Get Her Freedom And She's Been Cool With My Boys I Didn't Know If She Was Fuckn Off With Them Or Not Honestly You Know Wassup Bro And You Know I Don't Commit Soo This My First Since Ole Girl" I Said Sighing Putting My Hands In My Head Cause Damn

Nyeli Pov

Soo I've Been In My Hideout House For The Longest Nobody Knows Where I Stay But Ma Gazelle And Elena I Told Them To Promise Not To Tell Anybody Cause I Don't Wanna Talk To Any Of Them At All Right Now

"Girl Tooley Is Soo Hurt Talking About Man I Knew I Should've Told That Nigga We Can't Be Homies Noo More Now My Bestfriend Don't Love Me Anymore Cause Of Him" Elena Said We Laughed Cause I Miss Him Soo Much

"He's Soo Overdramatic He Kills Me I Know He'll Tell Andy Where I'm At Even Though He Mad At Him Cause It's Code They're Boys I Know Cause Parker Told Me Everything One Night He's My Favorite Too I Can't Let Tooley Hear Me Say That He'll Beat Him Up" I Said We Laughed Cause He's Crazy Like That Too I Just Don't Understand Him At All

"Hey Girls Somebody Get This Lil Girl She's Soo Damn Heavy To Be A Month" Gazelle Said Coming Into My House With My Niece

"Uhm Don't Do My Niece Like That I'm About Tired Of You Talking About Her" Elena Said Going To Get Her From Neli And Cam Had Came To Us Fast Happy

"Mommy Can Get Cookies?" Xaneli Asked She's Learning To Talk But I Know If Xander Was Here Them Words Would Be Better

"You Know You Should Go Out After Our Two Months Is Up Huh Boo?" Elena Asked I Looked At Her Laughed Cause Girl

"Yeaa I'll Go Out I Need A Night Out Cause Three Kids Oh Man And Don't Get Me Started On Antonio He's Just Like Andy At Only Two Months I'm Telling You" I Said They Laughed I Got Up Went To Get The Cookies For The Kids Went Back Out To See Mason Was Up I Got Him Began To Feed Him Then He Started To Smile Up At Me Made My Heart Flutter

"Oh My Goodness Nye Are You Okay Baby Talk To Us Girl Huh Wassup?"Elena Asked Coming To Me She's Been Here Since I Had Neli

"I Just Miss Andy Soo Much But I Can't Believe He Did Some Dumb Shit Like That Bro Cause How I've Been Faithful This Whole Time Like Huh I Even Cooked For You And We Weren't Nothing Like It's Crazy" I Said Crying Cause I'm Hurting Soo Much On The Inside

"Yes I Understand Where You Coming From Girl I Had This Feeling When Cam Daddy Had Cheated On Me But It's Up To Him To Change Don't Give In Too Easy If You Do Forgive Him Cause Niggas Like To Repeat Things Girl" Elena Said This Why I Love Her My Girl We Hugged Gazelle Came And Joined In

"I Know What You're Going Through But Worse When You Met Me In That Bathroom I Had Just Ran Away From The Man I Thought Loved Me And Honestly I Probably Would've Went Back To Him" Gazelle Said She Had Tears In Her Eyes I Thought She Was Homeless But Noo She Wasn't

"Soo Your Telling Me This Fuck Put His Hands On You Huh?" Elena Asked She Looked At Us And The Tears Just Came Out Worse

"Yes He Did Like He Was The Best In The Very Beginning Of Our Relationship Like Loving On Me Kissing Me Giving Me Massages Buying Me Things Whole Nine Yards But Then I Went Out With My Girl's One Night And He Was Sleep For Work Soo I Left A Note In Case He Woke Up Out Of His Sleep Or Anything And I Got Home As Soon As I Took My Heels Off And Got Through The Door He Was There And He Kissed Me Then He Punched Me And The Next Day He Apologizes With Flowers I Just Didn't Understand But I Forgave Him " Gazelle Said I Was Crying Cause I've Been Through Abuse

"That's Horrible I'll Kill That Bitch Ass Fuck If I Ever Meet Him" Elena Said That's Why I Love Her Man The Crazy

"Then He Did Almost Every Time I Went Out I Only Could Leave If He Approved And He Didn't Want Me To Meet His Coworkers Or Any Of That Like I Was Trapped But Finally He Wanted Sex But Not From Anybody Else But Me I Cooked Him Dinner And Got That Night Quill And Poured A lot In His Cup When I Was About To Get On Top He Passed Out And I Ran All The Way Here From The West Of Miami Like The White People He's A Rich Fine Ass Puerto Rican Man Blue Collar But Has Bad Anger Issues" Gazelle Said Crying We Cried With Her Hugging Cause Oh Man She Hid Her Pain Soo Well You Couldn't Notice Anything Happened To Her I'll Kill Him

"I'm Soo Sorry Can We Have A Girls Night Cause I Think We All Need It Honestly?" I Asked Cause We've All Held On To A lot

The Night

The Kids Are Asleep We Got Our Snacks And We're Watching Old Movies But I Know Waiting To Exhale Is The Last One Yes Ma'am Then Elena Went To Sleep First Then Thirty Minutes Later Gazelle Went To Sleep I Went On The Patio With A New Phone And I Dialed His Number With No Hesitation At All

Hello Yoo Who Is This Baby Is This You Say Something To Me Please I Need To Hear Your Voice I'm Sorry That I Did That I'm Sorry I Lied To You Beautiful A Nigga Can't Eat Or Sleep Please Say Something To Me I Miss Y'all I Miss My Family I Know I Need To Show I Can Show You Better Then I Can Tell You Nyeli I'm Going Crazy Without Your Touch Feel Just You Being In My Presence Makes My Day I Love You Nyeli Caine...... He Was Crying And That Was What He Said Then It Got Quiet I Didn't Say Anything I Hung Up Went To Lay Down It's Crazy I Cried Myself To Sleep

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