Rough Nights

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Nyeli Pov

I Was Asleep In My Room I Was So Thirsty I Got Up Put On My Slippers Went Downstairs As I Get Closer To The Kitchen I Hear The Baby Crying I Walk Around To See Xan Lookin Like He Was Hella Tired I Tapped His Arm

"Let Me See Him" I Said He Gave Him To Me I Was Walking Around With Him I Seen His Bag I Looked In It Grabbed The Formula His Bottle I Fixed His Bottle Warmed It Up He's 4 Month

"It's Craxy How He's Being Quiet With You Right Now Lil Man Had Me Up For A While" Xander Said I Nodded

"He's Probably Just Hungry Right Now Did You Change His Diaper" I Asked He Sighed

"Nahh I Haven't Changed Him At All Today Cause He Wasn't Wet" Xander Said I Sighed

"Come On Let Me Teach You Wassup" I Said He Follows Me I Got Everything To Change His Diaper Handed It To Xan

"What I Do Now?" Xander Asked I Explained What Exactly To Do He Did All Of It I Got Clothes Out Of His Bag Handing Them To Xan It Was So Cute Cause He Was So Nervous Bout Doing It I Laughed He Looked Up At Me

"It's Okay You're Not Gonna Break Him" I Said He Looked At Me Nervous Smiling But He Did All Of It I Had Got The Baby Blanket It Was Big So It Covered Him Too I Sat On The End By Him With My Back On The Couch We Are Watching A Movie I Got Tired Laid Down I Woke Up To Tooley Reese Standing Over Me Parker Came In Eating A Sandwich I Looked To See The Baby In My Arms Close To The Couch Cushion I Look Over To See Xan On My Chest Asleep Out Mouth Open Slobbering I Just Closed My Eyes To Go Back To Sleep

"Soo You Just Gonna Ignore Us Here Right Now?" Tooley Asked A Lil Hurt I Picked Up My Phone To Look At The Time It's 9:30 In On A Saturday Morning What The Actual Fuck

"It's Saturday I Get To Relax Y'all Can Have Xan But Not Me" I Said Closing My Eyes

"That's Fine With Us Here" Reese Said Laughing Causing Xan To Grab My Body Instead Of Opening His Eyes

"Nye Stop Tryna Push Me Off The Couch" Xander Said Without Looking

"That's Not Me" I Said He Was Quiet After That Like Huh We Laughed I Sat Up With The Baby His Name Is Maliki So Handsome To Me

"Let Me See Lil Man" Parker Said Grabbing Him I Let Go Xan Heads Was In My Lap I Was Still Tired Reese Sat Down He Began To Roll Up A Blunt Tooley Did The Same Parker Came Back With The Baby Drinking His Bottle Put Him Down On The Couch I Grabbed For Him

"You Should Give Him Back To Me" I Said Park Gave Me The Baby

"Let's Make Em Rotate" Reese Said They Light The Blunts It Came Towards Me I Smoked Blowing It Out Inhaling It Back In My Mouth

2 Hours Later

I Woke Up To See Everybody Sleep Xan Had Pulled Me Closer To His Body The Baby Was On Him Now I Got Up I Began To Clean The Boys Trash Then I Went To Cook Breakfast For Everybody I Went Back To Get Mali Cause He Was Up I Began To Sing To Him While I Cooked

"Damn Who Knew You Had Lungs" Xander Said I Was Shocked

"Oh I Didn't Know Anybody Was Up" I Said He Came Got Mali From Me Playing With Him

Xander Pov

"Oh I Didn't Know Anybody Was Up" Nyeli Said I Went To Get Malik From Her I Sat Down Playing With Him

"I Wanna Thank You For Helping With Him Last Night Cause I Don't Know What To Really Do With A Baby" I Said She Smiled At Me

"It's Okay I Know You Probably Never Had To Keep Your Niece Long" Nyeli Said Finishing The Biscuits Up The Grits Eggs Bacon

"You Know You Can Go Anywhere" I Said She Looks Up At Me

"I'm Not Much Of A People's Person I'll Go Out Eventually" Nyeli Said Smiling It Got Quiet I Began To Realize What She Had On Taking It All In Very Slowly She Had On Some Silk Black Night Shorts A Black T-Shirt House Slippers Her Legs Were Very Well Toned Her Mocha Brown Skin Oh Damn Man Help Me Y'all

"Soo I'm Gonna Go Visit My Brother At The Hospital You Should Get Out With Me?" I Asked She Finished Up Breakfast

"Yeaa I'll Go With You There" Nyeli Said Tooley Came In The Kitchen With Us

"Yoo I Had To Wake Up I Smelled Eli Food In My Sleep" Tooley Said Smiling At Nyeli

"Yeaa I Had To After Earlier I'm Still There I Ain't Landing No Time Soon" Nyeli Said They Laughed At What She Had Said

"Yoo Xan Who Know Nye Could Smoke With The Big Boys She Kept Smoking With Tooley She Even Out Smoked Him" Parker Said I Looked Up At Nyeli She Gave Me My Plate Then Grabs Mali From We All Had Our Food

30 Minutes Later

"Can You Hold Mali I Gotta Wash Some Clothes For Him Cause All Of His Is Dirty" Nyeli Said I Got Him

"Ayee It's Cool I Got Him Clothes Already So Don't Worry About It" I Said Going To Get What I Brought For Him Nye Got Him Going Upstairs To Change I Guess For Later I Went Upstairs Turned The Shower On Let It Fog Up I Got In To Wash Up My Body Relaxed After

35 Minutes Later

I Got Out Brushed My Teeth Washed My Face Again Put On My Polo Briefs My Polo Jeans My Black Polo Shirt Some Polo Shoes My Chain I Grabbed My Phone Keys Went Downstairs

"They're In The Kitchen We'll See You At The Spot Bro" Reese Said I Nodded We Dapped Up I Went In The Kitchen To See Nye In A Nice Black Dress It Fitted Her Body Well She Had A Nice Body Shape Breast Medium Nice Size Booty

"It's Not Very Nice To Stare Xander" Nyeli Said I Love How She Says My Name

"I'm Sorry Can't Help It But Let's Head Out To See My Brother" I Said She Tried To Get The Baby Carseat I Got It Put Him In My Range All Black Nye Was Getting In The Back Crazy

"You Can Get In The Front If You Want To" I Said Nyeli Got Back Out Into The Front I Got In My Truck Back Out Going To See Yahirjo

Skip Ride

We Made It To Yahirjo's Floor We Made It There With Him With Nalza She Got Happy I Put Maliki Down Picking ZaZa Up After

"Wassup Beautiful" I Said She Jumped Like She Was Tryna Get Somebody I Look To See Nye Was Who She Wanted To Go To

"Well Damn Who Is She I Know She Ain't Yo Girl My Boy" Yahirjo Said Nyeli Looked At Him She Ran & Hugged Him Tight

"I'm So Glad You're Okay" Nyeli Said Letting Go Of Yahirjo Smiled At Her

"I Don't Know You Ma" Yahirjo Said Nyeli Nodded

"I Know You Don't I Was The One Who Got You Here That Night" Nyeli Said Yahirjo Stood Up Going Over To Nyeli Hugging Her

"I'm Very Thankful For What You Did For Me They Said You Saved My Life" Yahirjo Said

"I Only Did What Was Right I Was Scared Cause Nevermind" Nyeli Said Picking Up ZaZa Playing With Her The Door Came Open My Ma Came In The Room Smiling Hard As Ever

"Hi Baby Hey Nyeli Who's Baby?" Ma Asked

"Oh Ma That's Xander's Baby" Yahirjo Said So Excited Man Really

"Ma We Still Waiting On The DNA Results To Come Back If He's Mine Or Not" I Said Hirjo Was Laughing Hard

"Man I Know How You Felt When You Told Ma About Me Getting Yaz Pregnant" Yahirjo Said Laughing I Looked Over To See Ma Pissed

"It's Okay You're Grown Yahirjo If You Get Anymore People Pregnant I'll Kill You The Only Reason We Got ZaZa Is Because Her Ma Died & Them People Sick" Ma Said We Laugh

"Well It Was Cool Seeing You When You Get Out Of This Place We Gotta Bounce"I Said We Dapped Up I Hugged Ma Kissed Za Picked Mali Up Leaving Out The Room To Go Work

My House

"What Time Will You Be Back Here?" Nyeli Asked Feeding Mali

"It'll Be Late So Don't Wait Up For Me Alright Put Mali In The Room With You" I Said She Nodded Her Head Going Upstairs I Left Out

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