Getting Over It

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Nyeli Pov

It's Been Two Months Since I Last Seen Or Heard From Xander I Miss Him Like Crazy That He Would Ever Question Me Like That Neli Is The Most Greatful Blessing Ever I Take Her Over To Ma Christiana House Go To Work I Got A Job At The Hospital Thanks To Elena As Matter Fact I'm Here Now With Her

"Soo Are You Okay I Can See That It's Getting To You Babe?" Elena Asked I Nodded

"Noo I Miss Him So Much Neli Only 7 Months But They Have A Bond & She Cry For Him Like I Can Try To Calm Her Down But Noo That's My Baby All The Good Times" I Said Elena Nodded Wiped My Face I Didn't Know I Was Even Crying At That Time

"It's Crazy How He Just Accused You Like That I'm Pretty Sure Xander Is Love Sick Without His Nyebear Cause When You Had Neli He Worshipped The Ground You Walked On When He Thought You Were In Pain He Rushed To Your Side This Man Picked You Up & Carried You To The Shower So I Know For A Fact He's Misses You A Lot More Then You Miss Him Nye Y'all Need To Talk" Elena Said I Look at Her I Sighed

"Listen I Love Him With Every Piece Of My Heart That Night When He Compared Me To Any Female That's Ever Did Him Wrong It Hurt My Soul Because I Didn't Think He Would Ever Do Something Like That To Me" I Said She Nodded

"Yess I Understand He Shouldn't Have Said Any Of That I Miss Seeing You Happy Nye That Glow You Had It's There But Not As Much As It Was With Xander" Elena Said I Nodded

"Well Our Break Is Over I'll Text You Later Or Whenever You Get Off Text Me Cause I Don't Get Neli Until 4 Ma Christiana Has An Date With This Guy She Met" I Said She Nodded I Finished What I Had To Do Then I Went To Clock Out I Had Went To My Condo I Took Off My Clothes Laid Down For A Lil Nap

3 Hours Later

I Woke Up Put On Some Sweats A T-shirt My Sandals Brushed My Teeth Got My Keys Phone Leaving Out Going To Get Neli From Her Nana

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I Got There I Walked In Cause She Knows I'm Coming I Walked Into Her Kitchen I Seen Xander Holding Neli Ma Christiana Looks At Me Smiling Hard I Do My Lip A Certain Way

"Heyy Baby Her Bag Is In Andy's Old Room She's Coming Down With A Cold" Ma Christiana Said I Nodded Looking At Neli Smiling A Gummy Smile At Xander I Went Upstairs To His Old Room Getting Her Bottle Grab The Bag Look Back To See He Was In The Room Door Closed Looking Down At His Feet

"Can I Talk With Yah?" Xander Asked I Looked At Him I'm Mad Upset I Miss Him But Why

"Listen I'll Talk With You On Another Time Cause The Things You Said You Didn't Have To Come Outta Your Mouth" I Said He Nodded He Got Off The Door I Walked Towards Him All I Know Was Him Hugging Me I Broke Down

"Baby I'm Sorry I've Missed You So Much Girl You Just Don't Know Life Is Hell Without Y'all I Try My Best To Keep My Composure Every Time I See Neli I See You Baby Those Eyes I Look Into Her Eyes & I Get Stuck Don't Stay Gone From Me I Can't Do This" Xander Said I Nodded Wiping My Tears

"I'll Think About It I'm Going Home Be Safe Neli Still Needs Yah" I Said He Nodded Backing Up From Me Sitting On His Bed I Walked Downstairs To Ma & Neli

"Did Y'all Talk Baby?" Ma Christiana Asked I Nodded Grabbing Neli Carseat & Put Her In It Grabbed The Bag

"No Ma'am I'll Talk With Him Another Time Cause He's Hurt Me" I Said She Sighed Hugging Me I Cried A Lil Then Stopped

"It's Okay Baby Y'all Will Get Back Right It'll Just Take Time" Ma Christiana Said I Nodded

"Okay Well I'll See You Tomorrow" I Said I Walked Out Buckled Neli In Got In My Car I Sighed Looked Up To See Xander Looking Out The Window At Me Eyes Bloodshot Red I Back My Car Up Drove Home

Xander Pov

I Can't Believe I Fcked Up What We Had Man I Love Nye She Was The Best & Everything Good That Happened In My Life Kept Me Sane I Laid Back In My Bed After She Left Ma Came In

"Baby Y'all Both Are Hurting She Wanna Be With You But She's Too Stubborn To Give In I Understand Why She Told Me Everything You Said To Her" Ma Said I Sat Up

"Ma I Want My Family Back Don't Nobody Get How Happy She Made Me Bro Nobody" I Said Ma Wiped My Face Holding It Looking At Me

"Baby I Know How Happy She Made You I Seen Every Time You Talked About Her When She Wasn't Around You Even Through Y'all Text Messages You Would Smile Like A Complete Fool Where I Could See Your Dimples Baby So I Know How Happy You Were" Ma Said I Cried She Hugged Me This Why I Love My Ma

"Yeaa Ma Well I Gotta Head Out So I'll See You Later Baby" I Said She Nodded Kissed My Cheek I Got In My Car Splurged To Spot I Got Out Went In To See Nobody Working I Shot Two People In The Head Everybody Hops Up

"What's Going On Why Y'all Lackn Huh Get To Fckn Work It'll Be More Then Two Next Time I Don't Want Nobody Lackn" I Said All Of Them Start To Move Around I Went To My Office Hirjo Had Came In Looking At Me Crazy

"Man Wassup With Yah Them Niggas Two Good Workers What The Actual Fck Man?" Yahirjo Asked Mad I Mugged Him

"Nigga Don't Come In Here With That Shit Bro Cause I'll Beat Yo Ass Frfr" I Said Getting Hot

"You Mad At Everybody Nye Don't Wanna Fall At Yo Fckn Feet My Nigga Don't Be A Bitch" Yahirjo Said I Laughed Nodding

"Get The Fck Outta My Office Hirjo For I Bust Yo Shit My Dude" I Said He Laughed

"You's A Bitch Man" Yahirjo Said I Hopped Up We Started Fighting He Got Me A Few Times I Hit Him In His Shit Busted Him In His Shit

"Ayee Man Chill Y'all Brothers What The Fck" Tooley Said Grabbing Me Parker Grabs Hirjo

"Man Fck All That He Gotta A Slick Ass Mouth Always Talking Shit Bruhh" I Said I Was Tryna Get Him Wouldn't Let Us Go

"What Man You Pissed At Everybody Cause Nye Ain't Giving In To You Get Yah Shit Right" Yahirjo Said I Got Loose Hit Him

"Fck You Man" I Said Tryna Hit Him Again But Yahirjo Grabs My Hand Bleeding Mad

"Fck It Andy I Don't Wanna Fight You Cause I'm Out" Yahirjo Said Leaving Out I Left Out Went Home To My Crib Opened A Bottle Of Henessy Drunk Half The Bottle Went Through My Contacts

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