Life Changes

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Nyeli Pov

It's Crazy Neli Is Four And The Twins Are Three Now I'm Pregnant With The Fourth Kid And Well Andy Says I'm Mean With This Baby Worse Then I Was With The Twins

"Baby I've Got Breakfast For You Soo You Don't Have To Wake Up And Cook Also Here You Go I've Fixed Your Food" Xander Said Bringing Me The Food

"I've Told You That I Don't Eat No Grits Andy It Makes Me Sick And I Don't Want It To Get On My Other Food" I Said He Sighed Getting The Plate Going Downstairs I Don't Know Why This Baby Don't Let Me Eat Grits I Got Up Brushed My Teeth Washed My Face Got Dressed Walked Downstairs Eating Ham And The Bacon With The Biscuits

"GoodMorning Everybody How's It Going?" I Asked Mason Ran Straight To Me Mama's Boy

"Mommy I Wanna Go Park" Mason Said I Nodded Cause That's All He Ever Wants

"Okay Make Sure You Finish Your Breakfast Before I Take You Anywhere" I Said He Went To Sit Down And Eat

"Mommy Can I Stay With Uncle Tooley?" Xaneli Asked My Baby Isn't A Baby Noo More

"Yes Baby You Can I Just Have To Call Them To See What's Going On" I Said She Smiled I Let Them Go Places

"Baby You Not Going To Eat Anything Else Huh Cause That's Not Enough For Y'all To Go Out To A Park?" Xander Asked Soo Overprotective Like Come On Chill

"Yes It's Enough I Don't Feel Like Throwing Up Today He's The Worse Don't Want Nothing To Eat Like Huh" I Said He Nodded Coming To Hug On Me And Kiss

"Don't Touch Mama Move" Antonio Said They Always Go At It About Me Mason Don't Worry He Comes When It's Nap Time And Play Then Goes To Sleep In My Room

At Park

Soo We're At The Park The Kids Are Playing Gazelle Comes With Chasity She's About To Be Three In A Few Weeks She Looks Just Like Reese Ass But With Gazelle Skin Color

"Bitch How's My Nephew Doing In There I Can't Believe You Let Xander Get You Again Cause Reese Been Trying" Gazelle Said I Looked At Her Rolled My Eyes

"First Off You Need To Mind Your Business Thank You" I Said She Laughed Cause They Know This Baby Got My Attitude Fucked Up

"Hey Y'all I'm In The Flesh Cam Dj Go Play With Your Cousins" Elena Said Coming Over To Us To Sit And Chill Out

"Soo What's Been Going On With Y'all Cause I've Been Tired" I Said Six Months Pregnant This Little Boy Probably Don't Understand I Just Don't Know If Xander Will Be Home With Us Cause They Have A Connect Around The Time After I Have Him

"Guys Am I Tripping Or Is This Lady Looking Over At Us And Damn She Looks Just Like You Nyeli I Just Don't Know Nye" Gazelle Said I Looked Up At Her It's The Lady From Three Years Ago Looks The Same

"Damn Nye That's The Same Lady From Three Years Ago Bitch!" Elena Said Smiling The Lady Start To Walk Over Towards Us She Got Close And She Smiles Big At Me

"Hi I Just Want To Talk To You I Know You're Going To Be Mad And Your Brother Too Joré Was Beating Me And He Beat Me Half To Death And Dropped Me Off At A Hospital In A Whole Other City I Woke Up With Amnesia I Got Back Right A Couple Years Ago When I Found Out About Y'all Then Everything Came Back My Sister's Found Me And My Sister's Showed Me Pictures Of Y'all And My Head Start To Hurt And I Had Flashes Of Y'all I Promise Baby I Can Show You My Paperwork And Take You To My Doctor" She Said Crying And I Didn't Realize That I Was Crying Either Because This Whole Time I'm Thinking She Was Dead And She's Alive

"Soo You're My Mother That's Crazy I Know This Is Not Real I Have To Be Dreaming I Can't I'll Get Your Number But I Have Three Kids And I'm Pregnant Life Has Been Hell I'll Meet Up With You One Day I Just Have To Get It Okay In My Head" I Said She Nodded Then Hugged Me And I Felt Safe And Her Scent When I Closed My Eyes A Memory Of Us Popped Up I Got Happy

Xander Pov

I'm At The Corner Store Making Plays It's Busy I'm Up Here With Parker Tooley And Duce But Different Spots Then Tooley Came Where I Was With His BookBag Happy But It In My Car I Was Finished Just Chilled Here On It

"Aye This Was A Lovely Day And It's Not Even The First Today Like How Though" Tooley Said We Laughed Dapping Up

"I Don't Even Know Bro But Understand If It's Gone Be Like This Yes Sir" I Said He Nodded Going To Our Store Cross The Street Then Reese Pulls Up Hops Out Looking Mad Upset But Also Confused

"Wassup My Boy?" I Asked We Dapped Up He Sat In My Car I Nodded Something Up Tooley Came Back Walking Cross The Road

"Aye Let's Roll Out To Your Crib Today Was A Very Lovely Day And I Need To See My Kids" Tooley Said That's Code Police Coming

"Ayo Reese Follow Us To The Crib" I Said He Nodded Going To Get In His Car Parker Hops In With Him We Roll Out

At The House

I Walk In The House To See The Kids Playing With The Toys I Smell Food Cooking I Hear My Girl Laughing Since This Pregnancy She Hasn't Laughed At All She's Spicy I Walk Round I See Baby Elena Gazelle And This Older Lady That Look Like Baby

"Hi Baby Come Meet My Mother I Thought She Gone And Look At These Pictures Of Us" Nyeli Said Showing Me A Picture Book

"Ma Where Have You Been Huh?" Reeese Asked Coming In Going Towards Her Looking Sad She Walks Towards Him

"Oh My Sweet Reesy You Look Just Like Your Daddy I Can't Believe I Missed Out On Soo Much Of Your Lives" She Said He Hugs Her Tight Then I Heard Something From Him That We've Only Did After Losing A Homie Cry

"Ma We Needed You Life's A Bitch Pops Was Great Don't Get Me Wrong But I Needed That Motherly Love And He Was Always Tough Love With Me I Had His Mama But She Died And I Just Lost It Ma" Reese Said Crying But Also Looking Into Her Eyes She Hugs Him He's Tall Over Her But She Held Him Like A Baby Nyeli Just Stood There

"Baby Understand This I Left Your Father Because I Cheated On Him But I Was Pregnant Around The Time I Did And I Told Jorè That I Was He Got Upset Telling Me He Was Gone Tell Y'all Father If I Didn't Leave Him And You Soo We Could Raise The Baby It All Happened Then By The Time Nyeli Was 15 I Was Over It I Wanted My Life Back With My Kids And My Future Husband But He Beat Me And It Was Within A Inch Of My Life Then He Dropped Me Off To The Hospital Leaving Me And I Woke Up Before Nyeli 17 Birthday I Have Two Sons With My New Boyfriend Yea I'm A Older But I Still Got It" She Said Looking At Him Holding Reese Face And Nyeli Was Looking At Them Holding Onto Her Stomach I Went Over To Her Cause My Baby Hurting

"Okay Listen We Can Have This Conversation On Another Day I'm Pregnant And Tired The Kids Need To Be Put To Bed" Nyeli Said Getting Out Of My Hold Going To Get The Kids

"I Want To Help Can?" She Asked Nyeli Looked At Her Smiling But Nodded

"Noo I'm Okay With Doing It On My Own But Thank You Anyways" Nyeli Said Going Upstairs With The Kids

"Mama Let Me Take You Home We've Gotta Catch And I Wanna Meet My Brother's" Reese Said I Went Behind Them Locked The Door Went Upstairs I Went To See The Kids All In Bed I Went To Our Room Noo Nye Then I Looked In The Bathroom She Was In The Tub My Baby Was Crying

"Baby I'm Sorry This Happened To You But You've Got Her Back In Your Life Baby Soo Please Try To Connect With Her Again" I Said Stripping I Got In The Tub Behind Her

"I Just Don't Understand I'm Going To Kill Him For The Pain He's Caused My Family I'm Not Going For This Shit Anymore" Nyeli Said Turning Sideways On My Chest

"I Can Handle That For You Baby I Don't Need You With That On Your Mind" I Said She Turns Over On Me And She Slid Down On My Dick Going Up And Down It Felt Soo Good

"Oh Shit Baby Iii-I Lovvveee Youuuu!" Nyeli Moaned Out I Kissed Her Chest Her Breast I Sucked On Her Breast Rubbing On Her Body

"Damnnnn Babyyyy You Don't Fuuuccckkkk!" I Groaned I Nutted She Did Too Then Laid On Top Of Me Going To Sleep I Stood Up With Her In My Arms Going To Our Room I Dried Her Body Off Put On My Shirt On Her And I Did The Same To Myself Laid Down She Came To Lay On My Chest We Went To Sleep Like That I Hope My Girl Gets The Life She Deserve

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