Twins Birthday

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Xander Pov

Today Is The Twins Day And When I Tell You That Nyeli Is Everywhere She's Been Up Since 9 And Breakfast Was Made But She Was Gone Soo Now It's Me Tzapporah Her Girls And Our Three Kids Eating Breakfast Tooley Here Now

"Soo My Bestfriend Is Out Running Errand's To Get The Party Situated By Herself Right Now And You're Here Eating?" Tooley Asked Looking At Me Upset

"Well She Was Gone Before We Got Down Here She Cooked Breakfast Then She Left Us Here At The House" I Said He Nodded Cause He Knows It's Nyeli Always

"Come On Kids Let's Go Get On The Trampoline And Have Fun" Tzapporah Said She Took Her Girls And Neli The Boys Stayed With Us In The House

"Soo When Is She Leaving The Crib And Into Her Own Spot Cause I Know Nye Is Tired Of Not Being Sexually Active With You?" Tooley Asked I Laughed At Him Cause He's Soo In Our Business Always

"Man I Don't Know But She Needs To Hurry Cause If She Don't Then She Gone Hear Some Shit Them Kids Be Sleep And Not Worried About Anything At All" I Said We Laughed

"Nah Man Fuck That Lil Cam Be Banging On The Door Soon As I Try To Slide In I Have To Give Him Snacks Soo He Can Leave Us Alone And I Just Don't Understand" Tooley Said Reese Died Laughing Cause Yo We Used To Pull That On Yahirjo Ass All The Time

"Bro Remember When Ma Used To Be At Work And Hirjo Was At The Crib With Us And Gma Had Some Shit To Do Have His Ass Full Of Snacks In His Room" Reese Said We Laughed Hirjo Came Into The Back With Us

"I Heard That But When Y'all Found Out I Was A Player Oh Yeaa Come Chill With The Big Homies" Yahirjo Said We Laughed Cause Hell Yeaa Now You Ain't Gone Tell On Us

"Hell Yeaa You Remember When Ma Caught Xan Up In The Attic With One Chick And Chased Him Around The House And Then Had The Girl Call Her Mama" Tooley Said We Died Cause Ma Whipped My Ass I Looked Up To See Nye In The Door Way Looking At Me With A Certain Look She Walked Away I Got Up To Follow But She Wasn't Anywhere To Be Found And I Searched Everywhere

Nyeli Pov

I Was Sitting On His Desk In His Office With A School Girl Clothes On Short Skirt He Came Through The Door His Eyes Lit Up I Smiled

"Damn Girl You Got Me Hard As A Rock Right Now Cause Damn Beautiful" Xander Said Coming In His Office Closing The Door Locking It Pushed Up Against Me Kissing My Neck Sucking On My Neck I Was Already At His Pants Unzipping Them Noo Need To Take Off My Skirt I Grabbed His Friend And Put It To Touch My Entrance He Groans

"See How You Got Me Baby I Need You I Want You All Of You Cause Right Now I've Been Soo Naughty" I Said He Bent My Over His Desk He Slid In Slowly Then Fast But Then Slowly

"Damn Girl I Can't Believe All Of This For Me Cause Fuuuuccckkk!" Xander Groaned Loudly Smacking My Ass Cheeks I Moaned Out

"Yess Baby I Want More" I Yelled Out We Went At It Doing Different Things We Ended Up In The Bed In His Office Let's Say It Got Worse I Tied Him Up Rode His Dick Soo Good I Knew He Wanted To Grab My Body

"Let Me Out Of These Right Now I Need To Touch You I Have To Touch You" Xander Said I Nodded Smiling At Him I Went Down On Him And I Began To Suck Every Inch Of Him And When I Tell You He Squirmed Under Me

"Hmm You Taste Soo Good Yes I Love This" I Moaned Licking And Sucking On Him

"Fuuuccckkk Babbyyyy Waaaiitt!" Xander Groaned And I Swallowed Every Drop

3 Hours Later

We Laid In The Closet Of His Office Tangled In The Sheets I Laid On His Chest Tired Sleepy But Ready For More Sex He Rubbed Me As I Laid On Him Our Breathing Slowed Down

"Baby The Kids We Gotta Get Up From Here Right Now Boo" Xander Said I Laughed

"Oh No They're With Aunt Porah And Gma Tonight I Convinced Her To Talk With Her And Ma Said She Wanted The Kids Tonight Soo It Was A Win-Win" I Said He Laughed Soo Loud I Felt It Through My Body

"Soo We're Having The Twins Party Tomorrow Cause That Was Supposed To Happen Today Baby They're One Now?" Xander Asked I Sat Up Got On Top Of Him

"Yess Baby Tomorrow Is Saturday And Everybody Kids Out Of School" I Said He Nodded I Got Up He Pulls My Lower Body On His Face And He Begins To Eat Like It Was His Last Meal On Earth

"Ohhhh Waitt Hold On You Gotta Sloooowww Doooowwwnnn Pleeaassseeee!" I Moaned And By The Time I Said All Of That He Made Me Climax I Leaned With My Pussy Still In His Mouth Cause That's How He Got Me

"Come On Let's Get Up And Go Watch Some Movies Together" Xander Said I Laughed

"Daddy Xan Wanna Watch Movies No You're Lying Cause Huh You Tell Me I Gotta Head To The Trap" I Said He Laughed At My Deep Voice I Did For Him

"First Off I Don't Sound Like That And Yeaa Cause I Know How Much This Means To You I Wanna Try To Change I've Done Baby I Just Know I've Got Too Better" Xander Said Looking At Me He Squeezed Me Tight We Were Leaving Out Of His Office I Was In His Blanket Wrapped Up Going Upstairs I Seen Yahirjo On The Couch Noo ZaZa I Went To Take My Shower I Finished Put On His Big Shirt With My Bra Noo Panties

"Yeaa I'm Ready Where Are The Snacks Baby?" I Asked He Was Sitting With Hirjo Who Looks Soo Upset And Hurt

"Bro You Have To Calm Down You're Okay I Gotcha Always" Xander Said I Walk Over They Get Really Quiet

"Oh Hell No Talk Let Me Know Wassup" I Said Yahirjo Look At Me I Seen The Look

"Come On Don't You Dare Tell Me You've Been Doing That Huh We've Talked About Come On You've Got ZaZa She Needs You" I Said His Eyes Got Watery While I Looked At Him

"I Have To Turn Myself In It'll Be A Good 8 Years In Prison I Gotta Face It And Go Ahead Do My Time I'm Just Spend Time With My Daughter Everyday Until I Feel Like Going I Have To Go But I'm Not Letting Noo Bitch Turn Me In" Yahirjo Said I Nodded Then I Went To Get Snacks Came Back It Was A Movie On I Don't Know Which One

45 Minutes Later

Yahirjo Was Asleep Andy Was Holding Me But Laying On Me At The Same Time He Was Watching The Movie It Was Good But I Got So Tired Soo I Got Blankets Put Some On Hirjo Andy Was Asleep Soo I Just Put One On Him Went Upstairs To Sleep I Had My Eyes Closed Then I Felt Our Bed Dip And Andy's Cologne He Wrapped His Arms Around Me We Fell Asleep Just Like That

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