It's A Difference In You

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Xander Pov

It's Been 3 Months Since We've Been In The Hideout But We're Back Home The Niggas Got Took Out While Our Families Slept We Went Out Took Care Of Them All I Need My Girl To Have Her Life Back I Ain't Gone Have Her To Start Thinking She's A Prisoner Again

"Baby I Don't My Stomach Is Hurting Me" Nyeli Said Coming To Me In Pain I Picked Her Up Going Downstairs

"Yo Hirjo Tooley I Need Y'all To Watch Over This Food Call Ma I Gotta Take Baby To The Hospital She's In Pain" I Said Going To My Truck I Put Her In The Passenger But Tooley Was Already In The Driver Seat

"Let's Go Nigga Come On Not My Godson Just Get Your Ass In" Tooley Said I Hopped In The Front Seat With Her

15 Minutes Later

We Were At The Hospital In The Waiting Room My Ma Came In Running I Just Don't Know What's Going On With My Girl Man

"What's Going On With My Baby Huh?" Ma Asked Coming To Me Cause I Don't Know The Doctor Came Out Towards Us

"Are You Guys The Family Of Nyeli Caine?" Doctor Asked I Went To Him

"Yeaa Wassup Huh What's Going On With Her Right Now?" I Asked He Looked At Me

"She's Okay It's Just Both Of The Babies Were Moving Around And One Of Them Clamped The Umbilical Cord Without Letting Go" Doctor Said I Was Shocked At That

"What Do You Mean One Of Them It's Only Supposed To Be One Of Them Inside Of Her Huh How Did This Happen?" Tooley Asked All Into What The Doctor Said

"She's Asking For Her Andy Soo To Say What She Said Tell That Damn Andy Get In Here Putting Two Babies In Me" Doctor Said We Laughed We Walked Towards Her Room I Walked In First She Mugged Me Hard

"You Asshole Now I Got Two Of Your Kids Inside Of Me How Are We Going To Do This Huh You're Already Crazy Hirjo Told Me I Was Pregnant With Twins" Nyeli Said Crying A Lil But She Was Faking The Crying

"Oh My Goodness You Gave Us A Scare Baby Move Out Of My Way Damn" Ma Said Pushing Us Out Of Her Way Hugging Ny I Laughed

"I Don't Know These Babies Are Evil They're The Demon Seed Of Xander He Knows What He's Done To Me I Just Don't Know"Nyeli Said Looking At Me Face Scrunched Up

"Yeaa I Know Cause He Did That To Me Before I Gave Birth To Him At About 8 Months Which Is Soo Crazy I Don't Understand Why" Ma Said They Laughed At That It's Crazy

"I'm Soo Tired Now It's Okay As Long As I Can Sleep Y'all Can Stay But If Not Bye" Nyeli Said I Laid Down Next To Her Kissed Her Cheek 

"I'll See Y'all When Y'all Get Out Of Here In A Few Hours" Ma Said Leaving Out With Tooley Not To Far Behind Her Cause He Know She'll Get On His Ass About Staying

Nyeli Pov

We're Just Now Getting Out Of The Hospital I Feel So Much Better These Little Boys Got Me So Tired Now A Days Like Oh Man Damn

"Baby Reese Said Y'all Daddy Wants To Meet You And Neli This Afternoon" Xander Said I Gave Him A Look He Knew To Well

"Listen I Don't Give A Fuck To Meet Him At All And Honestly I'm Not Driving All The Way To A Prison With Reese Cause These Twins Are So Dangerous" I Said He Nodded At Me Smiling Big Like One Of His Horny Smiles

"Listen Baby I Don't Know What It Is But You're Different I Love It Too Like You Just Made My Jimmy Stand Up"Xander Said We Laughed Cause I Could Already See It Up

"Baby I'm Sorry You Been In The Shit I've Been Through Has Changed My Outlook On Life After These Babies I'm Going To Continue With My Training I've Already Did My Shooting Classes And I'm 100% Head Shot The Kids Are Going To Learn Also" I Said He Nodded Cause He Knows Wassup And I Just Can't Afford Any Of My Babies Getting Hurt Or If They Do Get Took At Least They Can Fight The Person Off Cause No Ma'am I Was Cooking Some Food For Our Family Dinner Tonight Parker Already Here With His Son And New Girlfriend And Her Son I Can't Trust

"Hi I'm Ma'Kenzie Parker's Girlfriend I Just Moved Here From Alabama For A Nursing Job I Don't Really Have Any Friends Or Family" Ma'Kenzie Said I Looked At Her Nodded

"Well It's Nice To Meet You" I Said Putting The Cakes In The Oven Neli Came Running To Me Crying And Honestly I Don't Like It

"What's Wrong With You Baby Girl Huh?" Xander Asked Coming In The House Fast Coming Over To Her Kneeling Down Picking Her Up Still Worried About Her

"My Knee Daddy" Xaneli Said Showing Him Her Knee He Kissed It My Baby Is Such A Sucker When It Comes Down To Neli

"Oh My Baby Daddy Right Here Let's Go Fix Your BooBoo Baby Girl" Xander Said Going Towards The Downstairs Restroom

"Awe That's Soo Sweet I've Seen Parker With Austin They Go At It But If He Gets Hurt He Turns Into Super Nurse" Ma'Kenzie Said I Nodded Cause I Know It's True

"Oh Yess I Know It All To Well I've Been With Them For Years Hell He's Done It With Neli Too Cause That's Just Them" I Said Gazelle Came In Stomach Big Smiling Reese Was Right Behind Her Whispering Something In Her Ear

"Hell Eli Baby Uhm Who Is This Exactly?" Gazelle Asked Walking Up On Kenzie I Nodded

"She's Parker's Girlfriend They've Been Talking For About 6 Months Now" I Said Parker Came In The House High Asf I Laughed Cause I Know

"Gazelle Not Today You Better Leave My Girl Alone Cause She Just Moved Here I'll Fight You Pregnant And All"Parker Said We Laughed Cause He's Soo Serious And High Asf Cause This Boy And Her Always Go Through It

"Y'all Get On My Nerves With The Arguing And Shit Like Damn Reese You And Parker Need To Go Ahead And Fight Cause Yeaa Noo" Elena Said Coming Round The Corner Pregnant And Beautiful With Cameron And Tooley Both Looking Sad Huh

"Well What's Going On With These Guys Right Here Huh?" Reese Asked Laughing At Him

"Oh They're Mad That Our Baby Is A Girl And They Wanted A Boy" Elena Said We Laughed Cause Tooley Said He Never Wanted Girls Cause Of How He Treated Females

"Awe Yay Baby Congratulations I'm Soo Happy For You Guys" I Said We Hugged Well Tried Our Stomach's Bumped Ma Came In The House With More Food

"Hey Ma How You Doing?" Parker Asked Getting The Food From Her The Door Opened In Came More Of The Guys

Later On

Well Everybody Is Leaving And We've Cleaned Up I'm Just Getting Out Of The Shower I'm Soo Bone Tired I Felt Hands Massaging My Back It Felt Soo Good Ugh

"Oh Yess Andy Baby It Feels Soo Good How Did You Know I Needed This Massasge?" I Asked He Laughed At What I Asked

"Because You've Been Moving Around Are The Boys Okay Huh Let's See What They Got Going On In There Right Now" Xander Said I Turned Over For Him To Talk To Them

"I Know Usually They're Asleep When It's Night Time" I Said He Nodded Kissing My Stomach Then He Smiled

"Wassup My Boys How Y'all Doing In There Huh Is It Good Or Stuffy Tell Daddy?" Xander Asked They Started To Move Around When He Was Talking To Them It's Like They Were In Me Going At It Blow For Blow

"Okay Andy I Wanna Go To Sleep Make Them Stop Or At Least Calm Down Cause Yeaa It Hurts It's Like They're Fighting" I Said He Nodded Then Whispered Something I Couldn't Hear What He Said But They Were Moving But Not As Much As Before I Just Know I'm Gone Have Hell When These Boys Get Here And Especially Neli Oh Man

"GoodNight My Beautiful Lady" Xander Said Smiling At Me

"GoodNight My Handsome Man" I Said We Kissed I Laid On His Chest Going To Sleep

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