Going Home Finally

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Nyeli Pov

We're Finally Getting Out Of This Shitty Place Excuse My Language But It Was So Aggravatin They Always Came In Waking Us Up Neli Is A Light Sleeper She Doesn't Really Cry Andy Is So Attached I Can Barely Hold My Own Baby

"Awe We're Gonna Miss You Guys She's So Adorable"Elena Said She Was My Nurse For The Whole Time We Were In The Hospital

"You Can Call Me Since You Have A Kid So I Have Another Friend" I Said Andy Laughs

"What Of Course I've Written My Number Down So You Can Text Me Whenever" Elena Said Handing A Piece Of Paper To Me

"Yeaa Whenever You're Not Busy Or At Work I'll Call You" I Said She Nodded I Got In The Wheelchair They Rolled Us Out To Andy's Car I Got In The Car The Back With Neli She Was Out Like A Light Xan Got In The Car After

"We're Going To Ma House Do You Wanna Go Home Or Go There Right Now?" Xander Asked I Looked At Him

"You Really Just Asked Me That Question Baby Really Yess Go I Gotta See My Baby" I Said He Laughed Pulling Out The Hospital Parking Lot

At Ma Christiana House

We Got There Andy Got Neli Outta The Car We Walked Up The Steps I Open The Door To A Lot Of People In The House Everywhere

"Welcome Home" Ma Said Coming Over To Me Hugging Me I Hugged Back

"I'm So Happy To Be Outta There I Didn't Get No Sleep With All Them Nurses" I Said She Nodded Smiling At Me

"Oh I Know Baby They Did That With Hirjo Cause He Was So Little" Ma Said I Nodded

"Oh Let Me See My Little Niece" Some Girl Said But Her & Andy Looks So Much Alike

"Wassup Zapooh" Xander Said Going Towards Her Smiling With Neli Ma Grabs Me

"Let's Go Meet The Rest Of Our Family" Ma Said We Went Towards A Lot Of Older Women Some Were Young But Mostly Older

"Heyy Baby I'm Andy's Aunt Maria" Maria Said I Smiled Bout To Shake But She Hugged Me

"Okay That's My Older Sister This Is My Other Sisters Tina Amelia Lisa Our Nieces Tasha Stacey Tracey Oh This Is My Little Niece Siera She's Only 4 But Really 17" Ma Said We Laugh Then We Walked Around More Meeting All The Other Family Members They're Cool Funny Hirjo Had Snuck Me Away From Ma We've Been Smoking Mary Jane Now We're Eating Food Together Laughing There Go My Baby Right There Andy Know He's So Fine

"Really Hirjo She Gone Breast Feed & You Let Her Smoke Man" Xander Said Mad As Ever

"Baby It's Not His Fault But I've Already Pumped Three Jugs Of Milk So Don't Stress Now Sit Down I'll Go Get You Some Food" I Said He Sat In My Chair I Went Into The House But Not All The Way In The House

"I Don't Know Why He With Her She's Ugly Like Forreal" Tasha Said

"She's Probably With Him For His Money That Baby Probably Not Even His" Stacey Said I Went In Fixed Andy's Plate They Watched

"Hi Guys This Food Wonderful Except That Right There It's Disgusting Oh That Cake Is Dry" I Said It Was Tasha's Food She Made The Cake Is Stacey's Don't Try Me I'm Not Innocent I Walked Back Out To Andy & Hirjo Laughing

Xander Pov

"Nigga Uncle Pete Gone Drop His Burger That Dog Gone Catch He Gone Chase It" Yahirjo Said I Nodded Looking It Happened We Died Laughing At This Nigga It's A Kitchen Full Of Hamburgers He Wanna Chase A Dog Nye Came Back Her Body Language Told Some Shit Had Made Her Mad Before She Came Out

"Wassup With You Baby?" I Asked She Smiled Handed Me My Food

"I'm Okay Here's Your Food Eat I'm Bout Ready To Leave I'm Tired" Nyeli Said I Nodded

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