2 Weeks Later

36 1 0

Xander Pov

Well Come To Find Out Kid Wasn't Mine But Nyeli Wanna Keep Him Until I Find His Real Family She Doesn't Want Him To Be In The System Because Of The Bad Things That Can Happen To Him Nyeli Said He Needs Family

"Xan Look At Him Tryna Crawl" Nyeli Said He Was Up On His Knees Then He'll Drop Down Going Towards Nyeli He Was Happy As Ever

"Ma Ma MaMaMa"Maliki Said Nyeli Got So Happy She Picked Him Up Kissing Him

"Awe You're So Precious & Little" Nyeli Said I Smiled Cause I Know She'll Be A Great Ma One Day When She Has Kids Of Her Own

"I Gotta Head Out I'll See Y'all Later On When We Come Chill" I Said Kissing Mali Forehead Then I Kissed Nyeli Some Odd Reason I Had The Urge To Kiss Her I'm Greatful For Her I Left Out The House To Get To Making Money

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"Soo What I'm Tryna Understand Is You Kissed Her & Left?" Tooley Asked

"Yeaa She's Cool Man I Don't Wanna Do Her Wrong Man Y'all Know How I Do" I Said Tooley Punched Me In My Shit I Looked At Him Like He Crazy He Had Reason

"You So Stupid Bruhh You Like That Girl I Know Yo Ass Been Feeling Her She's Cool She's Been Through Enough Man Get It Right Bruhh That Girl Don't Need More Stress If You Gone Do It" Tooley Said Looking Pissed

"Yeaa I Understand That Bruhh He's Right Cause You've Been Happy Every Since She's Came Into Our Lives" Parker Said They Nodded Reese Just Looks At Me Like Nahh

"She's Cool You Could Say That But My Boy On Some Hoe Shit Half The Time" Reese Said Laughing He A Fool

"Yeaa Whatever When She Bounce Up Outta Yo Life You'll See Wassup" Tooley Said Pissed Off He's Always Getting Me Right

"Man Chill Out Things Are Not That Easy Cause You See How Bitch Dropped Her Kid Off Lying Saying He's Mine But He Isn't" I Said Everything Got Quiet Looking Around

"Yeaa That's True Bro" Parker Said Nigga High Off His Ass

"Y'all Need To Shut Up On Me Bro My Boy Don't Wanna Get With Shordy Then Don't Rush Him" Reese Said He Got Up & Left

"Man I'm Out For Today I'll See Y'all Boys Later On" Tooley Said Leaving Next

"Damn Boy The Day & Our Life Will Change Up If She Changes You" Parker Said Going Out I Was In My Office Thinking About All The Shit I Need To Focus On This Money No Female Yo

Nyeli Pov

I'm At The House With Mali He's So Handsome I've Gotta Bond With Him Like This Kid Is Mini Me Cause I Taught Him Well I've Been Saving My Money I Get Paid Just Gotta Find An Apartment For Me Since Xan Gave Me A Car So Now I'm Just Basically Out Now

"Yoo Ma!" Guy Yells I Look Back To See This Tall Brown Skin With Waves Mean Swag

"Yeaa Hi?" I Said He Walked Up To Us Smiling At Me Like What

"I'm Mike I Thought You Were Beautiful I Just Wanted To Get Your Number" Mike Said I Laughed Out Loud He Was Confused

"I'm So Sorry It's Just I'm Not Used To This But No Thanks Gotta Focus On Me Right Now" I Said He Nodded Smiling

"It's Cool Ma I'll Try Another Time" Mike Said I Push Mali In The Stroller To My Car I Put Him In Put The Stroller Up Leaving To Go Back To Xan House Cause I'm So Tired Like

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I Made It There Got Mali He's Asleep I Took Him Upstairs To My Room Put Him In The Middle Of My Bed Washed A Lil Laid Down I Closed My Eyes Felt The Back The Bed Dip I Turned Around To See A Dude I Hopped Up So Fast With Mali In My Arms Oh Hell Nahh

"Who The Fuck Are You?" I Asked Backing Up Away From Him

"Oh I Come To Play I Got A Message For The Nigga That Lives Here" Guy Said Coming Towards Me I Put Mali In The Closet He Grabs Me So Hit Me In The Face My Stomach He Got On Top Of Me He Ripped The Shirt I Had On

4 Hours Later

I Woke Up With A Banging Ass Headache Didn't Know What To Do My Private Area Hurt Bad I Heard Xan Calling My Name Then I Hear Mali Crying Xan Came Into My Room He Ran To My Side Looking Mad I Was Tryna Get Up

"Noo Stay Down You Don't Need To Move At All Cause I Need To See Where You're Bleeding I Gotta Call Tooley" Xander Said Holding My Body In His Arms He's My Friend Always

"I'm So Sorry Xander" I Said He Looked In My Eyes I Closed Them

"Eli Wake Up Girl Don't Go Come On" Xander Said Everything Went Completely Black

Xander Pov

I Had Nyeli Body In My Arms She Was Not Talking But Her Eyes Were Open Looking At Me I Was So Worried She's Hurt Man Fuck

"I'm So Sorry Xander" Nyeli Said Closing Her Eyes

"Eli Wake Up Girl Don't Go Come On" I Said Tooley Came In The Room

"Man What Happened To Her Come On Let's Go Now She Need A Hospital" Tooley Said I Picked Her Body She Was Heavier Then Usual She Was Getting Cold Lips Loosing Color To It

"We Gotta Hurry Up Man She's Getting Cold" I Said We Got In His Car Driving Off

4 Hours Later

We're In Her Hospital Room Now She's Asleep Tooley Had Left Out To Find Somethings To Get The Scoop On Who Did This To Nyeli My Phone Began To Ring It Was Tooley Right Now

Phone Call

What's The Word?..

Man It's Nothing Right Now I'll Keep This Shit Going Did She Wake Up?....

Fuck Man And Not She Hasn't..

Oh Well Call Let Me Know When She Does....

10'4.. We Hung Up I Laid Down To Tap Out For The Night I'm Not Leaving

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