2 Weeks Later

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Nyeli Pov

It's Been Two Weeks Since The Whole Thing With People Trying To Come And Harm Us We Haven't Heard From The Guys I Miss Xander I Barely Get Any Sleep Neli She's Getting Smarter Every Day I Know Everybody Going Through It Because Nobody Came Back To Us It's Two House Holds Out Here Where We're At We Have Some Of The Guys Get Us Food Aaron And Buck Comes With Food That We Send The Messages Of List

"Y'all I Don't Understand This Man I Miss My Husband His Touch Smell The Way He Caress My Body Y'all Somebody"Gazelle Said I Know How She Feels I Just Got Went Outside To Get In The Pool I Had To Get My Mind Off Of All The Things Going On I Lifted Up Too See Cam Walking To Get In With No Floaties

"Uhm Where Do You Think You're Going Huh Little Boy?" I Asked He Smiles Big At Me

"In The Pool With You" Cameron Said With A Missing Tooth Smile He's 5 Now

"Oh Well You Need To Go Get Some Floaties Baby Then I'll Let You Get In Okay" I Said He Nodded Going Back In The House When He Did I Let My Body Sank To The Bottom Of The Pool I Looked Up To See Some Figure That Looked Like Andy Shaped Like Him Beard And A Mustache Hair Longer Before I Couldn't Handle It I Swam Up Catching My Breath It Was A Loud Splash Then I Felt Arms On Me And I Smelled A Scent That I've Been Dying To Have In My Nose For Two Whole Weeks

"Man Nyeli What The Fuck Wrong With You Girl Huh Why You Do Some Crazy Shit That Huh Answer Me?" Xander Asked I Couldn't Open My Eyes Cause The Last Time This Happened To Me It Was A Dream

"This Is A Dream I Can't Go Through This Again Andy I Need You Back With Me" I Said Then I Felt Lips On Mine And I Knew In That Very Moment That It Was I Was Kissing Him Again I Just Loved This All

"Man Baby We Didn't Have Contact For A Reason We Had To Handle Things With Ole Girl I'll Tell You The Rest Later" Xander Said I Nodded Holding Onto Him Tight

"You Don't Understand Y'all Ain't Tell Us Anything Didn't Even Give Us A Heads Up Or Anything Like Huh" I Said By This Time He Had Walked Us Out Of The Pool I'm Still All Wrapped Around Him He Sat Down Tooley Came Out The House Looking Happy

"Yo Wassup Beautiful I Missed You" Tooley Said I Looked At Him Still Holding On To Andy I Don't Know If He'll Disappear On Me

"Hi I Miss You Too Darius I'm Sorry For Not Hopping Up To Hug You But I Can't Let My Man Meat Get Away From Me Sorry" I Said They Laughed Reeese Came Out With A Limp I Hopped Up Soo Quick

"Woo Nyeli Chill Out I'm Good" Reese Said I Pushed Him He Went Stumbling Backwards

"Yea I'm Sure You're Good Cause You Would've Been Let That Leg Hit The Ground Y'all Get On My Absolute Nerves" I Said Going To Sit Back In Xander's Lap

Xander Pov

It's Soo Good To Be Back Around My Girl Man My Mama Too She's Cooking Food For Us Now Parker On His Way Now To Grill Meat For Us

"Soo Come Talk To Me Now" Nyeli Said I Grabbed Her Going To The Basement I Opened The Door That Was In The Basement A Secret Spot Where He Used To Bring Me We Sat On The Couch In The Spot I Sighed

"Baby We Did Our Thing Had To Kill Lots Of People That Bitch My Brother Was Talking She Was A Decoy Tried To Set My Boy Up She Tried To Leave After Everybody Was Dead Had Bodies On Top Of Her But My Boy Tooley Watched Her The Whole Time We Were Going At It With Them Then We Finished He Said Let's Shoot The Bodies To See If Anybody Dead She Hopped Up But The Reason We Haven't Been Around Is Because It Was More People Looking For Us Soo We Had To Kill All Of Them Off Without Putting Y'all In Harms Way Hirjo Isn't Coming Because He's With That Chick In The Dungeon" I Said She Looks At Me I Nodded Cause I Already Knew She Wanted To Be There For Him We Left Out The Spot We Went To The Living Room Seen Ma

"Where Are Y'all About To Go Ny Got That Look In Her Eyes?" Tooley Asked She Kept Walking To The Door Going Out I Went Out Behind Her Got In My Truck

At The Spot

We Went Through The Scanner I Parked My Truck Helped Her Out I Dapped Up My Boys We Went Downstairs To The Kill Room Where Yahirjo Was He Was Just Looking At Chick Ny Walks Up Behind Him And Touch Him His Body Doesn't Flinch Or Nothing Like He Did With Us It's Crazy My Lil Brother

"Hirjo She Isn't Going Anywhere Let's Go And I Ain't Taking Noo For An Answer Either Shoot Her In The Head Or Have Somebody Else Do It For You But Noo Sir" Nyeli Said Looking At The Girl Damn We Turned My Baby Cold

"Man She Tried To Kill Us Them Niggas Said Kids And All She Just Agreed With It Like Bitch I Had You Around My Baby Girl" Yahirjo Said He Yelled Then He Emptied His Clip In Her Then Ny Grabbed His Hand We Left Out They Sat In The Back Seat Together She's Like The Big Sister He's Never Had

"Hirjo Listen To Me That Female That You Need Will Come To You But You'll Have To Work For Her It's Not Gone Be Easy You Better Ask Your Brother I Made Him Work For It Y'all Only Caught Us When I Was Being Nice To Him And I Was Flirting Back" Nyeli Said We Laughed He Nodded I Drove To My House I Gotta Find Another Spot Where Me And My Girl Can Be Alone When We Want To Be Alone

At The House

Soon As We Walked Through The Door To The House Ma Ran Up To Us Grabbing Yahirjo He Just Grabbed Hold To Her He Never Hugs Ma

"Baby I Know I'm Soo Sorry It'll Be Alright You Go Lay Down And It'll Be Food Ready" Ma Said Kissing His Forehead He Went Upstairs The Door Came Open In Came Tzapporah Fast

"Where Yahirjo Huh Is He Okay Huh?" Tzapporah Asked With The Twins In Her Arms She Put Them Down

"Uhm You Need To Calm Down Don't Act Like That Seriously" Yahirjo Said Coming Down He Went And Sat Down By Nyeli Laying His Head In Her Lap She Played In His Hair Hirjo Was Talking To Her Stomach They Laughed

"Don't Be Telling Him That Cause He's Gone Be Smart Just Because Your Brother A Lil Off Don't Mean He Will" Nyeli Said The Laughed Soo Hard Tzapporah Looks Mad

"Damn Yahirjo It's Really Like That Huh You're My Little Brother I'm Your Big Sister" Tzapporah Said He Looked Up At Her With A Confused Facial Expression

"Aye Ma Come Get Your Daughter She's In Here Bothering Me!" Yahirjo Yells Nyeli Pops Him In His Mouth He Mugs Her

"Whatever I Don't Care I'm Going Upstairs" Tzapporah Said Going Upstairs I Went Into The Kitchen With My Mom I Seen Her Crying

"What's Going On With You Ma Are You Okay Huh Talk To Me?" I Asked She Looked At Me Tears Coming Down Her Face

"Baby I Missed Y'all Daddy Baby Y'all Don't Really Come To Me Like Y'all Used To Hirjo Was My Baby Always Talking With Me And He Talked Too Damn Much But He Was My Little Friend You Stopped After Things Went Down With Your Father I Can't Believe Tzapporah Only Fucks With Me For A Babysitter You Know Nyeli Has Been The Child I've Never Had She Calls Me For Every Little Thing I Love The Days Where She Just Pops Up To The House Neli We'd Sit And Talk That Girl Has The Best Advice Anyone Could Give You've Got Yourself A Good One No A Great One She Helped With ZaZa When I First Met Her" Ma Said Crying I Hugged Her She Cried Into My Chest I Hate Seeing My Momma Like This

After Dinner

I'm Laying In Bed With My Fiancé Nobody Knows This But I'm Going To Get Down On One Knee Real Soon And Before I Get Her Pregnant Again She's The Only One That Gets Me Going I Love Her We're All Still Here In The Hideout Spot

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