Our Talk

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Xander Pov

I Woke Up In A Mood Like Everything Was Gone Change My Whole Life Around Or Like I Was Gonna Experience Something I've Never Had Experienced Before I Got Up For Some Breakfast But I Forgot Nyeli Left My Crib I Got Up Washed My Face Brushed My Teeth Put On My Clothes Grabbed My Keys Phone Leaving

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I Got Out Nyeli In A Nice Area For Her First Place I Got Outta My Car Walked Up Into The Building Took The Elevator To The 4 Floor Got Walked To Her Condo Knock On The Door Nyeli Opens The Door It Smelled So Good

"Morning Ma Wassup Y'all Boys" I Said Dapping Up Tooley & Yahirjo Parker I Ain't Seen Reese In A Minute It's Crazy

"Yo Wassup Big Bro" Yahirjo Said Smiling

"Wassup My Boy" Tooley Said I Sat Down Nyeli Came Where We Were In The Living Room I Actually Took In All Nyeli Features She Beautiful Lips They're Medium Her Beautiful Mocha Brown Skin Complexion Her Natural Hair Nyeli's Smile Is What Made Me Want Her Cause When She Smile It Changes My Whole Mood Then Her Body Oh Man It's Just Right Nyeli Don't Have A Lot Of Ass Or To Little It's Just Right Her Body Has Nice Curves Her Breast Are A C Cup I'm Just Like Damn She's Her

"Soo Anybody Talk With Reese I Ain't See Him In A Couple Of Days?" Tooley Asked I Looked Over At Him

"Nahh Man We Gotta Head Out To See What's Going With The Boy" Yahirjo Said I Sighed

"Alright Let's Head Out Now" I Said The Boys Had Food I Got Up Went To Nyeli Kitchen

"Here's Your Plate" Nyeli Said Turning Around But I Kissed Her I Had To She Heistated But Kisses Me I Put The Plate Down Caressing Her Body

"Damn This Crazy I'm Not Going With The Boys We Gotta Talk" I Said Nyeli Blush I Was Still Holding On To Her Tooley Walks In

"Listen Y'all Have That Talk I Gotta Go Check Up On Reese He's To His Ma Crib" Tooley Said I Sighed Loudly

"Don't Worry I'll Be Here When Y'all Get Back Just Be Safe Please Don't Get Hurt" Nyeli Said I Looked In Her Eyes Kissed Her

"Bro Just Stay Here We Can Handle This Don't Worry Have Y'all Conversation & Work Things Out Right Now" Tooley Said I Nodded They Left Out Her Condo We Sat In The Living Room She Looked At Me With Her Big Eyes

"Soo I Know You Probably Think I Don't Want You To Have This Baby But I Believe That You Are The Only Female Woman To Never Fall To My Feet I Don't Know It's Driving Me Crazy But That Day I Kissed You I Knew Something Was Different With You Nyeli You're Having My First Kid I Wanna Be Here For You & Our Kid I Promise I Do" I Said Nyeli Focused On Me She Sighed

"You Know Xander I've Never Had Sex Before I Was Raped But I Was Still A Virgin That Night We Had Sex Was My First Time I Don't Wanna Be The Naive Young Girl Cause I'm Far From It We're Not Going To Be Together We Can Co-Parent I Like You A Lot Xander I Really Do Of Course But I'm Pregnant It's Craxy" Nyeli Said Sighing Loudly Crazy

"I Understand Everything You're Saying To Me Right Now Us Not Being Together I Wanna Be With You I Know Everything I Told You Might Sound Like A Bunch Of Lies But I Promise I've Never Been So Serious About Anything In My Life Until Right Now Any Other Female I Would've Been Denied The Baby Cause All Most Want Is My Money But No You I Know You Don't Give A Fck About My Money Or How Good I Look You Speak Your Mind If You Were Somebody Else I Would've Been Slapped You Or Tortured You But Noo You're You" I Said Nyeli Scoots Closer To Me

Nyeli Pov

I'm On The Couch Having A Conversation With Xander I Love The Fact That He Wanna Talk It Out But It's Craxy How He Seems So Intrigued With Every Thing He Said About Me It's Cute

"Hi Why Don't I Fix Us Something To Eat While We Sit Here Waiting For Tool & Them" I Said He Nodded So Fast I Laughed

"Oh Man I Missed Your Cooking So Much I Hate Waking Up Without Eating Your Breakfast So Yess Whip It Up" Xander Said I Laughed Went To Cook Some Fish Grits With Sausage I Cut Some Tomatoes Slices Finished Up The Food Gave Him His Plate He Ate

"You Might Wanna Slow It Down That Fish Has Bones In It" I Said Xander Kept Eating

"Oh Shit Nye I Need Help A Bone Stuck In My Throat" Xander Said I Went To Get Bread Something For Him To Drink With It

"Here Eat The Bread & Drink This Juice Right Here It'll Help You" I Said He Grabs The Bread I Sat The Juice Down He Ate It Drunk Went Right Back To Eating Like Nothing Happened The Door Came Open In Comes Tooley With Reese Body In His Arms Beat Up Shaking

"Oh Hell Nahh What Happened To My Boy!?" Xander Asked Mad His Eyes Were Black

"Man You Know The Way He Still Try Helping His Ma We All Know She's On Drugs He Went There Some Niggas Jumped Him But He Shot About Six Of Them" Yahirjo Said I Looked At Him Got Up Went To Get My Kit Bandages Went Out To Them He's Shaking Bad Now

"They Shot Him Up With Heroin Give Him Some Space Please" I Said They Backed Up I Took Off His Shirt Gave Him A Shot To Settle His Heart Rate I Stitched Up His Cuts Wiped His Body Gave Him A Shot Of Morphin I Look

"Is He Straight Huh Cause He's Lost A Lot Of Blood From Earlier?" Xander Asked I Looked At Him With A Deep Concern

"He's Gonna Be In & Out Of It For A While So While Y'all Do What Y'all Have To I'm Gonna Take Care Of Him Don't Worry" I Said Tooley Hugs Me Tight Yahirjo & Xander Took To My Spare Room I Had In Here

"I'm Gonna Get You A New Set Of Couch's Ma You've Been So Much Help When You Don't Really Have To" Xander Said I Sighed

"Don't But Go Ahead Do What Y'all Have To Do I'm Pretty Sure He'll Be Out For A While" I Said They Left Out I Went To Check On Reese Tooley Told Me That He Doesn't Like Me For Xander But Thing Is I Don't Know Reese Like I Do Tooley & Hirjo A Lil Bit Ma Christiana Has Finally Got My Address She's On Her Way I Checked His Temperature I Put The Blanket On Him Kissed His Forehead Leaving Out There Was A Knock At The Door I Open The Door Ma Christiana Was At The Door With Za

"Heyy Baby How've You Been?" Ma Christiana Asked I Moved So They Could Come In

"I've Been Good I Assume Your Son Told You I'm Pregnant By Now He Was Here" I Said She Nodded Smiling At Me

"I Been Knew Y'all Were Gonna Be Together Cause It's A Connection & Spark I Had With This One Guy I Knew Way Back When" Ma Christiana Said I Was Shocked

"Oh Really Was It Xander's Dad?" I Asked She Laughed Nodding

"Noo Baby It Wasn't Him I'm Not Gonna Lie To You About Anything We Were All Friends It Was Eight Of Us His Name Was Juan But It Was Me Juan Emmanual Antoni Maria Lisa Jose Benita Friends That Grew Up Together Same Neighborhood Juan & Me Always Hung Out Everybody Were Seperate Not Us Then Juan Start To Do Things To Get Money He Got The Boys To Join Him Emmanual Was His Right Hand Antoni His Left Jose The Hitman But Juan Let Everything Go To His Head So Me & Antoni Got Together I Kicked Juan To The Back Of My Head Had Xander Three Years Later So Emmanual & Maria Got Together But We All Lost Contact Last I Heard Maria Had A Lil Girl & She Left Emmanual Got Sprung Out" Ma Christiana Said It Hurts My Feelings To Not Know Anything About My Parents My Ma Died When I Was 15 I Was Living With Jorè All My Life I Don't Know My Dad Only Thing I Have Is This Locket From Him My Picture

"Yeaa It's Craxy I've Been Living Life Nice Since I've Met Your Son & Tooley I've Always Thank Them By Helping Them In Any Way I Can I Think Of You As My Mother Figure I See How You're With Xander & Hirjo He's Such A Baby He's Like A Little Brother To Me" I Said She Nodded Smiling

"I Know Cause They're Not Use To Any Female That Don't Fall At Their Feet Cause They Always Do Why I Didn't Understand Why Xander Brought You To His House But Then I Seen You Talk Shit To Him & I Knew What Was Happening" Ma Christiana Said I Laughed

"He's Just A Friend That Turned Into My Kids Father That's All" I Said She Nodded Smiling

"Yeaa I Bet That's All Baby I'll See You Later Gotta Head Out" Ma Christiana Said Getting Up To Leave With Za We Hugged They Left I Locked The Door Went To Check On Reese

"I Hope You Get Better Cause I Felt All The Hurt Tool Xander & Hirjo Had When They Brought You In" I Said He Shakes I Got Under The Blanket With Him Holding Him Close To Give Him Heat Even Though He's Wrapped Up It's Crazy How I'm Doing Nice Things I Went To Sleep With Reese Sleep On My Chest

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