Meeting everyone

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Chapter 1

I wake up in my new house, in Woodsboro. I lived in an ok house, not so far from my new school and nice property. I just moved there, and I live with my aunt. Before that I lived with my uncle. My mom, who had passed almost a year ago left my aunt in charge of me. My mom was killed, by a crazy killer in my town. I never really liked her though. But I never knew why I didn't care, she just never wanted to hangout with Me. My dad was absent.

My aunt, who didn't really like me, was always bitching at me for no reason. She worked a  8-5  job.

Anyways I wake up in my new house and my aunt comes in my room,"y/n get your lazy ass up and out of bed you got school remember?" I look at her and get out of bed, she leaves my room. I get into the shower, I brush my teeth, brush my hair, and pick out a cute outfit for the first day.

My aunt makes me eggs and toast for breakfast. I eat it. After breakfast I grab my bag and get into her car. shes driving me to school.

I get out of the car and my aunt says "bye have a good day at school." I say "bye".

I walk into the school and go to my first class, I walk in and sit next to a guy. he starts a conversation with me.

"hey, i'm billy".

I look up from grabbing my stuff out of my bag and look at him, he's really hot I think to myself. he's looking at me, he's waiting for a response.

I say "Hi i'm y/n" I look back down at my work my teacher just handed out to everyone.

Billy says "y/n i like that name" I say "thanks" and look at him, he was already looking at me. he smiles. "are you new here? i don't recognize you." "yeah I am new here." "oh, we should be friends" I say "sure" with a greeting smile.

Him and I work together on our project. class ends and I walk to my locker. Billy's locker is just a couple feet away from mine. I'm at my locker and I see him walking towards me. he just walks to his locker. while both of us are grabbing things from each others lockers.

he starts another conversation, "Hey y/n, do you wanna hangout with me and my friends at lunch?"

he shuts his locker and I shut mine.

I say "oh, ya sure"

he smirks and says "ok, meet back here beginning of lunch?"

I say "ok" and smile.

he smirks again and says "alright, see ya".

we walk away from each other and I notice I got mad butterflies in my stomach.

Lunch comes around and I'm walking to my locker, I see him he looks up from his shoes and see's me walking towards him,

he smiles at me. he says "hey" I say the same thing back. he says "alright lets go"

I follow him to the water fountain in front of the school. I see his friends. He sits down and gestures me to sit down next to him. I sit next to him and he introduces his friends to me.

"guys this is y/n, y/n this is Sydney, Stu, Randy, and Tatum." "hey" "hi" "yo", Stu says. "hey how are you" Sydney says. I reply with "good" and smile at her.

She smiles back. shes really pretty I think to myself. We all eat our food and have many conversations. everyone's next class is starting and everyone says bye and leaves

Its after school and my aunt cant pick me up so I decide to walk home,

Tatum see's me and walks up to me and asks "hey y/n. can i walk with you" ,

I say "sure"

"so how are you liking Woodsboro so far?"

i reply with "its good" and smile at her

Stu sneaks up behind Tatum with Billy and scares Tatum. Billy walks next to me, and Stu walks next to Tatum.

Stu says "Yoo theres a party Friday night at my house 7 pm you guys will be there? make sure your there. bring snacks and drinks."

I say "ok i'll be there"

Tatum says "ok bye Stu" with a little smile on her face.

he says "ok bye baby" and gives Tatum a kiss on the cheek goodbye.

Me, Tatum and Billy are walking home, Tatum arrives to her house and says "bye guys see you tomorrow" Billy and I both say bye back. Now that Tatum is gone billy asks me "hey so uh do you wanna hangout again, like outside of school?" I look at him and say "sure"  he smiles and says "ok" I smile back.

I get home and I'm exhausted, I grab a snack to eat and walk upstairs to my room. I cant get billy out of my head for some reason. I turn on my TV to get my mind off of him. The news channel turns on. I see that there are two people on screen from my school and the news reporter is saying "these are the two people who were murdered last night. Casey Becker and Steven Orth." she explained how they died. and showed graphic pictures of them for some reason I had enough and turned off the TV. I finish my snack and have a nap.

I wake up from my aunt yelling  "y/n are you home?!"

I yell back "ya!"

she comes upstairs and says "so how was your first day?" I say "it was ok" she says "ok well your uncle is coming for dinner"

you didn't like him after what he did.

I ask "what why?!" she says "because he wants to see you again" I say "but-"

she interrupts "don't be rude y/n he's coming to have dinner with us"

I sit back on my bed frustrated. she rolls her eyes and walks out of my room with the groceries she has just bought. she makes dinner and I go down and eat. My uncle tries to start a conversation with me but then I remembered I still have bruises from him so I ignore him and quickly eat my food. I went straight back to bed after dinner and went to sleep.

This is just the first day in your new town there will be more things happening in the next chapter and i'll try to make it longer, sorry if this first part was a little boring lol

update April 23rd 2022: reading my book cuz I have nothing else to read and wondering why tf I talked like that 😭 but then again this is my first book lmaoo

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